Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Just Tom said:
So if a homo hit on one of these conflicted persons and they got their lights punched out it would be the conflicted persons fault?

NO it would be the homos fault now wouldn't it!! Ah but there in lies the rub..Homos can control themselves can they. So when they do such wicked things and get the due reward for their perversion they claim victim status..

Why can't the conflicted person just say "no thank you?"

what if a woman tries to pick up a man with clear intent for intercourse before marriage? Is a man justified in punching the woman's lights out for her wickedness?

No Worries

New member
Tom in the case of a conflicted man punching someone because he gets chatted up by a bloke...the conflicted is wrong.

Why do I get the impression we're not talking about hypothetics here?


Well-known member
satalien said:
Why can't the conflicted person just say "no thank you?"

what if a woman tries to pick up a man with clear intent for intercourse before marriage? Is a man justified in punching the woman's lights out for her wickedness?
God never commanded punching out people for intercourse before marriage.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
GuySmiley said:
In you list, you didn't put 'murder' in bold. But it is in the same list. Do you believe we ought to judge murderers? If yes, then why not homos? If no, then you are too weird to talk to. By the way, aren't you judging people when you say they are "having a nice delusion"? Aren't you judging others in saying that they shouldn't judge?

This sounds pretty judgemental!! Careful.
First of all GuySmiley, if you had read Just Toms's posts, have a nice delusion is his saying, not mine. I was just adding the emphasis for him. It is amazing that some people have a hard time rationalzing and understanding scripture that is so plain. That isn't judging, it's the truth. All of those sins in that scripture listing are SINS that are punishable by DEATH. Have you ever felt ill will against anyone, hated anyone, talked about someone in a not to nice way (gossiped)? Those sins are punishable by death according to God. The only difference now is, when we as Christians do those things, and we feel guilty about them, we repent and are forgiven.

Therefore, I feel pretty comfortable when judging homos.
I don't, because before we were saved, we were considered just as lost and sinful as them. God doesn't hate the homo, He hates the sin. That is why He sent Jesus because he loved the world.They have just as much chance at salvation as we did. If they don't take advantage of that free gift.......HELL. They have been judged already, but God can reverse His decision when they repent and accept Jesus, and never commit another homosexual act.

Where were people commanded by God to put to death the heartless, loveless, and merciless? Don't show me where they deserved death, where was it demanded by God?
Back at ya. Where does it say in the NT that homosexuals are commanded to be put to death?? It doesn't say that anywhere, but God stated that they shall not inherit the kingdon of God, and they are deserving of death in all sins.

Is your salvation dependent on you loving the lost, or the position in which you sit? I'm not arguing that loving the lost is bad, but I think your view of salvation is skewed. Actually I doubt you believe what you said.
I would say YES, that my salvation is dependant on it. How can you not love the lost and say that you love God? God is love. God sent Jesus because He loved us. We were all headed toward hell....and we were lost. My view of salvation is this, and from God's own mouth...John 3:16 ~ For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish; but have everlasting life. That includes homo's.
I never say anything that I don't believe.
I believe that some people like to keep their little sins. It gives them feewill to hate and hate others.


New member
We are supposed to follow the law of our government, the government don't believe homosexuals should be excuted.
What are we suppossed to do take the law in our own hands like a bunch of uncivilized cavemen?


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
That isn't judging, it's the truth.
So you wouldn't mind calling someone a homo if they truly are a homo.

I don't, because before we were saved, we were considered just as lost and sinful as them. God doesn't hate the homo, He hates the sin. That is why He sent Jesus because he loved the world.They have just as much chance at salvation as we did. If they don't take advantage of that free gift.......HELL. They have been judged already, but God can reverse His decision when they repent and accept Jesus, and never commit another homosexual act.
Thats all true, but we aren't talking about salvation here. Should homosexuality be a crime? You could say all the same stuff above and replace it with murder and it'd all be true. But would you argue that murder should not be a crime?

Back at ya. Where does it say in the NT that homosexuals are commanded to be put to death??
This could be like tennis, it doesn't, but it also doesn't demand that murderers be put to death. So would you argue that we should just love murderers and hope they see the error of their ways? Lets just abolish our criminal justice system altogether.

I would say YES, that my salvation is dependant on it. How can you not love the lost and say that you love God? God is love.
Do you always without fail love the lost? I don't. I try to, but sometimes I get really sick of them. I'm not perfect. Do I lose my salvation everytime I lose patience with an atheist here on TOL? You don't always love the lost either, regardless of how you answer. But you still think your salvation is dependant on loving the lost?

God sent Jesus because He loved us. We were all headed toward hell....and we were lost. My view of salvation is this, and from God's own mouth...John 3:16 ~ For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish; but have everlasting life. That includes homo's.
Where in there was the part about 'whosoever believeth in Him and loves the lost, should not perish' . . . I don't see it.

I never say anything that I don't believe.
I don't on purpose either, but I still don't think you believe that loving the lost is required for salvation. Otherwise, you better hope you don't slip when some atheist really makes you mad. Maybe you don't get mad either.

