Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Quote Tom
It is because of this social dynamic that the guy walked into the fag bar in Mass the other day and killed a few fags. He had no other way to deal with his conflict in a society that accepts what homos have to say as true.

Surely you are not justifying his action.
The bad thing too is he is laying up in a hospital with a couple bullets in his head.
Abortion is wrong also but we have no right to blow up the clinic.
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Big Mouth Nana

New member
Just Tom said:
You are so ignorant about what you are ranting about that is is pointless to even reply to you.
Oh, was it the "Clete groupie" comment that got to you?
It is loving to discipline your children.
Yes, but how many people do you know that are executing their children for sinning?
God gave us moral laws to follow and to impose on ourselves and others, "Love your neighbor as yourself" because he LOVES us and wants what is best for all of us.
So, since we are told to love our neighbor as ourselves, then if my neighbor is a homosexual (which they really are), then I love him or her also. Thanks for that clarification :idea:

You reject his council in favor of your feelings.

Have a nice Delusion...
I accept his council..NEW COVENANT council. Get out of Leviticus Just Tom. Jesus came already to get the lost saved, not execute them. Those who reject Christ will have their day in hell.


New member
No Worries said:
True - I do say that

One looks at the motives. Is it in the best interests of the other people or of the person committing the act?
Does the act harm others? Is it selfish and destructive or giving and constructive? We all have an understanding of morality outside of the bible....some just like to ignore it because its easier to say what the bible tells you to say. It is outdated because many of the things it teaches we have passed by or situations have arisen which are not explained in it. Back then it would have made perfect sense to someone to kill all your can't imprison or place sanctions on them, you can't watch over them like we can today so in some sense one can see why the Jews of old carried out acts of Genocide just like they did against the Amaleki.....

....Oh! Anyway you get the idea.

Fine....but that answers the thread title really. Should Gays be given the death penalty? Well the answer is no because you justify it as wrong with the bible and since law in a free state has to be considerate of all walks and beliefs as long as they are respectful of others then homosexuality cannot be criminalised.

Maybe if a social argument were to have been put forward... but that is not the case, a biblical one has. A seperation of church and state answers a resounding 'No' to the thread.

Well, again, you ask the normative question "should" The answer need not assume that the "should" exists only in the context of the present goernmental situation, I don't think.

As to earlier comments, I do believe that fornication and homosexuality hurt others. They obviously increase the likelihood of health problems, often cause emotional propblems (for example, PMS killings), but most importantly, cause spiritual problems, separation from God in this life and/or the next.
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New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Sure I can do it, but I will defend who I am in Christ :) It is very important to me that He loved me enough to save a lost sin ridden individual like myself. Except for the homosexuality, I see myself at one time just as lost as they are...lost is lost, and all the lost are going to end up in the same place. There isn't a homosexual side, and an all others enter here, lol.

I agree. I think the attempt is to not let yet another abomination to God fall into the "socially acceptable" category.

Just Tom

New member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Oh, was it the "Clete groupie" comment that got to you?
Yes, but how many people do you know that are executing their children for sinning? So, since we are told to love our neighbor as ourselves, then if my neighbor is a homosexual (which they really are), then I love him or her also. Thanks for that clarification :idea:

I accept his council..NEW COVENANT council. Get out of Leviticus Just Tom. Jesus came already to get the lost saved, not execute them. Those who reject Christ will have their day in hell.

If my child committed murder, rape, or any crime/sin "worthy of death". AS PAUL PUT IT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT IN THE NEW COVENANT. Yes I would want them executed.

Your delusion theological delusion is based on your disconnect between sin and crime.

It is irrelevant if you can refute my logic do so.. Ah but you can't...

No I am not justifying it. I just understand why it happened and how the homos will now spin this as happening because people say homosexuality is wrong and such. When that is not the case. Thus they will use this to silence Christains. I am laying the blame for it at the feet of those who support homos and supposed christians like BMN..


New member
Evee said:
Quote Tom
It is because of this social dynamic that the guy walked into the fag bar in Mass the other day and killed a few fags. He had no other way to deal with his conflict in a society that accepts what homos have to say as true.

Surely you are not justifying his action.
The bad thing too is he is laying up in a hospital with a couple bullets in his head.
Abortion is wrong also but we have no right to blow up the clinic.

Hi Just Tom maybe you would answer my question here above?

No Worries

New member
JT by saying it is irrelevant I assume you mean yes, you have had, or do have the 'disorder' (as you describe it).

