Sexual Orientation is not a Choice


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Homosexuality is one of many sexual perversions deemed by God as being worthy of death, others include adultery, incest, and bestiality.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.​

I was an adulterer and as such I am as deserving of the death penalty as any homosexual.

Perhaps you think I was born an adulterer and that adultery was my "sexual orientation."

Given the definitions of "sexual orientation" and "adultery", why would you make such a mistake? I wouldn't and I don't.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No. I might as well say that your partner preferences (not just the choice of a particular partner, but your preferences) are under your control as much as your musical preferences.

Do people have physiological responses to music they like? Yes.
But these preferences are still fundamentally autogenic, and subject to the will.

Well they aren't. My partner could only be a woman as I have no proclivity whatsoever to my own gender on either a romantic or sexual level. Furthermore I did not "choose" that to be the case, it just simply is.

Your musical analogy fails as well. I still remember being blown away by a piece of music while 13 years old and bedridden with measles, it was Stravinsky's 'Rite Of Spring'. I'd never heard it before and it was simply amazing in terms of harmony and rhythm to the ear. Now if you're telling me I "chose" to enjoy it then you simply haven't got a clue. Did I choose to go out and buy 30 different versions of it afterwards? Yes, though hardly the same thing...


Well-known member
It was my surrender to a power greater than myself that finally stopped me from drinking. And it was the lack of any other choice that made me surrender.
And it is the lack of surrender to a power greater than any of us that perpetuates the sinfulness of sexual behavior according to Romans 1.

I agree that, in some sense, those who struggle with same sex attraction don't have the ability to choose who they are attracted to and that this attraction is such a compelling pull in their lives that it is stronger than convention, or rational argument.

The only way they can escape it is to surrender to Christ and His authority.


New member
Any survey of statistics would dispel that claim.
how would any survey do that?

Furthermore, the acceptance of homosexuality in the education system is at super majority levels. Nonetheless, homosexual teen suicide and depression are increasing in spite of this historic and overwhelming support by society.
and study after study shows a causal link between hate, prejudice and discrimination and the problems you list.

It's not being gay but rather it is dealing with people who make statements like "How can we as a society ignore all the evidence that points to a damaging effect that embracing homosexuality has on a society?"
You (the gay teen) lead to the breakdown of family values
You (the gay teen) are only seeking attention

You (the gay teen) want to harm children and "indoctrinate" them
You (the gay teen) are destroying society
getting labeled "pervert"

and that list was from just one of your posts


Well-known member
Who is determining what is the "right direction"? In our society it is the 'ships' themselves that must do it. This, of course, will cause chaos as all these 'ships' are each determining their own courses. So the purpose of government is to set up rules to keep them from crashing into each other.

Right. And that's the best any government can do. The other two branches of morality are outside the jurisdiction of any government. This is where family, religion, and individuals can do what governments can't.

What do you propose, instead? A theocracy; where all the ships are ordered to follow the dominant religion's course? Or some other form of autocracy intent on the promotion of it's own well-being? Then what of individual freedom? And what of faith without it? What good is a moral course that has to be forced on people?

I don't propose anything instead. Thankfully, that's not my call to make.

How do you perceive them doing wrong to others by what they choose to do behind closed doors with each other?

I don't perceive them doing wrong to others. But is that the only way to sin? By doing wrong to others?

Who did Adam harm in Eden?


Well-known member
Yes, there is a real difference. If you are heterosexual then you will direct your energies towards cultivating relationships with the opposite sex.

I am not asking you for the difference between homosexual behaviors and heterosexual behaviors.

I'll rephrase my question. Is there a difference between the following two mental states?
1. John feels sexual desire toward many different women.​
2. John feels lust toward many different women.​


You avoided the question. You said doting mothers make their sons gay?

Were you born a sinner or did you become one?

Didn't avoid the question. You don't understand who God is. What happens happens. God arranges circumstances on purpose. The mother made her son all he is. She is involved in the process and as the result the son becomes gay, or a killer or a saint. The answer is in God. You don't see the answer cause you don't see God.

I was born totally deprived. I don't wear the t-shirt born to _____. My birth is as it is, without the free will other than my natural desires . Because I'm a sinner, I'm unable to save myself like you do. Let's not get into your fringe theology.


New member
Given the definitions of "sexual orientation" and "adultery", why would you make such a mistake? I wouldn't and I don't.
You were already told that "sexual orientation" is a term made up to excuse the perversion of same gender sex.

You really should start paying attention to the thread topic before going off and proving you are a mindless stepford wife who parrots the liberal agenda against Christianity.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You were already told that "sexual orientation" is a term made up to excuse the perversion of same gender sex.

You really should start paying attention to the thread topic before going off and proving you are a mindless stepford wife who parrots the liberal agenda against Christianity.

Coming from a guy who thinks folk can fall in love with a duvet if they 'train' themselves long enough to that's...well it's actually just sad.


Well-known member
Didn't avoid the question. You don't understand who God is. What happens happens. God arranges circumstances on purpose. The mother made her son all he is. She is involved in the process and as the result the son becomes gay, or a killer or a saint. The answer is in God. You don't see the answer cause you don't see God.

I was born totally deprived. I don't wear the t-shirt born to _____. My birth is as it is, without the free will other than my natural desires . Because I'm a sinner, I'm unable to save myself like you do. Let's not get into your fringe theology.

Being born a sinner which doesn't allow for being born gay is meaningless. It ain't fringe. It is the basic meaning of being born a sinner and you brought up the mother made me gay by doting. Doting wasn't the cause.

What is sin? If it is a sin I can be born that way.


Well-known member
Coming from a guy who thinks folk can fall in love with a duvet if they 'train' themselves long enough to that's...well it's actually just sad.

Like that sort of thing doesn't happen....

Link to article - Man Marries Pillow



Well-known member
That was not, of course, a genuine story. Saying you are married and had a ceremony doesn't mean the marriage wasn't imaginary.


I agree entirely.

The point is, this man "fell in love" with an inanimate object.

Did you notice which comment I was responding to?