Shooting at SC Church During Bible Study - Suspect still at large


New member
Good question. Why are you?

I'm not. The leaders of the Confederacy weren't so muddled about their cause. The states seceded to preserve slavery, and they said so at the time. It's in retrospect that people have tried to make it about other things.


New member
Hall of Fame
Good question. Why are you?

What about the CSA do you think is worth defending?

Do you deny that it was built on racism and white supremacy?

What do you disagree with in Roof's manifesto?

Do you agree with Buchanan that blacks are the "real" racists in America?

Do you believe blacks are inherently dangerous, or violent, or pose a menace by nature?


Well-known member
I'm not. The leaders of the Confederacy weren't so muddled about their cause. The states seceded to preserve slavery, and they said so at the time. It's in retrospect that people have tried to make it about other things.

You are. Neither was Lincoln muddled either. You wanna keep this going, I have all day.


New member
History matters, and getting it right matters. I think the more poignant question is, why are there people today trying to make the Civil War about something other than what it was actually about?

People come in all categories, stupid, sheep, bullies, selfish, aggressive, heroes, saints and sinners all.
History is generally a revisionists game.
But I agree, it is important to get it right.


Rex, Rex, Rex, (shaking head) you don't even know what the Civil War was about.

This Confederate Flag was designed by W.T. Thompson.


Let's look at what Thompson had to say about his flag:


If that's not enough to convince you the flag symbolizes racism, the following should:



New member
Hall of Fame
I'm sorry you have problems with actual FBI statistics.

You keep dodging these questions, doc. Like I already asked: What, specifically, are you driving at? Just say what you mean, already. If you think you're standing on sure ground explain exactly what your point is, assuming you have one.

What about the CSA do you think is worth defending?

Do you deny that it was built on racism and white supremacy?

What do you disagree with in Roof's manifesto?

Do you agree with Buchanan that blacks are the "real" racists in America?

Do you believe blacks are inherently dangerous, or violent, or pose a menace by nature?


New member
What is it about the Confederate Flag that you love so much?

Tet, the South grew up from colonial growth just like the East did.
Before there were states the South was not just civilized but civil.
There were plantations but not every one would have one - or slaves, you know that.

The East had a hard time working poor immigrants hard enough and fast enough to keep up with all the cotton and tea and other wonderful resources the South would send up to sell.

The train would make it possible for the South to send up and out and around even more - if they could produce it. In fact they could cut out the East in some ways.

Please remember the South wanted OUT of the United States for very real reasons (to them.)

Strangely most Yankees actually don't know why the East went to war to STOP the South from leaving.

Would you like to say why you think the so called "Union" went to war with a few States that wanted out? Go ahead, please.


New member
You are. Neither was Lincoln muddled either. You wanna keep this going, I have all day.

Lincoln was a bit muddled. He was against slavery, but only in a fairly moderate way. His main reason for fighting the war was the preservation of the Union, at first, but his resolve to end slavery increased as the war progressed. But he didn't start the war. The war was started by the seceding states in order to preserve slavery, as they themselves said at the time, thus slavery was the cause of the war.


New member
Please remember the South wanted OUT of the United States for very real reasons (to them.)

Right. They thought Lincoln was going to take away their slaves, much as modern conservatives think that Obama is going to take away their guns.


New member
Slavery. If you think it was about something else, I can give you some references for your edification.

Yes that must be it!
Thank goodness you have references!
So brother against brother, East against South because ?

Maybe because the people up East worked children to death and poor immigrants 12 hours a day and buried the abused Chinese a long the way who were used to build the freaking railroad but they just couldn't stand for the blacks whom they loved so much more than the poor they had to be slaves?


Well-known member
He was against slavery, but only in a fairly moderate way.

He was?

“Free them [blacks] and make them politically and socially our equals? My own feelings will not admit of this . . . . We can not then make them equals.” (CW, Vol. II, p. 256). Hmmm, not racist enough for Rex.

“Senator Douglas remarked . . that . . . this government was made for the white people and not for negroes. Why, in point of mere fact, I think so too.” (CW, Vol. II, p. 281). Hmmm, not racist enough for Rex.

“I meant not to ask for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia.” (CW, Vol., II, p. 260). Hmmm, not racist enough for Rex.

“I say that we must not interfere with the institution of slavery . . . because the constitution forbids it, and the general welfare does not require us to do so.” (CW, Vol. III, p. 460). Hmmm, not racist enough for Rex.

I could go on and on but well you know, anything Lincoln says is not racist enough for Rex.


"As a people we are fighting to maintain the Heaven-ordained supremacy of the white man over the inferior or colored race; a white flag would thus be emblematical of our cause." - William T. Thompson (April 23, 1863), Daily Morning News

This is a quote from the guy who designed the Confederacy's National Flag.

It's no accident the KKK, White Supremacy groups, Skinheads, etc all use the Confederate flag. They didn't pick it just for fun. They say "heritage not hate"

However, it's a heritage grounded in hate. A heritage who's cornerstone speech included "that the negro is not equal to the white man'"


New member
Yes that must be it!
Thank goodness you have references!
So brother against brother, East against South because ?

Because slavery:

Every state that issued a statement of causes cited slavery. As did the VP of the Confederacy:

If they were so clear about what they were doing and why, what gives you so much confusion?

Maybe because the people up East worked children to death and poor immigrants 12 hours a day and buried the abused Chinese a long the way who were used to build the freaking railroad but they just couldn't stand for the blacks whom they loved so much more than the poor they had to be slaves?



New member
He was?

“Free them [blacks] and make them politically and socially our equals? My own feelings will not admit of this . . . . We can not then make them equals.” (CW, Vol. II, p. 256). Hmmm, not racist enough for Rex.

“Senator Douglas remarked . . that . . . this government was made for the white people and not for negroes. Why, in point of mere fact, I think so too.” (CW, Vol. II, p. 281). Hmmm, not racist enough for Rex.

“I meant not to ask for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia.” (CW, Vol., II, p. 260). Hmmm, not racist enough for Rex.

“I say that we must not interfere with the institution of slavery . . . because the constitution forbids it, and the general welfare does not require us to do so.” (CW, Vol. III, p. 460). Hmmm, not racist enough for Rex.

I could go on and on but well you know, anything Lincoln says is not racist enough for Rex.

You're moving the goalposts. I said he was against slavery, not that he wasn't racist.


New member
The Confederate Flag was not about slavery, it was about a history that started in colonies and made the people equal in importance to any people up north who wanted to boss them or kill them.