I believe that some people like to keep their little sins. It gives them feewill to hate and hate others.
I do too. But with the Holy Spirit living in us, we ought to bear the fruit of the Spirit. But I don't think any of us does that perfectly, which is why I am SOOOO glad that salvation is not dependant on loving the lost! I haven't learned to constantly walk in perfect love.


Well-known member
Evee said:
We are supposed to follow the law of our government, the government don't believe homosexuals should be excuted.
What are we suppossed to do take the law in our own hands like a bunch of uncivilized cavemen?
In Germany, the government believed that Jews should be exterminated. Not everything a government does is right by definition. And NO! We don't take the law into our own hands like cavemen. We take it into our own hands like the modern humans we are!! No just kidding. No we do not act like vigilantes, we take reasonable action to try to change our government to follow righteous laws. We vote, we write letters, etc.


New member
GuySmiley said:
In Germany, the government believed that Jews should be exterminated. Not everything a government does is right by definition. And NO! We don't take the law into our own hands like cavemen. We take it into our own hands like the modern humans we are!! No just kidding. No we do not act like vigilantes, we take reasonable action to try to change our government to follow righteous laws. We vote, we write letters, etc.
Ok I see your point.
I could say death penalty for child abusers, but two consenting same sex adults is this a good reason to put them to death?
How should we do it Firing line Electric chair hang them with a rope till they are dead or lethal injection?
If we put the homosexuals to death then we have to go after the adulters fornicators dope peddlers and addicts.
That sure would cut down the population.
I think anyone that sexually abuses a child or beastality and drug traffickers deserve to have their day in court and then a speedy death.


Evee said:
Ok I see your point.
I could say death penalty for child abusers, but two consenting same sex adults is this a good reason to put them to death?

Well both child abusers and homos are perverts so........

Evee said:
How should we do it Firing line Electric chair hang them with a rope till they are dead or lethal injection?

It should be televised too.

Evee said:
If we put the homosexuals to death then we have to go after the adulters fornicators dope peddlers and addicts.

That wouldnt hurt my feelings.

Evee said:
That sure would cut down the population.

Yeah the population of thugs, perverts, and criminals...oh yeah and not to mention their aborted babies and their illegitimate children. And it would cut down the extra marital affairs, overall illegal drug use, and the children would be a lot more safe.

Evee said:
I think anyone that sexually abuses a child or beastality and drug traffickers deserve to have their day in court and then a speedy death.

I agree. :thumb:


Big Mouth Nana--

Where in the bible do you find that we as Christians should not judge?

Have you been hanging out with Hillary Clinton?

Jesus taught for us to judge with righteous judgement. Someday we will judge with Him.

Are you prepared to do that?

Just Tom

New member
No Worries said:
Tom in the case of a conflicted man punching someone because he gets chatted up by a bloke...the conflicted is wrong.

Why do I get the impression we're not talking about hypothetics here?

Well isn't that interesting...

Since the conflicted in this hypothetical is a homo by your standards and wouldn't he be justified since he is afraid of being outed, You know because of society and how it looks down on homos. If that was his reasoning then I am sure you can justify his fear and confusion right.. He just needs to come to grips with the fact that homos find him attractive they see something that they lack in him and they want to pocess it. He should be flatered right. We need more education and acceptance of homosexuals in our schools.

He is not wrong, the homo is wrong and gets what they deserve a good punch in the teeth. If I am correct and that homosexuality is naturally unwanted and thus naturally resisted then defending ones self from a sexual advance of a pervert is not wrong or immoral. I am not talking about beating the poor fag to death but a good one up side the head. Homos have always claimed that those who beat them up are really just closeted homos. Well then, that proves my point that the heterosexual v homosexual self image is battleing it out. Lets do everything we can to help the heterosexual self image win... GO team !!

Now one of you mentioned if a woman comes on to a guy should he do the same to her. Why of course not you can't compare apples to oranges.. One is natural sexual attraction the other is a wicked perverse abomination. The girl is just a slut though I am sure she wouldn't think of herself that way.


Just Tom said:
Now one of you mentioned if a woman comes on to a guy should he do the same to her. Why of course not you can't compare apples to oranges.. One is natural sexual attraction the other is a wicked perverse abomination. The girl is just a slut though I am sure she wouldn't think of herself that way.

:chuckle: :thumb:

Big Mouth Nana

New member
GuySmiley said:
So you wouldn't mind calling someone a homo if they truly are a homo.
I wouldn't put it in exactly those terms, lol. I personally believe in showing the Christ in me first. I have dealt with homosexuals before, and have worked with them. You can attract more flies with honey then vinegar. I let people that I am around know that I am a Christian, even the homo's. I think that it is better to form the friendship first, and then ease into the fact of what the bible states regarding their lifestyle. If you jump right in and say, hey fag, your going to hell, they will lose interest real quick :D I don't want to be rude, but let the love of Christ show through me if at all possible. If when you are talking to these people, if you can keep in mind a picture of them screaming in torment in an eternal hell, the love will manifest, especially if you have become friends with them. I find their lifestyle repulsive, but the bondage a real heart breaker.

