ok doser
lifeguard at the cement pond
Fear of the Lord is being in awe of Him, not terror that He is going to swing His hand at your backside full force.
those who reject Him will get far worse than that
Fear of the Lord is being in awe of Him, not terror that He is going to swing His hand at your backside full force.
How is it ridiculous? I know a child that was severely physically traumatized by his bio family. Why would you spank a child who has PTSD?
those who reject Him will get far worse than that
The text is not speaking to those who reject Him, but to those who love Him and seek to learn from Him.
You're talking about a fairly rare, specific circumstance and attributing it to the entire matter of physical discipline.
in obedience?
Obedience to the Lord comes from love and gratitude, not terror and suffering. Do you obey the Lord because you are afraid He will punish you if you don't?
Obedience to the Lord comes from love and gratitude, not terror and suffering.
Why is it that we think that obedience can only be achieved by pain and fear?
2 Cor 5:11
Experiential evidence.
they're two sides of the same coin :idunno:
I am not terrified of the Lord. He is our Friend, not a terrorist. Terror does not give me the motivation to obey, but love.
Not rare at all. It is becoming very common in society. Foster care and other such type of homes and facilities are rife with children who have been physically abused. Abuse of children, even in Christian families, under the guise of "discipline" is nothing more than physical and emotional abuse. The reason these children taken out of their homes are so traumatized is because their parents label it as "discipline". Spanking a child does nothing except cause a child to believe that striking another human being is righteous. Spanking is a cultural punishment that makes people feel like they are contributing to a child's mindset and causing them to be obedient through fear and terror. It's not the right way.
You changed your post. Good. You were going to make it about me instead of staying on point. That was a weasel impulse you had for a second. Glad you thought twice.
... Judgment for the lost/unsaved...
Are you claiming that Peter was never spanked by his parents prior to meeting Jesus?Jesus just looked at Peter when he betrayed Him, and Peter wept.