Should we pay tithes to be bless and free?


New member
Originally posted by elected4ever


e4e --- Please clarify the question.:confused:

Why is the tithes doctrine placed in the church sence a latter date by the free church??

Why the doctrine was not practice throught out the churches until today??

Also who came up with the Idea that pastor and minister are to be payed out the tithes and not by the love offereings??

Who started these laws again??


New member
To answer your questions c.moore, would be speculation on my part and furthermore I don't know that I wont to know. You just have to use discernment as to a doctrine's validity. Anything that vaunts itself against Christ and the liberty wherewith all children of God are called is false doctrine.

I think the problem is that most Christians do not know who they are in Christ or who the Father has made them to be. Once a child of God knows that then the rest falls into place. If you do not know even the first principles of Christ a person may believe any wind of doctrine floating by.


New member
I would think that a person who has received salvation would know who they are in Christ. To put off the old man is to no longer trust in your abilities (works) but the work of Christ. Christians should understand that there is no profit in works of the flesh.

Ephesians 4:18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:


New member
I would think that a person who has received salvation would know who they are in Christ. To put off the old man is to no longer trust in your abilities (works) but the work of Christ. Christians should understand that there is no profit in works of the flesh.

e4e ----- Whether we like it or not we have been given a processor that processes information. The information that we receive is processed using an informational filter that has been built up from birth. The processor is organic and not spiritual but is capable of receiving spiritual information. Most of the information processed is not spiritual in nature but received through the five senses. Normally, credibility is given to information that passes certain test that have been built through life's experiences. Life's experiences dictate what is best in any situation answering the question off what is in my own self best interest.

When we first heard the message and understood the message. We had opportunity to make a decision to follow Christ. What we are told by a trusted source at that vunerable moment is critical. For example, when I first came to Jesus an older member of the Church came to me and told me not to believe those who would tell me that I could not sin because I would always sin. For forty years my joy in the Lord was destroyed because I always come up short of the perfection that I demanded of myself. I had to be perfect.

The pits and the valleys were deep and the mountaintop was high. I was unstable in all my ways because I was never in the valley or on the mountain for very long. You just never knew who you were getting on a given day. I was that way for over forty years. I have seen hundreds of Christians under this dilemma. I suggest to you that most Christians are the most miserable people on planet earth. Slaves of righteousness and never believing the righteousness that they possess. No, Christians are tought not to believe who they really are.
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New member
Originally posted by elected4ever


e4e ----- Whether we like it or not we have been given a processor that processes information. The information that we receive is processed using an informational filter that has been built up from birth. The processor is organic and not spiritual but is capable of receiving spiritual information. Most of the information processed is not spiritual in nature but received through the five senses. Normally, credibility is given to information that passes certain test that have been built through life's experiences. Life's experiences dictate what is best in any situation answering the question off what is in my own self best interest.

When we first heard the message and understood the message. We had opportunity to make a decision to follow Christ. What we are told by a trusted source at that vunerable moment is critical. For example, when I first came to Jesus an older member of the Church came to me and told me not to believe those who would tell me that I could not sin because I would always sin. For forty years my joy in the Lord was destroyed because I always come up short of the perfection that I demanded of myself. I had to be perfect.

The pits and the valleys were deep and the mountaintop was high. I was unstable in all my ways because I was never in the valley or on the mountain for very long. You just never knew who you were getting on a given day. I was that way for over forty years. I have seen hundreds of Christians under this dilemma. I suggest to you that most Christians are the most miserable people on planet earth. Slaves of righteousness and never believing the righteousness that they possess. No, Christians are tought not to believe who they really are.

Post of the month!



New member
This is an interesting topic to me. Before I became a Christian, I always suspected that some of the rules I was told about in Church (I was brought up Catholic), were not quite legit. Let me clarify. I suspected they were more religious rules as opposed to scriptural truths. When I began reading the Bible for myself as a new Christian, I learned that my suspicions were correct.

I am somewhat of an outcast in my family as a Christian. Although I go to Church, I am much more of an atypical Christian than the rest of my family. I am definitely not your ordinary mainstream Christian. My family goes with the flow of their Church where I tend to challenge and question the Church leadership when it comes to doctrine. I am probably the only member of my family who believes that as a Christian I am dead to the Law. Most of my family tithes and does this because the Church teaches that we should. Hell, my own Pastor just did a sermon on this subject the other day. I find it very interesting that he brought this subject up now that the Church just voted in a proposal to remodel the Church. A remodeling project which is gonna cost almost a million dollars! By the way, I voted "No". At any rate, I have recently communicated to my mother that to tithe is something that Old Testament people did as a requirement of the Law. I told her that I don't believe in it. You should have seen the reaction! She claimed that tithing was also talked about in the New Testament as something we should do as Christians. She wasn't stating that it was something necessary to be saved but something that we should just do. I explained to her that I wasn't saying that Christians shouldn't give money to their Church. I told her that I was just saying that for a Pastor of a Church to imply that "we should tithe" because we are Christians is wrong.

Why are so many Pastors implying this in Churches? This seems to be the crux of the matter. Tithing isn't the only Old Testament law I have seen thrown around either. Sometimes I think I was better off not going to Church.



