Shooting at SC Church During Bible Study - Suspect still at large


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Why is the flag of the Confederacy first and foremost the flag of slavery?
Good question.

After all, there was slavery in America before the Confederate flag ever came into being. So was the flag American (with it's slavery) was under before that also reprehensible?


New member
Good for you. Certain childish conservatives insist on saying "Democrat party" for some asinine reason, thought you were one of them.:e4e:

No. Wrong again.

Absolutely incorrect. I'm sorry, but you're not dealing with facts at this point. What you are doing is jumping on a tragedy and using it as an excuse for run of the mill party bashing, and that's beyond bad taste.

What you're going on about has next to no relevance at all with what happened in Charleston.

The worst part of the Atlantic Slave Trade happened after the invention of the Cotton Gin in 1810. At that point slavery was all but dying out and had been abolished in most of the North. The Southern Democrats were behind the legislation to expand slavery in the West and opposed Republican Lincoln's declaration of the abolition of slavery. After the Civil War the Democrat's consolidated their position in the South and expanded the Jim Crow laws.

See "Jim Crow Laws: the Democratic Party":

Furthermore, the klu Klux Klan was indeed formed by Southern Democrats to terrorize blacks:

"In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired restoration of white supremacy. Its purposes were political, but political in the broadest sense, for it sought to affect power relations, both public and private, throughout Southern society. It aimed to reverse the interlocking changes sweeping over the South during Reconstruction: to destroy the Republican party’s infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life"

Eric Foner, "A Short History of Reconstruction"

As far as my commentary of what is happening in Charleston not being relevant, I disagree. I was born and raised in Charleston, South Carolina and am quite familiar with the history of my states and it's racial problems.


New member
Good question.

After all, there was slavery in America before the Confederate flag ever came into being. So was the flag American (with it's slavery) was under before that also reprehensible?

The difference is, the Confederate flag has never really stood for anything else. It's true that the American flag has a complicated history with race and with slavery, but a significant part of that history has involved fighting against it. And the American flag was never primarily a symbol of slavery in the first place, because the values of the American Revolution were not the same as those of the Confederacy.


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Furthermore, the klu Klux Klan was indeed formed by Southern Democrats to terrorize blacks:

I can use wikipedia too.

The Klan was founded by Forrest and other CSA vets. That it was used by opportunistic politicians should surprise absolute no one.

Again, what is the point you're trying to make? That the Democratic party of the past has something to do with the present and...Democrats Bad?:carryon:


New member
I can use wikipedia too.

The Klan was founded by Forrest and other CSA vets. That it was used by opportunistic politicians should surprise absolute no one.

Again, what is the point you're trying to make? That the Democratic party of the past has something to do with the present and...Democrats Bad?:carryon:

Please reference any Wikipedia reference that I quoted. My quote comes from this page: http://www.nationalblackrepublicans...on=pages.DYKKKKTerroristArmoftheDemocratParty

Regarding the connection between the founders of the KKK and the present - that is simple - child sacrifice. The Democratic Party embraced Margarete Sanger, CC Little and Lothrop Stoddards' racial eugenics concept to limit blacks from procreating. That is why they support Planned Parenthood who build 79% of their clinics in minority areas. This is why in these areas half off all black children conceived are murdered in the womb.


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Please reference any Wikipedia reference that I quoted.

The article on the KKK. Moving on...

Regarding the connection between the founders of the KKK and the present - that is simple - child sacrifice.

Sooooooo you're a crazy person. Wish I'd known that sooner.



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You can pick any symbol and use it for good or bad.

Indeed. The Nazis took a good luck charm and perverted it. Southerners took St. Andrew's cross and perverted that too. If symbols meant nothing and had no power, people wouldn't defend using them...or oppose their use.


Well-known member
Good question.

After all, there was slavery in America before the Confederate flag ever came into being. So was the flag American (with it's slavery) was under before that also reprehensible?

Not only was white people - better white people than Granite - who STOPPED slavery in the U.S. (and in England as well). Primarily, Bible-believing Christians.

But you'll never, ever hear a mini-leftist like Grannie mention that because Democrats = party that defended slavery and spawned the Klan.


New member
The article on the KKK. Moving on...

Sooooooo you're a crazy person. Wish I'd known that sooner.



"KKK Terrorist Arm of the Democratic Party"


Here is a nice article about one of Sanger's co founder of the predecessor of Planned Parenthood CC Little's organization the "American Eugenics Society" which was used by Hitler for his cause of eliminating the Jews:

"Eugenics and the Nazis -- the California connection"

The other co founder was Lothrop Stoddard who wrote "Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy".

The founders of Planned Parenthood were racists, this is a historical fact.


New member
Not only was white people - better white people than Granite - who STOPPED slavery in the U.S. (and in England as well). Primarily, Bible-believing Christians.

Do you want an award for that? It was also white Christians who created the institution as it existed in the US. Not sure how any of that justifies rehabilitating the symbols of the institutions of slavery and segregation.


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one side's definitely were filthier than the other.
Ahh, the old "greater of two evils" fallacy.

The Civil War was not just about slavery.

And if (long before the Civil War) a foreign country tried to come in and end slavery by force in America, we would have all fought against them and whatever flag they carried!!!


New member
The Civil War was not just about slavery.

It was in the South, or so say the architects of the war. In the North, it was initially more about preserving the Union, but it later became a fight to end slavery.

And if (long before the Civil War) a foreign country tried to come in and end slavery by force in America, we would have all fought against them and whatever flag they carried!!!

Probably true. Also irrelevant to how history actually played out.


Well-known member
Hold on.
You think the Confederate flag was ONLY a symbol for black slavery?

He doesn't really care. No shooting is useful to the Left unless it can be attached to a political narrative; hence selective coverage. No shooter can have just acted alone because he's evil or insane. The murders must be attached to something the left hates, fears or wants to destroy...Sarah Palin's district bullseyes, the Confederate flag, whatever's handy and semi-plausible (if only within their own delusions). If they can't attach it, it doesn't get covered.

In this case they blame the killings on the Confederate flag, which allows a large group of utterly useless people like Rex and Granite to rally around a cause and get a temporary ego fix because they are "change agents (TM)," even if only on this tiny, obscure, meaningless outpost of the Internet.


Well-known member
Do you want an award for that? It was also white Christians who created the institution as it existed in the US. Not sure how any of that justifies rehabilitating the symbols of the institutions of slavery and segregation.

There are Bible-believing Christians who on that very ground opposed slavery from the very beginning.