If this is the case calling Homos wicked does not make them so. Denouncing what you are does not make it ok. Accept it, you don't have to act on it, but stop martyring yourself to it. So you are gay but you don't want to be...get over it. I don't particuliarly want to have a scars on my face and body but I've got 'em. Thing is once you accept something it stops being a big deal and you realise that it isn't actually a big deal for others either. So you weren't born straight. Its nothing you did or how you were raised. I can't help being straight anymore than you can help being gay/bi whichever the case may be.

Get over yourself and stop causing a fuss over nothing.

Just Tom

New member
Now NW you assume that that means yes why? you need it to be so you can discount me and use peoples natural homophobic tendancy.

Then what do you do? You follow the homo play book and discount my logic not by refuting it but by accusing me of being a homo. Thus by doing this you affirm my position that homos and their supporters are sociopaths. You support someone who is a homo yet you accuse someone of being a homo to discount their argument against homosexuality...

You are so predictable and a sociopath...
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New member
whether we execute crimals or not will have no affect on the judgement of God.
however it may have an affect on the attitude of the criminal in that they may repent
before execution.
now if we beleive that homosexual people (men and women) are condemned to hell
for thier fist shaking behavior toward God and we also know the harm they cause on
society and turn a blind eye to it, arent we hating them all the more by not warning
them to repent?
execution being the most extreme of our society's punishments seems the only
punishment appropriate if homosexuality is deemed criminal. restitution would be silly
imprisonment does not work to reform people. psychiatric help is for the sick and though you can argue that homosexuals do suffer from a high rate of mental illness, thier illness is not the cause of the homosexual tendencies.
so the real question is whether homoseual behavior is criminal. according to our laws , the answer is no. according to God , I beleive the answer is, yes. however, since our society has agreed to be run under a democracy, we must respect at least the athority toward which we apply our dependance. this will require me as a Christian to say that homosexuals ought to be executed for thier criminal behavior, but since our government allows it i will instead warn the homosexual peoples that I know to repent and be saved. I also hope they do before Jesus returns, they die, or the government deems thier behavior criminal for the death penalty won't be far off and to furthering extremes per option of occurrence.

No Worries

New member
Just Tom said:
Now NW you assume that that means yes why? you need it to be so you can discount me and use peoples natural homophobic tendancy.

Then what do you do? You follow the homo play book and discount my logic not by refuting it but by accusing me of being a homo. Thus by doing this you affirm my position that homos and their supporters are sociopaths. You support someone who is a homo yet you accuse someone of being a homo to discount their argument against homosexuality...

You are so predictable and a sociopath...

Still not answering the qustion I see.......:think:

By the way....see the word 'if' at the beginning of my second paragraph?

Oh and balanced people don't have 'natural homophobic tendancy'. Now how about a nice yes or no?

Just Tom

New member
No Worries said:
Still not answering the qustion I see.......:think:

By the way....see the word 'if' at the beginning of my second paragraph?

Oh and balanced people don't have 'natural homophobic tendancy'. Now how about a nice yes or no?

Yes they do that is what makes them balanced. If a homo looks a balanced man up and down that straight man if he is balanced will be disgusted by it. Thus affirming the "natural homophobic tendency" which every health man has.

Just like homos are unbalanced by their very nature, Which is why they are homos. Being a homo or labeling themselves 'gay' they get to be unbalanced and any behavior that they do that is unbalanced us just attributed to them being 'gay'. When there are no moral rules it is easy to be unbalanced..

I bet you are one of those people who thinks that when a man molests a boy that don't make him a homo.

No Worries

New member
Just Tom said:
Yes they do that is what makes them balanced. If a homo looks a balanced man up and down that straight man if he is balanced will be disgusted by it. Thus affirming the "natural homophobic tendency" which every health man has.

Just like homos are unbalanced by their very nature, Which is why they are homos. Being a homo or labeling themselves 'gay' they get to be unbalanced and any behavior that they do that is unbalanced us just attributed to them being 'gay'. When there are no moral rules it is easy to be unbalanced..

I bet you are one of those people who thinks that when a man molests a boy that don't make him a homo.

Still not answering the question. :chuckle: YES or NO?

If a gay man looks me up and down I am not disgusted by it at all. I'd find it hilariously funny in fact. If a man molests a child he is a paedophile. There is no reason to link it to homosexuality. Just as if a man molests a young girl does not mean heterosexauls are paedophiles. More unfounded inciteful stuff on your part.

Do you, or have you ever in the past, suffered from this 'disorder'? That is has your 'heterosexual self' had to address such problems. YES or NO


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Hall of Fame
Fess up Tom.

I've had a gay guy hit on me once and I got a laugh out of it. No biggie. I just don't go there.

