Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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No Worries

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CRASH said:

So are guys who like sheep "born that way?"

And why do we have people who are FORMER homosexuals?

Black people are "born that way" and I've never met a former black guy.

Jeezzzzz.... THINK!

I've never met a former homosexual either. Only people who don't follow a homosexual life anymore. Take Justtom for example. Still heavily in conflict and not at all healthy for it. The homosexual conflict in him is still alive and well.

Beastiality and homosexuality are not the same thing. You try and lump them together as you do with paedophilia and homosexuality but it just isn't the same there either.

Show me a former homosexual and I will show you someone in conflict, who if he tells the truth still likes men. Still homosexual. I am not homosexual because I don't sleep with men, I'm not homosexual because I don't find men sexually attractive.


TOL Subscriber
No Worries said:
I've never met a former homosexual either.

Beastiality and homosexuality are not the same thing. You try and lump them together as you do with paedophilia and homosexuality but it just isn't the same there either.

Former Homos Here

They are all sexual perversions. They are not born that way.

No Worries

New member
The debate is still open but the argument that there is a conscious choice has fallen away. Even if it is something that occurs in infancy then it is still not a conscious choice and so people are effectively born that way. Aversion therapy is shown to be propaganderous and harmful. Its just not a good thing to do...its effectively another name for torture. Gay is not something one chooses.

No Worries

New member
CRASH said:
Former Homos Here

They are all sexual perversions. They are not born that way.

This is more 'James Hartline' evil telling people they are sinful for the way they just are. A murderer is evil because he chooses to do an act. Homosexuality doesn't come from an act but from a desire. When a murderer desires to kill it is called psychotic. Its not something he chooses, he is psychotic. You don't convict a psychotic because of his condition you convict because he acts on his condition and this act is harmful. I am heterosexual so when I act on my condition I am not arrested because my act does not harm anyone i.e. going on a date, sleeping with a woman. Likewise when a homosexual acts on his condition it too does not harm anyone i.e. going on a date, sleeping with a man. If I choose to harm somebody because of my condition i.e. rape then I am convicted and righly so. If a gay man harms someone by acting on his condition i.e. rape then he too should be convicted.

Being gay should not be considered a crime nor a sin.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
No Worries said:
The debate is still open but the argument that there is a conscious choice has fallen away. Even if it is something that occurs in infancy then it is still not a conscious choice and so people are effectively born that way. Aversion therapy is shown to be propaganderous and harmful. Its just not a good thing to do...its effectively another name for torture. Gay is not something one chooses.
If anyone has noticed, a lot of gay men are on the effeminate looking side, even with the same mannerisms as women...thus the term limp wristed. I have always believed that it was a hormone imbalance in the womb. A lot of lesbians look 'butch", therefore hormone imbalance also.
I have read articles on homosexuality, and a lot of them were either abused as children...molested, or made fun of when they were children...low self esteem which can do horrendous things to the mind. Also, I thought that this was interesting when I read it, plus I had a friend who was married, but divorced and turned lesbian later. The article and my friend both stated that women treat women on how they want to be treated....gentler nature unlike men who can be brute beasts, lol. That can also come from a father who was abusive to the mother and the small child, so they gravitate to the same sex. It made sense to me.

No Worries

New member
And once the subconscious choice is made, whether in or out of the womb, then that person's life is puton a track but it is a subconscious choice. Take the stance that homosexuality is sin and its saying that those people were born to go to hell. If people believe that then nice faith system people.

You can't choose what you like.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
No Worries said:
And once the subconscious choice is made, whether in or out of the womb, then that person's life is puton a track but it is a subconscious choice. Take the stance that homosexuality is sin and its saying that those people were born to go to hell. If people believe that then nice faith system people.

You can't choose what you like.
But our faith shows a God that can heal and deliver, and has delivered homosexuals before . I don't believe that God predestinated people to go to hell. He gave us all a freewill. Homosexuals deep down know that what they are doing isn't normal, but they can't help themselves and make excuses for living that way. They are not only bound in the flesh, but the mind. God is bigger then homosexuality!!!

