Shooting at SC Church During Bible Study - Suspect still at large


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I agree.

Just about every White Supremacist group out there uses the Confederate Flag and the Nazi Swastika.

Yet, people like rainee and others claim the Confederate Flag has nothing to do with racism.

If it doesn't have anything to do with racism, then why does every racist group use the Confederate Flag?

One person actually posted a pic of KKK members with an American flag, and some how thought that proves that the KKK doesn't use the Confederate Flag.

Like I said, it's mind boggling that people today defend the Confederate Flag.
The KKK does use the American flag.

That doesn't make the flag itself a racist symbol.


New member
The rebel flag's a completely different story.

I had a fellow choir member tell me "The flag is just a rag to me" during a discussion of symbolism.

She is an educator indoctrinated with very progressive ideas.

Now, my idea about our flag is a little different! I told her "Not to me it isn't!"
Symbols are calls to a cause!
They can rally flagging spirits in time of need.
They can bolster feelings of superiority in jack-booted thugs.
And we choose our own responses.


New member
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Symbols are calls to a cause!
They can rally flagging spirits in time of need.
They can bolster feelings of superiority in jack-booted thugs.
And we choose our own responses.

All reasons why the rebel flag arouses feelings of disgust and opposition. There's nothing redeeming about it.


New member
This kind of willful ignorance and denial of reality's kind of fascinating to see, I have to admit. Have you criticized the institution of slavery once during this discussion? Criticized the CSA for defending it? Protecting it? Declaring white supremacy its cornerstone? Knocked the rebs for declaring state by state that the perpetuation of slavery was part and parcel their reason for secession? Have you denounced the Cornerstone Speech for the filth it is?

No, you haven't. Not this thread. The closest thing you've come is a mighty generous declaration that it's not "the black man" to blame, and that "racism sucks." Bravo, doc. You go. You really go.

It may be worth pointing out that "only" six percent of any country being slave owners is about six percent too much. I mean, a few million slaves here or there--pretty soon you start talking about a most peculiar institution indeed. What kind of rationalization are you trying to pull here?

And it might also be worth saying that a country built on the proposition of the white man's supremacy over the black is reprehensible and indefensible. But pointing out the facts to any Confederate sympathizer's never really worked. Facts are inconvenient. They got in the way of slavery in 1861 and they get in the way of reality today.


What is stunning my friend is apparently you are unwilling to ignore the Democrat Party's history behind slavery, the KKK and Jim Crow Laws - they were the main protagonists in fact.

I know you would have us believe that all the racists jumped ship because of the flood of blacks joining the party because of the New Deal but this clearly ignores the Democrats clearly insidious plan of embracing the blacks in order to minimize their impact via Eugenics. Margaret Sanger, Lothrop Stoddard and CC Little were all avid racists who formed the predecessor to Planned Parenthood and implemented the Negro Project.

This plan has been quite effective too because the largest provider of abortion in the US, Planned Parenthood, has 79% of their clinics located near minority neighborhoods where they can easily take advantage of young Black and Hispanic women by telling them lies, just like Planned Parenthood's founders did during the Negro Project. The racist Democrat's have been so successful that 40% of abortions are from black women, in spite of the fact that they only represent 13% of the women that have abortions. Furthermore, where Planned Parenthood has their clinics half of all black children conceived are murdered in the womb. The Democrat Party is directly responsible for the deaths of 25 million blacks in the US due to the Atlantic Slave trade, the KKK and abortion. This is a historical fact and anyone can independently research it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Race baiters love the false flag argument. It helps them avoid the issue of justice.


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What is stunning my friend is apparently you are unwilling to ignore the Democrat Party's history behind slavery

First: They're the "Democratic" party, something you know full well. This puerile insistence on referring to them otherwise is simply idiotic.

Next: Slavery was a reality in the Americas before the U.S. showed up.

I know you would have us believe that all the racists jumped ship because of the flood of blacks joining the party because of the New Deal but this clearly ignores the Democrats clearly insidious plan of embracing the blacks in order to minimize their impact via Eugenics. Margaret Sanger, Lothrop Stoddard and CC Little were all avid racists who formed the predecessor to Planned Parenthood and implemented the Negro Project.

Word salad, cherry picking, hop scotching, and recycled talking points. Do you have any kind of point to make at all beyond "Democrats bad"?


New member
First: They're the "Democratic" party, something you know full well. This puerile insistence on referring to them otherwise is simply idiotic.

Next: Slavery was a reality in the Americas before the U.S. showed up.

