Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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Well-known member
Still a homo tolerator, your emotional connection just won't let you see a homo for what they are will it...

Why did God put this phrase "Bring them out that we may know them" in the bible as the words the sodomites spoke? Do you even have a clue?


I think I now know what your attitude is all about. I did some digging:

Just Tom said:
This is difference between you and I.. You succumbed to the pathology and I didn't. I never gave up on the mental struggle "mental energy" to understand the forces that were trying to and successfully manipulating me for their own ends. Thus we have completely opposite views of this phenomenon called the "gay" identity.



Well-known member
Okay, all of those folks who say homosexuality should be illegal but not a death penalty crime... How do you work that out? What's the penalty? Christians? Why not death?


Hall of Fame
A year in prison where they would meet with a pastor and christian counselor. Time increasing with subsequent infractions.

Getting past the fact that private sexual acts by consenting adults are not worthy of criminal punishment, why would you expect a mandate of meeting with a pastor and Christian counselor? That is an infringement against this person's right to choose his own religion or reject religion entirely.


New member
Hall of Fame
Getting past the fact that private sexual acts by consenting adults are not worthy of criminal punishment, why would you expect a mandate of meeting with a pastor and Christian counselor? That is an infringement against this person's right to choose his own religion or reject religion entirely.

I am assuming we are talking our idea of government, i know full well that would never work under the current system of law.

In the ideal - most if not all would know God.


Well-known member
Ignorant question...Totally dumb...
Should liars be given death?
etc,. etc.....

Not really. I was curious at the time to see how many people on TOL thought that people who engage in homosexual acts should be executed.

In case you failed maths, it seems 1 in 4 do. I did at the time make the votes public so people can see who voted which way.


Hall of Fame
I have changed a lot, and I can only thank God for that!


However, I still stick with my answer to this poll. I don't believe that homosexuals should be given the death penalty.

I noticed you are against the DP for homosexuality, LMOHM, for which I commend you.

Do you feel that homosexuality should receive any type of penalty ... such as jail time, a fine, court ordered counseling, etc.?


Well-known member
I noticed you are against the DP for homosexuality, LMOHM, for which I commend you.

Do you feel that homosexuality should receive any type of penalty ... such as jail time, a fine, court ordered counseling, etc.?

No, I don't. For a time I did think that there should be a penalty for it and that it should be treated as a crime.

But now I see it as a moral issue. I believe that the Bible is clear that it is a sin. However, like adultery and fornication, I think that the issue isn't one that the government should be legislating against.


Well-known member
well none of the homosexual or bisexual people I know have children so that's not an issue for them

I do have to be honest here and say that many of the older gay men I have met are attracted to guys a lot younger than them, including some that are under the age of consent. They would happily 'corrupt' them if they could.

I'm not saying that is the case for all homosexual men, but it has been the case in the majority of older homosexual men I have met. It was definitely the case that when I was identifying as a homosexual when I was 14, the majority of people who messaged me online wanting to try and meet me were men in their 40s and 50s.


New member
I do have to be honest here and say that many of the older gay men I have met are attracted to guys a lot younger than them, including some that are under the age of consent. They would happily 'corrupt' them if they could.

I'm not saying that is the case for all homosexual men, but it has been the case in the majority of older homosexual men I have met. It was definitely the case that when I was identifying as a homosexual when I was 14, the majority of people who messaged me online wanting to try and meet me were men in their 40s and 50s.

this is quite true, there is a guy I see in town now and again and I'm pretty sure he is gay and hitting on me. It is kinda disturbing.

However I don't think it's an issue just with homosexuals. A lot of my female friends are always getting hit on by 50 and 60 year old men when we go to the pub. I think it is a behaviour found in lonely old men rather than just homosexual men.

Most of my gay and bisexual friends are in their 20s tho so none of them act like this


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
what logical reason is there to ban homosexuality apart from 'because God said so'?
The very same reasons God said so.

God didn't simply say so, He had reasons.

It is a sociopathy, replete with the acts of a criminally disturbed mind.