ECT Rightly Dividing

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
That's not what God wants.

The law was never what God wanted.

And yet you, in deceit, in hypocrisy, punk, spam your "GAP" charge, against us, and satanically assert that the law was "nailed to the cross," and yet no scripture says that, but concede that the law continued for years "post cross," but, no, that was not a "GAP," it meant only that God did not "flip a light switch."

You are the most deceiving, subtil(Gen. 3:1 KJV) actress on TOL, being so obsessed with MAD, you engage in fraud, hypocrisy, habitual lying, and sophistry.

Now-answer-Did you say this, punk?:

"Not to mention, Darby followers deny that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin was good enough. They claim people in the future will have to sacrifice animals for sin atonement."-Craigie Tet.

He won't reply. Or he will wine, as He does with Mayor STP, that he is "misquoted."


Spineless, cry baby Craigie.

"The law was never what God wanted."-Craigie

And the punk is clueless as to the purpose of the law. Go ahead, Craigie. Tell us the purpose for which the law was given. Go ahead. Lay it out for us, teacher." And go on record, and assert that Paul was not shown the law, to bring him to Christ, but lost people today are not. Go ahead.

I will pick you apart-and you know it.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I didn't say He sinned.

I asked you if He adhered to the Mosaic Law and sacrificed animals as required by the Mosaic Law?

Originally Posted by tetelestai View Post
If so, did He sacrifice animals for sin atonement? If not, then He didn't keep the Mosaic Law to perfection did He?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I didn't say He sinned.

I asked you if He adhered to the Mosaic Law and sacrificed animals as required by the Mosaic Law?

Did believers "post resurrection," in "early Acts," "adhere to the Mosaic Law," including keeping the "appointed times"/feasts? Did they go to the temple? Did they observe the "hour of prayer?" Did Peter still observe the dietary restrictions, according to the lsw? Did Paul offer a sacrifice, according to the law? Did he shave his head, in accordance with the law? Was the law followed post dbr?

Yes, or no.

"MAD cannot even answer..............................."-Craigie on TOL, over and over, spam

Answer, Craigie.

A "GAP" 'invention" of yours?


Originally Posted by tetelestai View Post
If so, did He sacrifice animals for sin atonement? If not, then He didn't keep the Mosaic Law to perfection did He?

Why won't you answer the question?

Did Jesus sacrifice animals as per the Mosaic Law?

Animal sacrifices were for sin atonement. They provided temporary forgiveness of sins. The animals were a substitute, they died instead of the sinner. Because they were temporary, they had to be done over and over again. They were a shadow of what was to come.

So once again, did Jesus sacrifice animals as required by the Mosaic Law?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by tetelestai View Post
If so, did He sacrifice animals for sin atonement? If not, then He didn't keep the Mosaic Law to perfection did He?

Here come da spin, Mayor....Watch...

Or, here comes a "Darby....You are in denial....Dispensationalism is a mess....You want us the believe(humanism)...."

Vegas has it at 1.5/1.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
I asked you if He adhered to the Mosaic Law and sacrificed animals as required by the Mosaic Law?

For what reason would He sacrifice animals under the Mosaic Law.

Please quote a verse which speaks of the offerings under the law which you think would obligate Him to sacrifice animals.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The OC and the law were a shadow of what was to come. God is not going to go back to a shadow of what was to come, after what was promised did come. We now live in a new heaven and new earth with a NC.

It's crazy that you think God is going to back to the old system with the old earth and the old heaven and the OC, and start sacrificing animals for sin atonement again.

That's nuts.

Explain why the law was adhered to in early Acts, from the Preterist interpretive methodology. Unpack it for us. And none of this "flip a light switch" humanism. Lay it out for us, and explain why you are not being an actress, a hypocrite, in your satanic accusations re. our acceptance of future offerings/sacrifices in the future, given that you admit that the law was adhered to in early Acts, which included sacrifices, offerings.

Or, do you deny that the law was adhered to in early Acts?


For what reason would He sacrifice animals under the Mosaic Law.

That's my point. He didn't because He didn't sin.

Yet you and STP think people are going to sacrifice animals for sin atonement in the future, and keep the Mosaic Law to perfection.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
That's not what God wants.

The law was never what God wanted.

God was never happy with animal sacrifices.

Did Jesus keep the law to perfection? If so, did He sacrifice animals for sin atonement? If not, then He didn't keep the Mosaic Law to perfection did He?

No one was ever saved by anything other than faith.

The animal sacrifices were a shadow of what was to come.

Why in the world would God go back to a "shadow" program? Don't you realize how that doesn't make sense?

Did you say this, punk?:

"Not to mention, Darby followers deny that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin was good enough. They claim people in the future will have to sacrifice animals for sin atonement."-Craigie Tet.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Yet you and STP think people are going to sacrifice animals for sin atonement in the future, and keep the Mosaic Law to perfection.

Of course they will. Flesh and blood people ,alive at his return, will enter the kingdom, and be under a rod of iron.

I don't see a problem with it.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Did you say this, punk?:

"Not to mention, Darby followers deny that Christ Jesus' one time sacrifice for sin was good enough. They claim people in the future will have to sacrifice animals for sin atonement."-Craigie Tet.

You know, saint john, this is like trying to nail jello to a wall.
Am I getting through to you, fella?


The Sin and Trespass offerings are mandatory.


They fail to understand that Jesus fulfilled the law. They want to bring the law back.

Jesus also touched a leper

(Matt 8:3) Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!" Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.

According to the Mosaic Law, if you touched a leper, you were unclean and guilty.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
That's my point. He didn't because He didn't sin.

Yet you and STP think people are going to sacrifice animals for sin atonement in the future, and keep the Mosaic Law to perfection.

You really do not understand the true meaning of the word "atonement." It was always a priestly duty.The Lord Jesus is making atonement now in His role as High Priest:

"For this reason he had to be made like them,[fn] fully human in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people" (Heb.2:1'; NIV).​

In the future when atonement will be made alongside animal sacrifices then the animals will serve as nothing more than a "memorial" of the Lord Jesus.


Of course they will. Flesh and blood people ,alive at his return, will enter the kingdom, and be under a rod of iron.


I don't see a problem with it.

Apparently you don't understand what a shadow is.

Christ Jesus fulfilled the law, the shadow has been replaced by what is perfect, and you think God is going to go back to the shadow again.

Don't you ever get tired trying to defend Darby?