With all due respect save the English lesson, I am bilingual so I'm not sweating an incorrect word in either language I use, after the purpose of language is to share ideas, not to be used as a pretense to undermine someone's argument.

Regarding slavery being a feature in the America no one should deny that. However, omitting the Democratic Party's clear dominant force behind the slave trade, ESTABLISHMENT of the KKK and being directly responsible for the deaths of more black Americans than any other group is not becoming of someone who considers himself a humanist fighting against racism. In fact it only undermines your moral credibility.

Word salad, cherry picking, hop scotching, and recycled talking points. Do you have any kind of point to make at all beyond "Democrats bad"?

I post about history that anyone can independently research and you try to undermine my argument. Ironically you use the same tactic to try to undermine what you perceive rightly to be racist promotion and recognition that the Civil war was about slavery. This only proves your reason for arguing is not principled, but rather personal motives.


New member
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With all due respect save the English lesson, I am bilingual so I'm not sweating an incorrect word in either language I use, after the purpose of language is to share ideas, not to be used as a pretense to undermine someone's argument.

Good for you. Certain childish conservatives insist on saying "Democrat party" for some asinine reason, thought you were one of them.:e4e:

Regarding slavery being a feature in the America no one should deny that. However, omitting the Democratic Party's clear dominant force behind the slave trade

No. Wrong again.


Absolutely incorrect. I'm sorry, but you're not dealing with facts at this point. What you are doing is jumping on a tragedy and using it as an excuse for run of the mill party bashing, and that's beyond bad taste.

What you're going on about has next to no relevance at all with what happened in Charleston.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
What you are doing is jumping on a tragedy and using it as an excuse for run of the mill party bashing, and that's beyond bad taste.

Which is exactly what you're doing; ranting about flags and "someone" needing to do "something," instead of calling for justice and the right to defense.


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Why? Both are part of my heritage.

In the case of the rebel flag, a horrible, reprehensible, and indefensible one.

Since when was "heritage" a free pass for defending outrages? And since when did "heritage" become synonymous with value?


Get your armor ready!
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Which is exactly what you're doing; ranting about flags and "someone" needing to do "something," instead of calling for justice and the right to defense.
Looking for blame in all the wrong places.


Well-known member
In the case of the rebel flag, a horrible, reprehensible, and indefensible one.

Why is the flag of the Confederacy first and foremost the flag of slavery? When did that happen? Was that the intent when it was adopted? Or is it, because that's what YOU say it is, therefore it is? Who are you to judge it? Why should anyone believe a kid like you?


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Why is the flag of the Confederacy first and foremost the flag of slavery?

Do you make an effort to look and sound incredibly stupid or does it just come naturally?

When did that happen?

1861, last time I checked.

Was that the intent when it was adopted?

Their intent was to create a nation predicated on white supremacy and black enslavement. Their flag happens to represent their foul little experiment in treason and hatred.

Or is it, because that's what YOU say it is, therefore it is?

I go by what the Confederates actually said. Seems pretty fool-proof.


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In the case of the rebel flag, a horrible, reprehensible, and indefensible one.

Since when was "heritage" a free pass for defending outrages? And since when did "heritage" become synonymous with value?
Outrages can be committed under any flag.

Having an American flag does not exclude outrages committed.
Does that make the American flag "a horrible, reprehensible, and indefensible one"?

The South had their flag. The North had their flag.
There were outrages committed by both sides.

Outrages have been committed under just about every flag.
A flag is not "horrible, reprehensible, and indefensible". The outrages committed are.


New member
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Outrages can be committed under any flag.

And have been. Of course.

Having an American flag does not exclude outrages committed. Does that make the American flag "a horrible, reprehensible, and indefensible one"?

No, because...

The South had their flag. The North had their flag.
There were outrages committed by both sides.

...this kind of false moral equivalency overlooks the truth: That the CSA was specifically founded to protect slavery and white supremacy, making it a uniquely terrible American experiment. The North didn't break away from the South out of disgust for human bondage; the North didn't go south and emancipate slaves and them bring back to the Union; the North didn't promise to execute certain Confederate commanders who happened to be leading the "wrong" sorts of soldiers; and so on.

But the Confederacy? Well, the Confederacy said its cornerstone was slavery. It cited preservation of slavery as its reason for secession, state by state. It captured freed slaves and blacks and sent them back to bondage. They threatened to outright execute any white commanders leading black troops. To say both sides had dirty hands doesn't tell the entire story, because one side's definitely were filthier than the other.

A flag is not "horrible, reprehensible, and indefensible". The outrages committed are.

Symbols have power and meaning.

Otherwise some folks wouldn't defend them, am I right?