Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Army of One

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Exodus 21:28 “If an ox gores a man or a woman to death, then the ox shall surely be stoned, and its flesh shall not be eaten; but the owner of the ox shall be acquitted. 29 But if the ox tended to thrust with its horn in times past, and it has been made known to his owner, and he has not kept it confined, so that it has killed a man or a woman, the ox shall be stoned and its owner also shall be put to death.

33 “And if a man opens a pit, or if a man digs a pit and does not cover it, and an ox or a donkey falls in it, 34 the owner of the pit shall make it good; he shall give money to their owner, but the dead animal shall be his.
35 “If one man’s ox hurts another’s, so that it dies, then they shall sell the live ox and divide the money from it; and the dead ox they shall also divide. 36 Or if it was known that the ox tended to thrust in time past, and its owner has not kept it confined, he shall surely pay ox for ox, and the dead animal shall be his own.
Do you think that these laws right here qualify for today :doh: ??????
I was hoping for a response from you on this, since I'm not sure whether you are supporting or mocking the idea of the laws you quoted being applied today. So I'll just go ahead and say my position.

Of course I believe those laws qualify for today. They clearly illustrate the principle Clete has beeen advocating concerning homocide by gross negligence. Do you agree?

Just Tom

New member
No Worries said:
But what is there to heal? Sociologists are coming to the conclusion that a homosexual male would have a role to play in society. It is a male presence which is not threatening to the population and makes hetero males more attentive to their partners. It can be seen as a stabilizing effect. Aggressive males tend to have daughters, less assertive males are slightly more likely to have sons and so a balance is maintained. Same can be seen with homosexuals playing a similiar role in society. They are in fact a 'calming' presence. If a girlfriend has gay friends then the male suitor has to be just as considerate to her as the gay males are otherwise he will not be seen in such a favourable light. If a girl hangs around with gay male friends watch her boyfriend become less radical.

If I meet a girl who has gay friends it tells me she has no sence of right and wrong and I rebuke her warn her and move on. I would never date a girl who liked fags...
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Big Mouth Nana

New member
Army of One said:
Of course I believe those laws qualify for today. They clearly illustrate the principle Clete has beeen advocating concerning homocide by gross negligence. Do you agree?
Explain what you mean by homocide by gross negligence, and I will get back to this tomorrow. Sounds like a fancy term for exterminating homo's.

Army of One

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Explain what you mean by homocide by gross negligence, and I will get back to this tomorrow. Sounds like a fancy term for exterminating homo's.
It has nothing to do with homos. Read the verses you quoted. It's clear as day. Plus, Clete gave an example or two.

Army of One

New member
Gross Negligence: This phrase applies to misconduct that exceeds ordinary negligence, although most courts do not require proof of willfulness or wantonness. Gross negligence—in most states—can result from multiple acts of ordinary negligence.
Intentional failure to perform a duty, reckless disregard of the consequences as affecting the life or property of another

Just Tom

New member
No Worries said:
This is more 'James Hartline' evil telling people they are sinful for the way they just are. A murderer is evil because he chooses to do an act. Homosexuality doesn't come from an act but from a desire. When a murderer desires to kill it is called psychotic. Its not something he chooses, he is psychotic. You don't convict a psychotic because of his condition you convict because he acts on his condition and this act is harmful. I am heterosexual so when I act on my condition I am not arrested because my act does not harm anyone i.e. going on a date, sleeping with a woman. Likewise when a homosexual acts on his condition it too does not harm anyone i.e. going on a date, sleeping with a man. If I choose to harm somebody because of my condition i.e. rape then I am convicted and righly so. If a gay man harms someone by acting on his condition i.e. rape then he too should be convicted.

Being gay should not be considered a crime nor a sin.

I am 'gay' because I oppose homosexuality and those who oppose homosexuality are conflicted. If they oppose it not because they are conflicted but for any other reason then they are bigots..

So basicly no one can oppose homos right? In fact there is not one reason on God's green earth to think that homosexuality is inherantly wrong for any reason is there? You see this is why I oppose homos they are sociopaths and their supposed straight supporters are even worse than them. Logic and reason and evidence mean nothing..

Former homos are really conflicted and in denial. That is what is know as internalized homophobia right. and the evidence for internalized homophobia is the fact that persons don't want to be homosexual and the reason they don't want to be homosexual is internalized homophobia. Every argument that a homo or their supporters give is inherantly circular. They can't give an argument or explain anything with out blaming society. Why? well it seems simple to me that it was their lack of socialization and the psychological isolation that created their homo tendency. So blaming society take the focus off of them. When everything that a 'closeted heterosexual' does shows that homosexuality is naturally unwanted and can be explained by the persons own conscience knowing it is wrong and wanting to rid themselves of this infection. So from the homos and their supporters position it is because of society that the closeted person struggles to rid themselves of this infection. They can not explain any of the behaviors without blaming society. That is sociopathic. And natural for persons who engage in a socially devaint behavior.
They deny the closeted heterosexual the right to any natural psychological behaviors nessasary to rid themselves of this infection. Thus as you can see by all the posts of NW the person is forced to be a homo, that according to NW is the only way to happiness. Now she/he or it will say that I take this position because of some conflict that I have and fear of being either a homo or being labeled a homo. But why would I be openly homophobic if I know that the propoganda machine of the homosexuals has convinced the masses and the ignorant that being homophobic really means that I am a closeted struggling homo? It runs counter intuative.. Is there a more sinister spritual reason for this propoganda.. Well of course there is..

