Spanking children teaches discipline!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Oh - I thought parenting was supposed to train a child to learn how to act responsively because they loved their parents and were taught right from wrong in a positive learning environment.

yes, and if they chose to ignore the loving guidance and misbehave, they need to know that they will recieve punishment

just like when they grow up and go off on their own

tb said:
Bad me for thinking that smacking a kid was "positive reinforcement".

well, it is

it's a form of reinforcement who purpose is the positive development of the child


Power over someone else will get them to comply so that society can revel in peace. But we are not talking about Singapore. As Christians, on display for the whole world, there needs to be a better way.

Notice that there were no school shootings before it was illegal to so much as throw a wet paper bag at one's child.

There is no better way- you've been proven wrong.


New member
Jesus did not spank Peter or take a rod to him. Jesus looked at Peter and Peter wept.
Did Jesus use corporal punishment on Peter?
You are asking questions as if Peter was raised by Jesus and not by his parents, when the interactions between Jesus and Peter are not the interactions between a parent and a child.

Why should first century Jewish culture have anything at all to do with how to discipline a child?
Peter was raised by someone prior to meeting Jesus.
The people that raised Peter prior to him meeting Jesus did a good job raising him and first century Jewish culture provides clues on how Peter was disciplined as a child.


New member
Right. Because the ultimate way to parent is to stone your kid to death.
Please do tell how you get spanking a child to supposedly train them out of that passage?
From the passage, this is not about parenting, but about protecting society from sociopaths.

Deuteronomy 21:21
21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.​

If the parent will not discipline the child, then the society is forced to do so and will do it with a lot more force than a spanking.
If the parent is prevented from disciplining the child by people like you, then the society will have many more sociopaths to deal with.


New member

Back in biblical times, it was probably common to have some sort of rod-like swatter to discipline children. It's not meant to be entirely literal.

But if you think physical discipline in any sense is 'abuse', then you are partly responsible for the problem with children today. You sit there and talk about those children in group homes who have been abused, but you don't acknowledge the delinquents in those group homes who were not disciplined correctly either.

You think you are part of a solution but you are really perpetuating a problem_

I suppose that delinquents is as good a word as sociopaths, but it doesn't have quite the same weight.


like marbles on glass
From the passage, this is not about parenting, but about protecting society from sociopaths.

Deuteronomy 21:21
21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.​

If the parent will not discipline the child, then the society is forced to do so.
If the parent is prevented from disciplining the child by people like you, then the society will have many more sociopaths to deal with.

It is about parenting, because in the passage the parents willingly hand their child over for stoning.

A wayward child isn't the same thing as a sociopath. Hopefully as a parent you understand that.

But then, you have no problem with underage girls marrying, so I'm sure there's a lot more about your parenting I wouldn't agree with.


New member
Notice that there were no school shootings before it was illegal to so much as throw a wet paper bag at one's child.

There is no better way- you've been proven wrong.

School shootings are not because children were not spanked, but because they were deserted by the nurture, interest and card of their parents, and the loss of their consciences due to constant attention to violent behavior.


New member
It is about parenting, because in the passage the parents willingly hand their child over for stoning.
Some people are sociopaths despite good parenting.
Your style of "parenting" creates sociopaths.
There is a big difference.

A wayward child isn't the same thing as a sociopath. Hopefully as a parent you understand that.
Yes, a wayward child is not a sociopath and a sociopath is not a wayward child.
Your style of "parenting" creates sociopaths.

But then, you have no problem with underage girls marrying, so I'm sure there's a lot more about your parenting I wouldn't agree with.
There are thousands of years of history that proves there is no problem with people marrying when they are younger than the current arbitrary age of 18.
Your ignorance of the success of historical solutions to common situations is appalling.