Should we pay tithes to be bless and free?


New member
But when a church member rebells against a leader or pastor of the church by not giving tithes is this showing no respect to your leaders??

e4e --------No paster should be followed or obeyed when he uses legalism and false guilt to extort money from his congregation. Perhaps you have the wrong paster.

When your bible teacher says you are not showing your first love by not tithing what can you say??

e4e ---- Perhaps you are showing your first live by tithing. Your own self justification by your own good works. There is nothing that will sow fear in the heart of the unlearned and misinformed believer than to be told that he is not pleasing to God. These types of people prey on the unlearned. They are no better than a Mafia strong man who uses fear to extort the populace.


New member
What I see that works is when in malachi say`s prove me it really works in tithes.

Why does it work and God shows He is true to His Word in faith?


New member
Originally posted by c.moore

What I see that works is when in malachi say`s prove me it really works in tithes.
He didn't say it to you!

Did God tell you to cross the Red Sea?

To walk around the walls of Jericho?

To build an ark?

Your mind is perverted by "Word Faith", and you need to be delivered from the demon that controls them.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Tithe or not, God blesses our giving and obedience when it is for His glory and the good of His people and the Gospel.

Thread: should we pay tithes to be blessed and free?

No, we should give, not to get, but as an act of worship (whether it is $1 or $1000).


New member
Water baptism welcomes one into the covenant community and has nothing to do with salvation.

Chrstian tithing has nothing to do with the Mosiac Covenant. "Abraham gave tithes . . . ."


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Tithe or not, God blesses our giving and obedience when it is for His glory and the good of His people and the Gospel.

Thread: should we pay tithes to be blessed and free?

No, we should give, not to get, but as an act of worship (whether it is $1 or $1000).

For a false teacher, you sure a resilient!

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with EVERY spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ"

God is not going to bless you because you give to anybody!

You may or may not be blessed by giving, but not because God sees it and responds.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Warning: sozo, do not read/respond to this post from a 'false teacher, Christ-hater, idiot, pervert, moron, etc.' You have lost your right to be heard by me with your insults.

Deuteronomy: Obedience=blessing

There is an eternal application by way of principle for all believers/unbelievers. God commends and blesses obedience and rebukes disobedience (see Jesus, post-resurrection, to the 7 churches in Rev. 2;3).

The question is if tithing is a form of obedience for NT Christians. If it is, it is not legalism under the law. If it is not, then give as you see fit.

Eph. 1:3 We are blessed with every blessing in Christ. This is not a blanket proof-text for blanket blessing regardless of what we do or do not do. There are other verses in the NT that command obedience and holiness. Christians who obey the moral law of God inherently receive blessings. Christians who are in Christ, but dabble in immorality, drugs, lust, greed, etc. will not know the intimacy and blessing of God. They may even risk their relationship with God. He disciplines those he loves (Hebrews). This can include withholding blessing ('turn over to Satan'=Paul) to win them back. The dealings of God relate to our choices to some degree.

Some would judge sozo for condoning drinking. He is stringent about certain things, but seems inconsistent. We need to avoid legalism and license in order to walk in love for God and others.

These quick thoughts are not infallible and on par with Scripture. Nor are they absurd to many people. Chill (you were not supposed to expose yourself to heresy, sozo).


New member
Originally posted by Sozo

He didn't say it to you!

Did God tell you to cross the Red Sea?

To walk around the walls of Jericho?

To build an ark?

Your mind is perverted by "Word Faith", and you need to be delivered from the demon that controls them.

But what if I did walk on dry land through the red sea and it open for me also??

Want if wall came down when i wall around them and it works??

what if I build a Ark and all the animal came in fours to the boat??

What if >I raise the dead and heal the sick and be bless in overflow and it works should I give up because some one else say`s it is not for me, specially when the bible say`s prove me??

I really don`t know any other places in the bible where God is wanting to be put to the test.

God Bless


New member
three tithes required yearly, and a fourth tithe that was required every third year they are
The Levitical Tithe Lev 27:30-33
The Festival Tithe Deut 12:17-19
A Goverment Tithe 1 Sam 8:15-18
and one tithe required every third year
The Community Tithe Deut 14:28-29


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Warning: sozo, do not read/respond to this post from a 'false teacher, Christ-hater, idiot, pervert, moron, etc.' You have lost your right to be heard by me with your insults.

Deuteronomy: Obedience=blessing

There is an eternal application by way of principle for all believers/unbelievers. God commends and blesses obedience and rebukes disobedience (see Jesus, post-resurrection, to the 7 churches in Rev. 2;3).

The question is if tithing is a form of obedience for NT Christians. If it is, it is not legalism under the law. If it is not, then give as you see fit.

Eph. 1:3 We are blessed with every blessing in Christ. This is not a blanket proof-text for blanket blessing regardless of what we do or do not do. There are other verses in the NT that command obedience and holiness. Christians who obey the moral law of God inherently receive blessings. Christians who are in Christ, but dabble in immorality, drugs, lust, greed, etc. will not know the intimacy and blessing of God. They may even risk their relationship with God. He disciplines those he loves (Hebrews). This can include withholding blessing ('turn over to Satan'=Paul) to win them back. The dealings of God relate to our choices to some degree.

Some would judge sozo for condoning drinking. He is stringent about certain things, but seems inconsistent. We need to avoid legalism and license in order to walk in love for God and others.