Resident Atheist
Originally posted by SOTK
...Why are so many Pastors implying this in Churches? This seems to be the crux of the matter....
I can offer insight from when I was behind the pulpit... we were taught by the more experienced pastors that "teaching tithing" was a sure ticket to two things...

1) It winnowed out the slackers who wouldn't follow your teaching. They were then described as "resisting the will of God" or "having no roots", or some other denigrating image.

2) It guaranteed good, steady income. As a matter of fact, if you could convince your people to tithe and sign pledge cards, those were almost as good as legal contracts at most financial institutions. Banks will loan money to churches who follow stewardship programs that include tithing...

In short it's mostly about funding things the pastor and board want to do, including controlling more and more of the church members lives.


New member
Hello SOTK and others

the worst thing about tithing is how the leaders and pastor tell you that you cat be blessed , and they condemn you by saying you are a religious thief ,and have a curse with a curse, so all your prayers, givings is not blessed and you will not get nothing in return even in your giving because you haven`t took care of the first giving which is the tithes..
If you tithes has not be payed first it is better not to give at all because it has no effect whatsoever.

So what do you think about that, and that is taught and preached in the free charismatic pentecostal churches, and tv broadcast, from many ministry including the God channel and TBN and all there ministries.

To me this is very confusing because we should already be blessed because we have Jesus , and we are the righteousness already because it is through Jesus , and His mercy and blessing are on us, but to the tithes teaching this is all contridictional.

A pastor told me to just tithes and don`t even think about is it old or new testament teaching or if it is a law or not just do it with out any research because it is the devil trying to stop me and others from showing our love and being blessed, and to close the door of a curse being in our houses, and family

God Bless


New member
Originally posted by c.moore

the worst thing about tithing is how the leaders and pastor tell you that you cat be blessed , and they condemn you by saying you are a religious thief ,and have a curse with a curse, so all your prayers, givings is not blessed and you will not get nothing in return even in your giving because you haven`t took care of the first giving which is the tithes..
If you tithes has not be payed first it is better not to give at all because it has no effect whatsoever.

So what do you think about that, and that is taught and preached in the free charismatic pentecostal churches, and tv broadcast, from many ministry including the God channel and TBN and all there ministries.

To me this is very confusing because we should already be blessed because we have Jesus , and we are the righteousness already because it is through Jesus , and His mercy and blessing are on us, but to the tithes teaching this is all contridictional.

By George... I think he's got it !


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by c.moore

No it is more confussion and condemnation.:think:
Be careful c.moore, I think you're getting dangerously close to the essence of Christianity here... :angel:


New member
Originally posted by Zakath

Be careful c.moore, I think you're getting dangerously close to the essence of Christianity here... :angel:

Hopefully he will work through the confusion and discover the truth, rather than act like a big baby and quit, because he's just to lazy or stupid.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Sozo

Hopefully he will work through the confusion and discover the truth, rather than act like a big baby and quit, because he's just to lazy or stupid.
Spending your entire lifetime pounding sand will still not produce a castle, Sozo. Neither will pursuing an entity that does not exist produce the existence of that entity...

I ran across this poem again recently and thought of you...

  • As I was walking up the stair
    I met a man who wasn't there
    He wasn't there again today
    I wish, I wish he'd stay away.

    - Hugh Mearns "Psychoed"


New member
Originally posted by Zakath

Spending your entire lifetime pounding sand will still not produce a castle, Sozo. Neither will pursuing an entity that does not exist produce the existence of that entity...

I ran across this poem again recently and thought of you...

  • As I was walking up the stair
    I met a man who wasn't there
    He wasn't there again today
    I wish, I wish he'd stay away.

    - Hugh Mearns "Psychoed"

I have not pursued Him, He pursued me.

Pounding on sand will not make it disappear, and wishing will not make Him go away.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Sozo

I have not pursued Him, He pursued me.
So your invisible friends are pursuing you now...

Have you sought competent professional help yet, Sozo? :chuckle:

Pounding on sand will not make it disappear, and wishing will not make Him go away.
Exactly the point of the poem.

Have you sought competent professional help yet, Sozo? :thumb:


New member
Originally posted by Zakath

I can offer insight from when I was behind the pulpit... we were taught by the more experienced pastors that "teaching tithing" was a sure ticket to two things...

1) It winnowed out the slackers who wouldn't follow your teaching. They were then described as "resisting the will of God" or "having no roots", or some other denigrating image.

2) It guaranteed good, steady income. As a matter of fact, if you could convince your people to tithe and sign pledge cards, those were almost as good as legal contracts at most financial institutions. Banks will loan money to churches who follow stewardship programs that include tithing...

In short it's mostly about funding things the pastor and board want to do, including controlling more and more of the church members lives.

I think that is a little hard core and over exaggerating.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by c.moore

I think that is a little hard core...
I am merely relating my own experience. If you want it prettied up, go listen to Robert Tilton or Benny Hinn...

... and over exaggerating.
Actually I was being quite mild. If people really knew how many church leaders actually see the sheep, they'd never darken the door of a church again.

But, as one American showman is alleged to have said, "There's a sucker born every minute."

That's why evangelism and bringing new people into the church is so important... ;)