Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Well-known member
I think there are a lot of newer folks who'd missed this poll and discussion about whether or not homosexuals should be given the death penalty.


Well-known member
I think there are a lot of newer folks who'd missed this poll and discussion about whether or not homosexuals should be given the death penalty.

I see this thread still gets bumped once in a while. It always reminds me how shocked I was all those years ago when I started this thread at the number of yes votes.

Edit: I still am shocked. :sigh:


Well-known member
Yeah, and almost 1/4 of them support executing homosexuals.

Reading through the names one has to have been on TOL for quite a while to recognise some of them. Lots of old names there.

What I find interesting is that there are some surprises on both answers. Some I thought would say no said yes, and some that I thought would say yes said no.


Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

If so, why so? If not, why not?


The difference between Muhammad and Yeshua is that the followers of Muhammad can truthfully say that they are executing homos according to the writings of Muhammad.

Those who have been guilty of executing people in the name of Yeshua have no scriptural support.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Would these same people call for the execution of their rebellious children I wonder? :think:

The conditions under which that law would be enforced required several things:

1. Considering the references to drunkenness, it is unlikely that we're dealing with a young child here. Most likely a teenager at the least.

2. The law is only supposed to be in place when the parents are unable to bring the children to repentence without involving the civil magistrate. Basically, all options have been used up except that one. Presumably this would include warning the son that he could face such a penalty if he continues in rebellion.

With those caveats, yes I would. But those are caveats that are pretty much never discussed in these discussions.