Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Big Mouth Nana

New member
No Worries said:
First of all its not his thinking on the matter, it what you believe is his thinking on the matter from a book which is far from being proven as the word of God. It only says so in the bible. Old story...'bible is true because the bible says so' is not an argument.
Well one thing for sure, you will find out one of these day..then it will be to late :cry: That's what gets me about people like you who refute the bible. You don't even seem to have enough curiosity to wonder...what if it is true?
Fact is homosexuals do contribute to society beyond their sexuality. Regarding their sexuality and society, I know that if you know a gay bloke but are straight yourself then you need never short of female contacts. Of course a gay bloke is only going to set you up with his female friends if you are tolerant. Breaks down to tolerant guys get more dates. Without bringing a sociologist into it, gays could do a great service in extending my access to the gene pool if I chose to act so.

Gay men are the gene traffic cops.


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
It was a joke lovemeorhateme...ya know, like laughter, lol. I thought it was pretty funny myself. How Ya doing by the way?


I know it was a joke... I just had to make a point :devil:

I'm doing OK I suppose. Been better been worse. At times I seem to lose my faith in the power of prayer, at other times I seem to be really close to Him, and really trusting in Him. I guess one could say that I'm a bit mixed up.


New member
I will hi- jack this thread for a moment, Please forgive me *lovemeorhateme* for doing so.
I believe there is crimes worthy of death like Police officers that beat up or shoot people for no cause.
Today This guy was begging for mercy and the creep cop shot him anyway.
He was an Iraq war veteran, I believe if I am correct.
Now this is what deserves death if death is deserved.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
lovemeorhateme said:

I know it was a joke... I just had to make a point :devil:

I'm doing OK I suppose. Been better been worse. At times I seem to lose my faith in the power of prayer, at other times I seem to be really close to Him, and really trusting in Him. I guess one could say that I'm a bit mixed up.
It's called trust Him no matter what lovemeorhateme. Here is something for you that I have on my wall that I read a lot...Faith rises above knowledge and emotion. Paul said, "Your faith should not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God". Even when I give up on a situation in my heart, my faith can continue to operate. I may not have faith in me, but I have faith in God. If I get down low enough, I will believe God for things that I have never believed Him for before ~ I love you brother!!!!

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
Did you see that on the news Nana?
Hey pray for me tomorrow having surgery. :noid:
No, I didn't see it. To murder someone just out of hate is worthy of death...either in this life or they will get it in the end from God....if they don't repent :) You are having surgery??? What's up? Yes, I will definetly pray for you Sissie.


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
It's called trust Him no matter what lovemeorhateme. Here is something for you that I have on my wall that I read a lot...Faith rises above knowledge and emotion. Paul said, "Your faith should not be in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God". Even when I give up on a situation in my heart, my faith can continue to operate. I may not have faith in me, but I have faith in God. If I get down low enough, I will believe God for things that I have never believed Him for before ~ I love you brother!!!!


That is an encouragement to me :)


Well-known member
Evee said:
I will hi- jack this thread for a moment, Please forgive me *lovemeorhateme* for doing so.
I believe there is crimes worthy of death like Police officers that beat up or shoot people for no cause.
Today This guy was begging for mercy and the creep cop shot him anyway.
He was an Iraq war veteran, I believe if I am correct.
Now this is what deserves death if death is deserved.

I won't forgive you... I'm gonna come and hunt you down... :devil:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Army of One said:
As opposed to the other types of murder???
Some murders are committed by insane people who have no control over their actions, and some have even been committed through drug interaction through medications that they have taken, who also have no control over their actions. A boy murdered his grandparents, and it was discovered that he was almost totally lacking in Lithium in his body. Other murders are called crimes of passion which include hatred, jealousy and rage which I believe can be controlled. This I would agree on a death penalty. It depends on what the circumstances are.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Big Mouth Nana said:
Some murders are committed by insane people who have no control over their actions, and some have even been committed through drug interaction through medications that they have taken, who also have no control over their actions. A boy murdered his grandparents, and it was discovered that he was almost totally lacking in Lithium in his body. Other murders are called crimes of passion which include hatred, jealousy and rage which I believe can be controlled. This I would agree on a death penalty. It depends on what the circumstances are.
God made no such distinctions.

Why should we?

Big Mouth Nana

New member
The Jews and the Pharisees's basically had Jesus murdered, even though God sent Him into the world. His last words were, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. If Jesus can forgive those who didn't know what they were doing, why should a death sentence be rendered for someone in this day and age who didn't know what they were doing when they murdered someone??

No Worries

New member
In such circumstances it wouldn't be murder anyway. Its at worst manslaughter or what ever the equivalent is over the Atlantic.


TOL Subscriber
Big Mouth Nana said:
Are you saying that if someone wasn't mentally responsible for murdering someone, that they are still deserving of death???

Yes. There is no such thing as not being mentally responsible for murder. If you have a mental disability and you murder you should be put to death according to God.


TOL Subscriber
Big Mouth Nana said:
The Jews and the Pharisees's basically had Jesus murdered, even though God sent Him into the world. His last words were, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. If Jesus can forgive those who didn't know what they were doing, why should a death sentence be rendered for someone in this day and age who didn't know what they were doing when they murdered someone??

He was asking God to forgive them for murdering God! They knew they were murdering a man, but what they did not know is that they were murdering God!