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Just Tom said:
If my child committed murder, rape, or any crime/sin "worthy of death". AS PAUL PUT IT IN THE NEW TESTAMENT IN THE NEW COVENANT. Yes I would want them executed.
What a crock!!!! When it comes to your own flesh and blood, your human and not Spiritual side would be winning the race big time!!. All thoughts about what is right and wrong biblically or morally would go out the window. Have you so arrived in Christ, that you could be like Abraham when he offered up Isaac on the alter of death after God told him to...even though Isaac wasn't a homo? None of us have. Abraham was our father in the faith, but most Christians don't even come close to that kind of faith these days.

Your delusion theological delusion is based on your disconnect between sin and crime.

It is irrelevant if you can refute my logic do so.. Ah but you can't...
Amplified bible: Rom 1:18-32 & Romans 2:1 ~ For God's [holy] wrath {and} indignation are revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who in their wickedness repress {and} hinder the truth {and} make it inoperative.
Rom 1:19 For that which is known about God is evident to them {and} made plain in their inner consciousness, because God [Himself] has shown it to them.
Rom 1:20 For ever since the creation of the world His invisible nature {and} attributes, that is, His eternal power and divinity, have been made intelligible {and} clearly discernible in {and} through the things that have been made (His handiworks). So [men] are without excuse [altogether without any defense or justification],Rom 1:21 Because when they knew {and} recognized Him as God, they did not honor {and} glorify Him as God or give Him thanks. But instead they became futile {and} godless in their thinking [with vain imaginings, foolish reasoning, and stupid speculations] and their senseless minds were darkened.
Rom 1:22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools [professing to be smart, they made simpletons of themselves].Rom 1:23 And by them the glory and majesty {and} excellence of the immortal God were exchanged for {and} represented by images, resembling mortal man and birds and beasts and reptiles.
Rom 1:24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their [own] hearts to sexual impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin],Rom 1:25 Because they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, Who is blessed forever! Amen (so be it).
Rom 1:26 For this reason God gave them over {and} abandoned them to vile affections {and} degrading passions. For their women exchanged their natural function for an unnatural {and} abnormal one,
Rom 1:27 And the men also turned from natural relations with women and were set ablaze (burning out, consumed) with lust for one another--men committing shameful acts with men and suffering in their own bodies {and} personalities the inevitable consequences {and} penalty of their wrong-doing {and} going astray, which was [their] fitting retribution.
Rom 1:28 And so, since they did not see fit to acknowledge God {or} decent {but} loathsome,Rom 1:29 Until they were filled (permeated and saturated) with every kind of unrighteousness, iniquity, grasping {and} covetous greed, and malice. [They were] full of envy {and} jealousy, murder, strife, deceit {and} treachery, ill will {and} cruel ways. [They were] secret backbiters {and} gossipers,Rom 1:30 Slanderers, hateful to {and} hating God, full of insolence, arrogance, [and] boasting; inventors of new forms of evil, disobedient {and} undutiful to parents.
Rom 1:31 [They were] without understanding, conscienceless {and} faithless, heartless {and} loveless [and] merciless.Rom 1:32 Though they are fully aware of God's righteous decree that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do them themselves but approve {and} applaud others who practice them. ) deserve it, law inacted for homo's deaths.
Rom 2:1 THEREFORE YOU have no excuse {or} defense {or} justification, O man, whoever you are who judges {and} condemns another. For in posing as judge {and} passing sentence on another, you condemn yourself, because you who judge are habitually practicing the very same things [that you censure and denounce].
Judge not lest ye be judged also!!! If you aren't sitting in the judges chair or in a jury box to render a verdict, then hold your tongue!!! Obey the laws of the land recall?? We are ALL guilty of at least one of these in God's list ...or more then one.
Do a study on the wrath of God, and you will see just how He judges sinful man.
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Just Tom

New member
Granite said:
Fess up Tom.

I've had a gay guy hit on me once and I got a laugh out of it. No biggie. I just don't go there.

Obviously the homo saw in you an inkeling of homosexuality in you.

So are you saying that it is okay for homos to hit on guys? You are not or at least you say your not offended. Why cause you have the same value system as a homo so to you it is no biggie..

So if a homo hit on one of these conflicted persons and they got their lights punched out it would be the conflicted persons fault?

NO it would be the homos fault now wouldn't it!! Ah but there in lies the rub..Homos can control themselves can they. So when they do such wicked things and get the due reward for their perversion they claim victim status..

If it is OKAY for someone to be a homo and come on to guys then it is OKAY for those sturggleing or not, to punch out homos who make advances.. Why do you think homos want and need gay bars.. Cause they missed out on the identity development during adolesents so they pervert normal male bonding it to sexual behaviors. Thus the homo has a second adolesence when they 'come out'. Now during this second adolesents they have sex with as many guys as they can. They have a new found way of bonding with boys that they never had before.