These quick thoughts are not infallible and on par with Scripture. Nor are they absurd to many people. Chill (you were not supposed to expose yourself to heresy, sozo).

You are ignorant beyond compare!

I have REPEATEDLY spoken against immorality. GOD wants everyone to be moral, you blithering idiot! How can you possibly be so stupid? Why do you hate Jesus with every fiber of your being? Why do you constsntly prefer to lead men like c.moore down a path of destruction? What kind of deal have you made with your father, the devil, that you would purposely lie against the truth with every word you spew?


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by c.moore

three tithes required yearly, and a fourth tithe that was required every third year they are
The Levitical Tithe Lev 27:30-33
The Festival Tithe Deut 12:17-19
A Goverment Tithe 1 Sam 8:15-18
and one tithe required every third year
The Community Tithe Deut 14:28-29
So let me get this straight...

Three annual tithes (at 10% each)...

... that's 30% of your gross income (i.e. "increase")

Then every four years there were four tithes, for 40% of your gross income.

The way I figure it, with the average U.S. taxpayer paying only 22% on their income (after deductions), the U.S. tax system is so much less taxing than God's... :chuckle:


New member
Originally posted by Zakath

So let me get this straight...

Three annual tithes (at 10% each)...

... that's 30% of your gross income (i.e. "increase")

Then every four years there were four tithes, for 40% of your gross income.

The way I figure it, with the average U.S. taxpayer paying only 22% on their income (after deductions), the U.S. tax system is so much less taxing than God's... :chuckle:

You have a good point there.:think:


New member
I have just read on a German web site about tithes that blew me away.

It even said that the law of tithes or corn house is not about giving the corn house 10% but only 1% and a tenth of the tenth, and even the tenth is not to go to a pastor or church but to the people to share among each other and to support fest with each other because of the cause of unity.

The giving and offering is alone to pay the pastor and all the bills of the church , and the teaching should be all about being a cheerful giver so you 2will see that all the bill are met and payed in full , and God will support the church giving press down and running over to give even more praise God.

this is the will of God and His principle , but God is not in the business of corning christians , or you have to pay off your blessing and buy your way out of being a thief , and a robber, and buy your way ou of being not cursed with a curse.

We must remember the mercy of God and His goodness and favor freely given to us because we are the righteousness of God and His sons and daughters.

To put a limit on a christian of giving is legalism , and the web site said the only churches mostly pressing this teaching is the free pentecostal churches.

The question I am looking for is how did this change take place to take the tithes and pay the pastor with it when it is biblical that not even the tithes was for the old temple?

Why is it a so late doctrine discovered to us???

When you do a deep research on how the tenth was payed , you will be shocked to see that the church has nothing to really do with the tithes, and when you ask spirit led leaders or pastor about the proof of tithes they don`t debate about it , they tell me just hear what the Spirit say`s , and if the Spirit doesn`t tell me to pay tithes to my church I will not be blessed , and I can`t hear or see, and ingnorant to the Holy Spirit.

God Bless


Resident Atheist
So it's not just me? I was beginning to wonder if my computer screen wasn't showing all his text or something was garbling it... :shocked:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Thanks for the scorching rebuke and name-calling sozo. I thought you had lost your touch. You give Zakath another reason to doubt Christianity, since you do not demonstrate Jesus' command to love one another. The fact that you cannot understand my comments or contextualize them does not give me the same eternal destiny as Zakath.

What does it take to get banned around here?


New member
Deuteronomy: Obedience=blessing

There is an eternal application by way of principle for all believers/unbelievers. God commends and blesses obedience and rebukes disobedience (see Jesus, post-resurrection, to the 7 churches in Rev. 2;3).

e4e ------It is true that Israel was delivered the law and was responsible for believing and practicing it. The law was delivered to Israel arbitrarily and not by the choice of Israel. The stick and carrot approach to Israel was God's method of teaching compliance with the law and was Israel specific. Through Israel God tough the world that it could not and did not meet the standards that God has set for every human being. Sense the law could not and did not save Israel but convected Israel of violation of the law. Over and over again God sought to restore Israel but Israel would not, paraphrasing Jesus' words. The keeping of the law did not save Israel. This proves that the law does not bring liberty but guilt.

Israel and the church were to be the representatives of God in the physical world. Israel failed in its mission to be the representative of God in the world. Israel failed because it tough that a person was saved by the keeping of the law and not faith in the God that gave the law.

The church has fallen into the same trap. If you are justified by law then you are obligated to keep the whole law and failure to comply with the least of the laws' requirements made you guilty of the violation of the whole law and therefore the requirement of the law has slain you because the penalty for the violation of the law is death (eternal separation from God) Physical Israel did not know God and the physical church today does not know God because she has again taken to herself the law and has become dead to God. The church looks good in the eyes of man but she has no idea that she is full of dead man's bones. Just like Israel before her. Just as physical Israel would not allow God to be her righteousness so the physical church will not allow Jesus to be her righteousness.

Jest as Israel had individual believers with in her the church has individual believers in her and God is not left without a witness and the gates of hell have not prevailed and will not prevail.

Grace through faith has always been the way of salvation from the very beginning and has not change. God has given His last word and that word is, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and though shalt be saved. He who has the Son has life and he who has not the Son has not life.

1 John 2:23 Â_Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

Do you have the Son and is He your righteousness of Do you keep the Law and deny the Son and deny the Father also? Jesus is your righteousness or you have no righteousness at all!