ECT Scriptures against the false pre-tribulation rapture doctrine


Well-known member
When dead people are raised what should we call it if not a resurrection?

Lazarus was raised from the dead, scriptures do not call that a resurrection.

Lazarus was raised from the dead, he was not part of a resurrection.

Jesus Christ and other men of God are recorded to have raised people from the dead, however, which one of those records are referred to as resurrections? They were simply raised from the dead to live a longer time in order to fulfill their lives.

God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, however, that is called a resurrection. For his raising was far more significant than being simply raised from the dead as was Lazarus or Tabitha, or the Shumanite woman's son. Philippians 3:10

There are first and second resurrections that is recorded in the book of Revelation. It is also called the resurrection of the just and the second is called the resurrection of the unjust.

Paul refers to attaining to the resurrection of the dead, Philippians 3:11, but this event is not an anastasis nekron, but an exanastasis nekron, an outresurrection of or from the dead. EW Bullinger says it means an outresurrection from the dead, meaning that not all involved in the even are being resurrected, ie, the dead in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up in the air with him and so shall we ever be with the lord. I Thessalonians 4:13-17

This event is not simply a raising from the dead of one individual, it is far more significant than that for it marks the end of this age of grace and the beginning of the events leading up to the new heavens and earth.

Likewise, I Thessalonians 4:13-18 (as well as the related scriptures in I Corinthians 15, Romans 8 and other places in the church epistles) is the event that saves us from the wrath to come, Romans 5:9, I Thessalonians 1:10. We will be gone and with the lord, thus we will not be subject to the wrath to come. We were not only saved from our sins, but from the wrath to come.

What is the value of being saved from our sins if we would still be subject to the wrath to come because of our sins?

Saving us from our sins therefore includes us being saved from the wrath to come.

Romans 5:9

I Thessalonians 1:10


You're further from the truth.

(Matt 13:35 KJV) That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying, I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world.

Give us some examples of things Jesus uttered that were kept secret since the foundation of the world?


Active member
The Bible shows how God overshadowed Mary and the seed of David was raised up to become the man who would save the world and be the King of the coming Kingdom of God, through His overcoming as the man He is, and be given all that the Father has.
I don't know what could possibly be more obvious from Matt 1, Luke 1, John 1
-- the Word came from heaven to miraculously become the "God-man"
(who was to be called "Jesus")
-- the Holy Spirit accomplished this miracle


Active member
Is the OP wholly yours or are you a thief who stole it and posts it in more than one place as your own?
Fair question, but will you believe the answer?
Every thread that I have ever started is my own original material.
And I have been on many different Christian forums under many different names.
Some years ago, I was called and anointed by the Lord Jesus to be an evangelist overseas.
Lately, I have been anointed by the Lord to teach the churches
what the pastors have refused to warn their sheep about, for example:
OSAS, the pre-trib rapture doctrine, taking the mark of the beast, etc.
Those who come against spiritual Truth from the Lord are in deep trouble,
as were the Israelites who came against God's prophets in the old covenant.
Some of these were left scattered all over the desert floor!


Well-known member
Some years ago, I was called and anointed by the Lord Jesus to be an evangelist overseas.

No you weren't.

Lately, I have been anointed by the Lord to teach the churches
what the pastors have refused to warn their sheep about

No you weren't.

Those who come against spiritual Truth from the Lord are in deep trouble,
as were the Israelites who came against God's prophets in the old covenant.
Some of these were left scattered all over the desert floor!

More demonic death threats against the Body of Christ. You're a deluded loser.


New member an imposed interpretation on an otherwise very plain meaning Scripture.
You have no justification what so ever to say that 3 1/2 days equals 3500 years. That's one of the wildest interpretations I've heard over the last thirty-six Ellen G. White in hyper-drive.

For a start.......

2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

A day in the Lord is a thousand years times 3.5 is 3500 years


Well-known member
For a start.......

2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, ]be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

A day in the Lord is a thousand years times 3.5 is 3500 years

Amazing how your math ignores that part.

Lazy afternoon

I don't know what could possibly be more obvious from Matt 1, Luke 1, John 1
-- the Word came from heaven to miraculously become the "God-man"
(who was to be called "Jesus")
-- the Holy Spirit accomplished this miracle

The Bible does not say the Word came from Heaven to become a baby in Mary.


Lazy afternoon

Fair question, but will you believe the answer?
Every thread that I have ever started is my own original material.
And I have been on many different Christian forums under many different names.
Some years ago, I was called and anointed by the Lord Jesus to be an evangelist overseas.
Lately, I have been anointed by the Lord to teach the churches
what the pastors have refused to warn their sheep about, for example:
OSAS, the pre-trib rapture doctrine, taking the mark of the beast, etc.
Those who come against spiritual Truth from the Lord are in deep trouble,
as were the Israelites who came against God's prophets in the old covenant.
Some of these were left scattered all over the desert floor!

This is true.


Lazy afternoon

No you weren't.

No you weren't.

More demonic death threats against the Body of Christ. You're a deluded loser.

What makes you so confident to call a member of the Bride of Christ, whose testimony is true, a deluded loser??

It sure is not by the Holy Spirit is it.

You provide no evidence from Gods word for what you say.



New member
Amazing how your math ignores that part.

Q. Why are you so spiritually void?

And at the end of the seven thousand year week that is the third day since Christ the mysteries of Godliness will be fulfilled with man (only the remnant) finally in both the image and likeness of God

Why do you think there are so many churches' or ministries with the words "third day" in them......... and why does everyone know this but you folks

A. Because you guys butcher the scriptures like no one else ever has

Lazy afternoon

Uh oh.

What happens when false prophets disagree with each other?

Tune in next week to find out!

There have been a few points we do not agree on but we did not go on like a pork chop like you do.

We do not think to be the owner of Gods word, and overseer of all peoples faith as you do.



Well-known member
What makes you so confident to call a member of the Bride of Christ, whose testimony is true, a deluded loser??

He preaches a false gospel and says the true Gospel is false. That makes him accursed.

He claims Christ called him when to preach when Christ would call no one who is preaching a lie.

You have defended him, which is a very bad sign.

No one today is of the Bride of Christ. There is only those of the Body or those still in Adam. He, and you, lack that much discernment because you're both blinded ministers of Satan.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
For a start.......

2 Peter 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
So do not be ignorant.
One day is AS 1000 years.
!000 years is AS as day.

It does NOT say that a day IS 1000 years.
It does NOT say that 1000 years IS a day.

And then you sum it up by purposely leaving out AS.
A day in the Lord is a thousand years times 3.5 is 3500 years


New member

And then you sum it up by purposely leaving out AS.

You should be above this type of an accusation

It always been a seven X 1000 year for a week for the Lord's plan for man (some AKA remnant) to go from being in just the image of God (because both are spirit with a soul) to being in both the image and likeness of God of which to date has only been seen in Jesus who came to earth to sow the seeds that would be perfected on the "third day" that is the millennium we are now in.

Miss this and you miss God's plan for man

On the 7th 1000 year day God will rest from His completed work