Thats all true, but we aren't talking about salvation here. Should homosexuality be a crime? You could say all the same stuff above and replace it with murder and it'd all be true. But would you argue that murder should not be a crime?
I don't see homosexuality as a crime, but a sin of the flesh. Murder I see as a crime as you are taking someone elses life. I know that some would argue that homo's are killing "straights" off with aides, but that isn't true. The straights are getting it because they can't keep their butts in one bed, and have had usually more then one sexual encounter. It's a chain reaction that has taken place.

This could be like tennis, it doesn't, but it also doesn't demand that murderers be put to death. So would you argue that we should just love murderers and hope they see the error of their ways? Lets just abolish our criminal justice system altogether.
Heavens no, we need the criminal justice system. God said to obey the laws of the land, so apparently it was His idea that we have laws to obey. Murderers would take supernatural love, and I have never encountered a murderer to see if I could love them. I know that I am in total shock when I hear of someone murdering their wife and kids. I pray that murderers see the error of their ways and repent!!
I just watched a program a few months ago where this man murdered this Christian woman's son. He went to prison, and this woman wanted his death in the worst way. She said that she could honestly say that she hated him in the beginning, and it was making her sick. She said that she told God, I can't live with this hate, so I'm going to turn this hate over to you so I can be healed emotionally and Spiritually. She stepped out in faith and started writing to this murderer, and then started visiting him. To show the mercy and love of God, this man was saved through this woman's, it isn't an impossibility to love a murderer.

Do you always without fail love the lost? I don't. I try to, but sometimes I get really sick of them. I'm not perfect. Do I lose my salvation everytime I lose patience with an atheist here on TOL? You don't always love the lost either, regardless of how you answer. But you still think your salvation is dependant on loving the lost?
Not always. I believe that God will have people cross your path in life that He will give you a burden for, and love manifests. I have a burden for the homosexuals, and they need a lot of prayer. I think that if we aren't witnessing to people like homosexuals, then we as Christians aren't doing our jobs that we were put here for...James 5:19-20 ~ Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;
20 Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
Yes, I do believe that our salvation is dependent on loving the lost because God loves the lost which we were. Most people who say that they love God don't. Matt 5:43-48 ~ Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 46 For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?
47 And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?
48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
Matt 22:37-39 ~ Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself....what if your neighbour is a homosexual??? Some of my neighbours are heathen, lol, and two homo's live two doors away.

I don't on purpose either, but I still don't think you believe that loving the lost is required for salvation. Otherwise, you better hope you don't slip when some atheist really makes you mad. Maybe you don't get mad either.
Oh, I have slipped. Thank God for repentence!!! Clete has made me angry more then once, lol.

I do too. But with the Holy Spirit living in us, we ought to bear the fruit of the Spirit. But I don't think any of us does that perfectly, which is why I am SOOOO glad that salvation is not dependant on loving the lost! I haven't learned to constantly walk in perfect love.
None of us are walking in perfect love, even though Gods says to be ye perfect as I am perfect. We should all have that target in mind though.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Shalom said:
Big Mouth Nana--

Where in the bible do you find that we as Christians should not judge?

Have you been hanging out with Hillary Clinton?

Jesus taught for us to judge with righteous judgement. Someday we will judge with Him.

Are you prepared to do that?
Luke 6:35 -37 ~ But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
37 JUDGE NOT, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. 1st Cor 4:5 ~ Therefore JUDGE NOTHING before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
Yes, we will judge with Him in heaven, but we are not to judge while on this earth.


New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Luke 6:35 -37 ~ But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
37 JUDGE NOT, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. 1st Cor 4:5 ~ Therefore JUDGE NOTHING before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
Yes, we will judge with Him in heaven, but we are not to judge while on this earth.

So, for example, the good Christian could not make the statement "Ted Bundy did evil?" or even worse, "Ted Bundy was evil?"

No Worries

New member
lovemeorhateme said:
JustTom... do you ever answer a question with the YES or NO answer that it requires?

Thankyou...justtom if you ignore this we're all going to just assume 'Yes' ok. Have you, or have you ever had, this 'disorder' where the 'heterosexual self' is in conflict?

YES or NO please.
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TOL Subscriber
Big Mouth Nana said:
Luke 6:35 -37 ~ But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.
36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
37 JUDGE NOT, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. 1st Cor 4:5 ~ Therefore JUDGE NOTHING before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God.
Yes, we will judge with Him in heaven, but we are not to judge while on this earth.

Hmmm... you might want to consider all of the biblical material on the matter.


New member
From the Old to the New Testament, the only crime that consistently merited the death penalty was and is murder.

Just Tom

New member
Why is it relevant? it isn't is it.. IF you can refute my logic or my arguments do so but wether the answers is yes or no is irrelvant as I have said before.

You guy are really obssesing about this do you have issues with it.. You know that one of the symptoms of the mentall illness of homosexuality is that they think everyone is Gay. It is part of the grandioseness that is characteristic of a regressiveness disorder but it can be explianed away because of a homophobic society.. Now would you stick to the topic should homos be given the death penalty. YES. :comeout: