Should we pay tithes to be bless and free?


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Corn house?

I think you have to decide whether your concept of tithing based on OT principles (not law or legalisms) is correct. Some of your questions seem to reflect legalism (or a sincere desire to obey God's Word and leaders), rather than heart motives and love. I would support either position. As I said, tithing on an inheritance is controversial since it is not earned income (fruit of your labor). A middle position would be to give some to your church and some to other ministries. You decide, you live with it.


Well-known member
Originally posted by billwald

You all who object to tithing support the idea of giving 10% of income?

It can be how ever much I decide to give. If God puts it in my heart to fund an entire ministry, I would. If that means 50% then so be it.

It's a gift. Not a tithe. If you want to tithe, live in Isreal.


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Originally posted by drbrumley

C. Moore,

I noticed your post on "Heretics message to be saved" thread, and let me just say, these two topics that we are both a part of, comes down to the same thing. Do we follow the law? Tithing is out of the question Mr. Moore. Just like getting water baptized is out of the question. If you want to, feel free. But it's not a requirement for anything. So yes, your contribution to a church or Godly organization is a gift. It's not a requirement. AS I asked Rene, Do we still sacrifice sheep and goats?

Old Testament Jewish baptisms are out. NT believer's baptism is legit. (unless you follow Enyart's dispensations).


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Originally posted by drbrumley

Enyart's dispensations? ROFL!!!!!

Since when is it his dispensations?

Observation: There are a variety of types of dispensationalism. Many dispensationalists (I am a type) support believer's baptism and tithing. Enyart has a minority, unique view.


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I have not finished reading "The Plot". So far, some of his support is based on ?NKJV only and verses out of context.


New member
Originally posted by godrulz

Old Testament Jewish baptisms are out. NT believer's baptism is legit. (unless you follow Enyart's dispensations).

My neighbor is a Baptist who has never read anything of Enyart's. She recognizes baptism and tithing as being of the Law. She says that when people are baptized that it is a purely symbolic gesture, and in no way necessary to salvation.


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Originally posted by Crow

My neighbor is a Baptist who has never read anything of Enyart's. She recognizes baptism and tithing as being of the Law. She says that when people are baptized that it is a purely symbolic gesture, and in no way necessary to salvation.

Baptism is not salvific. Baptismal regeneration is a heresy. It is a step of obedience, discipleship, a witness, outward sign of an inward reality, etc. (ask 3rd world believers who were rejected by their families only after they were baptized).


Well-known member
Originally posted by godrulz

Baptism is not salvific. Baptismal regeneration is a heresy. It is a step of obedience, discipleship, a witness, outward sign of an inward reality, etc. (ask 3rd world believers who were rejected by their families only after they were baptized).

If you are speaking of water baptism, are you suggesting that its required, even though not a salvation issue?


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We are off topic. Water baptism does not determine if you go to heaven or hell...period. Neither does not ordinance of communion (not the Mass). This does not mean that they are not important. I would encourage people to be baptized. Only3/5 of my family is baptized right now. My mother and father are not baptized and I do not lose sleep about their salvation.

The question is if it is a biblical practice for the Church. Witnessing, Bible reading, communion, etc. are practices, but they are not linked to eternal life. Faith vs works.


Well-known member
Ahhhh, but it is.... have you not said that we must tithe?:confused:

Do you not agree tithing was a requirement for Isreal? And such, it has become a requirement for Christians in some abstract way.

Maybe I'm not understanding you so please clarify for me.


Well-known member
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Originally posted by drbrumley

Ahhhh, but it is.... have you not said that we must tithe?:confused:

Do you not agree tithing was a requirement for Isreal? And such, it has become a requirement for Christians in some abstract way.

Maybe I'm not understanding you so please clarify for me.

I do not think I said you MUST tithe. I think it is a reasonable guideline for systematic, proportionate giving. It has a slight similarity to Old Testament tithing, but is definitely not identical. Let us find applicable principles, rather than prescriptions.

Many things were a requirement for Israel that are not requirements for the Church. Many people in my church and evangelical churches gladly tithe and know the blessing of God. Many others in my church or the evangelical movement do not tithe, and are still blessed. We each must work out our principle and pattern for giving without foisting it on each other. I think NT giving does not preclude giving more than a tip. Motive is key. If I was rich I would give more than a tenth. Even if I was poor, I would give a tenth, but would not demand that of others. I would encourage something like giving 10% of net earned income, but I would not lay guilt trips. It is between the individual, God, and His Word. Some have written doctoral theses showing the tithe was modified, but not rescinded. Others see it as legalism and contrary to grace. I do not think it is as black and white as we would like to believe. I certainly have not fully worked through the issue. For me, it has been a discipline from the time I was a new believer reflecting worship, love, obedience, and practical meeting of needs. For others it is a self-righteous show of good works and legalism. I would still give even if the government did not give a tax break. Others would fail this motive test.

I am not an expert on this subject, but share only a superficial opinion.


New member
But when a church memeber rebelles against a leader or pastor of the church by not giving tithes is this showing no respect to your leaders??

When your bible tacher say`s you are not showing your first love by not titheing what can you say??

Can anyone prove to be who Mali 3 tithes were fore, and why they can be for the today church??

What is meant by a corn house and is this strickly our church we are memebers of???


How are some of your evangelist team still blessed as a thief and a robber of God??

Why would God have respect of people , and not keep to His own principles , and promises???


New member
Originally posted by c.moore

But when a church memeber rebelles against a leader or pastor of the church by not giving tithes is this showing no respect to your leaders??
It is showing respect for the truth, and sending a message to the false leaders that want to manipulate you.
When your bible tacher say`s you are not showing your first love by not titheing what can you say??
Get behind me Satan!
Can anyone prove to be who Mali 3 tithes were fore, and why they can be for the today church??
I already have. Can you read?


New member
Originally posted by c.moore

I already have. Can you read?



Who is Malachi written to?

Whom did they give to?

Are you included in the group that Malachi wrote to?

Are the leaders of your church in the same group as those who received?