No Worries

New member
But what is there to heal? Sociologists are coming to the conclusion that a homosexual male would have a role to play in society. It is a male presence which is not threatening to the population and makes hetero males more attentive to their partners. It can be seen as a stabilizing effect. Aggressive males tend to have daughters, less assertive males are slightly more likely to have sons and so a balance is maintained. Same can be seen with homosexuals playing a similiar role in society. They are in fact a 'calming' presence. If a girlfriend has gay friends then the male suitor has to be just as considerate to her as the gay males are otherwise he will not be seen in such a favourable light. If a girl hangs around with gay male friends watch her boyfriend become less radical.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
No Worries said:
But what is there to heal? Sociologists are coming to the conclusion that a homosexual male would have a role to play in society. It is a male presence which is not threatening to the population and makes hetero males more attentive to their partners. It can be seen as a stabilizing effect. Aggressive males tend to have daughters, less assertive males are slightly more likely to have sons and so a balance is maintained. Same can be seen with homosexuals playing a similiar role in society. They are in fact a 'calming' presence. If a girlfriend has gay friends then the male suitor has to be just as considerate to her as the gay males are otherwise he will not be seen in such a favourable light. If a girl hangs around with gay male friends watch her boyfriend become less radical.
This is all pure unadulterated :pureX: Sometimes I think that these Sociologists and counselors are just as reprobated as the homosexual. They definitly can't be a follower of Christ, and believe that the homosexual has a role to play in society, so therefore I take their assessment and throw it in the round file (garbage can).
Everyone has an opinion, and that is fine, but opinions aren't worth a lot to God. His thinking on the matter is this...1st Cor 1:19 ~ For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.


New member
Now I have a theory and believe it to possibly correct.
I believe when a child is small, a demon attaches it self.
I believe there is demon of homosexuality.
and takes nothing short of denouncing and deliverances and denounce again.
This is a sin not a crime and I believe God can and will deliver if one wants it. Homosexuality is a sin not a crime.
We should not give homosexuals the death penalty.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Evee said:
Now I have a theory and believe it to possibly correct.
I believe when a child is small, a demon attaches it self.
I believe there is demon of homosexuality.
and takes nothing short of denouncing and deliverances and denounce again.
This is a sin not a crime and I believe God can and will deliver if one wants it. Homosexuality is a sin not a crime.
We should not give homosexuals the death penalty.
:wave: Hi Sissie. I believe also that homosexuality is a demon spirit. Recall this in the Word....Matt 17:17-21 ~ Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me.
18 And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.
19 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?
20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

No Worries

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
This is all pure unadulterated :pureX: Sometimes I think that these Sociologists and counselors are just as reprobated as the homosexual. They definitly can't be a follower of Christ, and believe that the homosexual has a role to play in society, so therefore I take their assessment and throw it in the round file (garbage can).
Everyone has an opinion, and that is fine, but opinions aren't worth a lot to God. His thinking on the matter is this...1st Cor 1:19 ~ For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

First of all its not his thinking on the matter, it what you believe is his thinking on the matter from a book which is far from being proven as the word of God. It only says so in the bible. Old story...'bible is true because the bible says so' is not an argument.

Fact is homosexuals do contribute to society beyond their sexuality. Regarding their sexuality and society, I know that if you know a gay bloke but are straight yourself then you need never short of female contacts. Of course a gay bloke is only going to set you up with his female friends if you are tolerant. Breaks down to tolerant guys get more dates. Without bringing a sociologist into it, gays could do a great service in extending my access to the gene pool if I chose to act so.

Gay men are the gene traffic cops.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
lovemeorhateme said:
Erm... excuse me... but that 'Queen' happens to be the Queen of my country :rolleyes:
It was a joke lovemeorhateme...ya know, like laughter, lol. I thought it was pretty funny myself. How Ya doing by the way?


New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
:wave: Hi Sissie. I believe also that homosexuality is a demon spirit. Recall this in the Word....Matt 17:17-21 ~ Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me.
18 And Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.
19 Then came the disciples to Jesus apart, and said, Why could not we cast him out?
20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.
21 Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.
:wave: Hi good to see you today.. Sounds as if this must be true.
I wonder what others may think of this?
You and I believe it, so Prayer for a deliverance.
It is No Crime but it is a sin.