SO Granite what are you hiding, that the homo saw something in you that triggered his homo scence?


You are obsessing,,, If there is a flaw in my evidence then present it and I will refute your position. But you can't so you need to find a way to make me a homo. I read a book that talked about the homo and hetero self image of the closted person. Wow it don't take a genious figure out what homosexuality is from there. Their second adolesence, blaming society, how they are against all forms of 'male pattern socialization' who do you think is driving the ban on dodge ball in our society..? Duh homos are just mental patients who have been given rights and social status based on the symptom of their developmental disorder. They get trapped in their mind and thus they socialize based on the symptom. Then they want social recognition for their symptom that was caused by their social and psychological isolation. SO coming out of the closet just places the psychological burdern to change off of them and on to society. Now a society in which Granite live that is fine since he and they both are in rebellion to God so they have that in common. Thus they have the same value system.. NOW when looking at all the things that the closeted person does, get married, act macho, ect we can see that this must be the hetero self (masculine) image looking for that bond they it never got which created the split in their mind and the growth of the homoself image (femine). So when the homo comes out they need to explain these behavoirs and they blame society for them. They have a natural anger with the society the left them out and caused their inverson. They then use the pathology that created them as a shield to show that they are normal and others aren't. WICKED WICKED WICKED

You need to get out more and read up.. I suggest you start with the bible that is where I started and that is were truth can be found.

Have a nice delusion..

I rest my case. you post was supportive of my position and you don't even know it. Unlike star wars and obey won kanobi. Don't trust your feelings BMN trust the words and that God's throne's foundation is righteousness. It is a righteous thing to follow the moral laws God has given us, MURDER IS A CAPITAL CRIME and a sin.. Kidnapping is a CAPITAL crime and a sin...HOMOSEXUALITY is a CAPITAL CRIME and a sin.. It didn't change in the new testament.

Have a nice delusion...

Big Mouth Nana

New member
Just Tom said:
I rest my case. you post was supportive of my position and you don't even know it. Unlike star wars and obey won kanobi. Don't trust your feelings BMN trust the words and that God's throne's foundation is righteousness. It is a righteous thing to follow the moral laws God has given us, MURDER IS A CAPITAL CRIME and a sin.. Kidnapping is a CAPITAL crime and a sin...HOMOSEXUALITY is a CAPITAL CRIME and a sin.. It didn't change in the new testament.

Have a nice delusion...
Like the old saying goes....ignorance is bliss!!! Yes, the bible does say in that LONG scripture that I posted, that all of those are deserving of death. I do not deny that. If anyone can't see that at least one or two of those apply to themselves, then they are "having a nice delusion", and judging others while doing them themselves even if it isn't the homosexuality.
We Christians are the most judgmental folks around. It is scarey to know that God is going to judge us with the same measure that we judge others. You believe that homosexuality is a sin that should be dealt with by death, so is hate, heartlessness, the loveless, and the merciless. Now I know why God said that we need to work out our own salvations with fear and trembling. We may be the ones hearing, depart from me ye workers of iniquity, for I never knew you!!! Instead of loving the lost, most are sitting on their butts in judgment. God forgive me, and help us all!!!!


Well-known member
Big Mouth Nana said:
Like the old saying goes....ignorance is bliss!!! Yes, the bible does say in that LONG scripture that I posted, that all of those are deserving of death. I do not deny that. If anyone can't see that at least one or two of those apply to themselves, then they are "having a nice delusion", and judging others while doing them themselves even if it isn't the homosexuality.
In you list, you didn't put 'murder' in bold. But it is in the same list. Do you believe we ought to judge murderers? If yes, then why not homos? If no, then you are too weird to talk to. By the way, aren't you judging people when you say they are "having a nice delusion"? Aren't you judging others in saying that they shouldn't judge?

We Christians are the most judgmental folks around.
This sounds pretty judgemental!! Careful.

It is scarey to know that God is going to judge us with the same measure that we judge others.
Therefore, I feel pretty comfortable when judging homos.

You believe that homosexuality is a sin that should be dealt with by death, so is hate, heartlessness, the loveless, and the merciless.
Where were people commanded by God to put to death the heartless, loveless, and merciless? Don't show me where they deserved death, where was it demanded by God?

Now I know why God said that we need to work out our own salvations with fear and trembling. We may be the ones hearing, depart from me ye workers of iniquity, for I never knew you!!! Instead of loving the lost, most are sitting on their butts in judgment. God forgive me, and help us all!!!!
Is your salvation dependent on you loving the lost, or the position in which you sit? I'm not arguing that loving the lost is bad, but I think your view of salvation is skewed. Actually I doubt you believe what you said.