Since it is documented that 'closeted' heteros struggle with the created disorder of homosexual tendency. It figures that we should help them and do everything possible to create an environment where they can be free of fear and prejudice. There is only one way to do that. So we must all be openly homophobic and wear it on our sleeves with pride. We must exort those whom have been infected with this virus to come out and embrace their homophobia and not hide it. For we know that it dosen't mean that you are really 'gay'. Let us help bear your burden as we come up along side you in Christain love to exhort you to not be afraid to be homophobic. To not listen to those like NW who say you are born this way.

NW your playbook is so tired it is pathetic you have no explanation for any of the psycholocial maladies that are specific to homos and their sub culture but blame society.

How do you explain the second adolesents? With out blaming society.
How do you explain the hetero and homo self image? With out blaming society.
How do you explain former homos? with out blaming society..

You can't.. We are to take the word of the homos as gospel for they are the enlightened ones.. LOL


New member
Hall of Fame
Just Tom said:
If I meet a girl who has gay friends it tells me she has no sence of right and wrong and I rebuke her warn her and move on. I would never date a girl who liked fags...



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Big Mouth Nana said:
I feel an unexpected dizzy spell coming on. Where do you live :rotfl: ?
I actually laughed at this! Funny! :chuckle:

Do you think that these laws right here qualify for today :doh: ??????
The imagery is antiquated but the principles are moral and righteous and therefore timeless. I don't really see how anyone could say they don't apply today. All they say is basically that you are responsible for the consequences of you own action or inaction including apathy, laziness, or negligence. Even the new testament teaches that if you know the good you aught to do and do not do it, you sin. These laws only take that same principle and apply it to when the consequences turn out to be more than mere sins but rise to the level of crimes. What's there to disagree with?

Resting in Him,

No Worries

New member
Just Tom said:
If I meet a girl who has gay friends it tells me she has no sence of right and wrong and I rebuke her warn her and move on. I would never date a girl who liked fags...

And thus I get the girl and you go dateless. Tolerance is strengthened in the gene pool which makes for a better society. Go Homo power! :thumb:

On Fire

New member
No Worries said:
And thus I get the girl and you go dateless. Tolerance is strengthened in the gene pool which makes for a better society. Go Homo power! :thumb:
And as a bonus, your date with questionable moral standards, will probably agree to have sex with you on the first date! :loser:

No Worries

New member
Just Tom said:
How do you explain the second adolesents? With out blaming society.
How do you explain the hetero and homo self image? With out blaming society.
How do you explain former homos? with out blaming society..

You can't.. We are to take the word of the homos as gospel for they are the enlightened ones.. LOL

By second adolescent do you mean somebody coming out of the closet? They finally come out and become their true selves. Like being born again.

Hetero and homo self image? As in the conflict they experience? Somebody is telling them it is bad (you) yet they know it is ok. Society has actually moved on and is responsible for them coming out. I'm not blaming society I'm congratulating it for liberating a generation.

How do I explain former homos? People in denial. They are still homosexual, they just suppress their urges because they believe it to be shameful or wrong. The links I provided earlier argued that former homosexuals tend to be overexaggerated. When they undergo treatment it often consolidates the fact that they are gay and then they come to terms with it.

On Fire

New member
No Worries said:
By second adolescent do you mean somebody coming out of the closet? They finally come out and become their true selves. Like being born again.

Hetero and homo self image? As in the conflict they experience? Somebody is telling them it is bad (you) yet they know it is ok. Society has actually moved on and is responsible for them coming out. I'm not blaming society I'm congratulating it for liberating a generation.

How do I explain former homos? People in denial. They are still homosexual, they just suppress their urges because they believe it to be shameful or wrong. The links I provided earlier argued that former homosexuals tend to be overexaggerated. When they undergo treatment it often consolidates the fact that they are gay and then they come to terms with it.

No Worries

New member
On Fire said:
And as a bonus, your date with questionable moral standards, will probably agree to have sex with you on the first date! :loser:

On the contrary nice girls tend to hang out with gay blokes. They have much of the male companionship already and so can afford to be choosey when it comes to a mate.

If you're after first date sex pick the girl that hangs around with a large group of other girls. She's more likely to put out. But thats never been my thing. Honest :angel:


New member
Hall of Fame
On Fire said:
And as a bonus, your date with questionable moral standards, will probably agree to have sex with you on the first date! :loser:


Perish the thought--someone out there might be having a good time!

No Worries

New member
On Fire said:
How about you continue to wallow in your bed of lies? Blindfold on! Earplugs - check! Commonsense - off! You're good to go!

Commonsense is what I believe in. I've been told here that it is unchristian to use one's own morallity, to not think but just do as it is written. If you want to ignore the fact that most homosexuals are decent law abiding citizens who contribute to society just like anyone else then wallow away.