REPORT: Coming Out of the Closet - By Bob Enyart


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denversurvivor said:

Thanks for the trivia. I'll bring it up at the next right wing lodge meeting and impress all my friends. :)

Do that. A friend of mine claims that Barney checked him out that day (and, yes, my friend is an adult). Personally, I don't know that I believe him. My mum drove me to the march with my friend Jess and we had tickets to go see "Jeckyll and Hyde" that day...and we had my friend Christy's wedding that'd have loved it: Two lesbian pagans tying the knot in a traditional pagan handfasting. :D

And it was my mom's first gay wedding. :D<---me beeming with pride.


New member
denversurvivor said:
I don't remember the name of the video,

I can probably call my PFLAG moms and dads and find out. I saw it at one of their meetings.

but since I work in the video world

[excited]Porn?[/excited] :D

I can usually see bad editing or audio over dubs.

Me too. Irritating, isn't it?

My friends can tell you I'm no fun at the movies because I pick out all the flaws.

You have to be better than the joker we had sitting behind us in "Lord of the Rings": "Oh, that's Isengard...the Orcs live underground." "That's Galadriel...they're speaking Sindarin." I came to within a fraction of a second of turning around and saying "Thank you!! They would have never figured it out for themselves considering that they're explaining everything!" However, in the same vein, if a movie loses my respect, my friends and I Mystery Science Theatre 3000 the movie to death.

Projill also remembers the chant.

The "Hey, hey! Ho, ho!" chants are also quite popular. We have to shout them to be heard over the din of "die faggots" from our less than loving onlookers.

She said the homos were saying that to mock right-wingers.

Yup. We quite enjoy doing that. They're easy targets because typically they're ill-prepared to deal with us. And we know they're gonna take everything we say the wrong (re: fundie...they have been programmed quite well) way so we don't really care what they think we mean.

I don't but the claim, but she can at least back up my claim that the phrase is said. [/B]

So you don't believe me? Why would I lie? I've already said I don't care what you think. Feeding people lines is something Christians are better at. I happily claim that the phrase is used. You guys believed that a guy died and rose from the dead, that a virgin gave birth to him, that he could walk on water, and that a 2000 year old book of old dusty parables and outdated laws is in any way relevant to us, that's a tad dense...and more than a little ridiculous. Besides, you protesters take the bait so easily! It's a laugh riot. :D


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denversurvivor said:

I'm more of a Perth fan myself.

Heath Ledger's from Perth. I like Heath Ledger. He was good in "A Knight's Tale"...the guy who played Geoff Chaucer in that (best friend hated that...he's an English major) went on to work with Russell Crowe in the movie "A Beautiful Mind"...Crowe played a schitzophrenic guy...they left out one thing though: the guy he was playing, who actually did exist, was bisexual. Enough to get at least one :down: in my book.


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denversurvivor said:

Liberal is already a dirty word. You don't have to tweak it.

"Conservative" is pretty foul too. That's why I wind up saying "conservo"...just the word "conservative" itself is coyote ugly.


New member
Well as long as Projill is saying goodbye I might as well follow suit.

I'm going to the olympic games in Salt Lake City for a week of pro-life activism with other survivors of the abortion holocaust.

I'll let you know how it goes. Maybe I'll start a thread so the Christians will be encouraged and the liberals can tell me how hatful and oppressive I am. LOL

Talk to ya again on the 14th?


You have to be better than the joker we had sitting behind us in "Lord of the Rings": "Oh, that's Isengard...the Orcs live underground." "That's Galadriel...they're speaking Sindarin." I came to within a fraction of a second of turning around and saying "Thank you!! They would have never figured it out for themselves considering that they're explaining everything!" However, in the same vein, if a movie loses my respect, my friends and I Mystery Science Theatre 3000 the movie to death.

*grin* We had a kid do that when we saw the X Men movie... "Oh! I think that's Storm... yeah, it is, it's Storm!! And look... that's got to be Sabretooth!!"

He had an excuse though.... he was, like, 8.

Oh yeah... I heard that they'd cut that detail out of Beautiful Mind. Not happy.... although I'd have to see the movie before deciding if it took anything away from the story.

And Heath Ledger is totally foxy. :) Yay for our Aussie exports! Have you seen "Two Hands"? It's an Aussie movie... really, really good. :) I think you'd like it, if you can get your hands on it....

I'm more of a Perth fan myself.

I've never really liked Perth... it confuses me slightly. I'll admit, though, that I've only been there a few times... the beaches are a lot cleaner and less crowded than Sydney beaches, which gets my approval. I'm sick of being pushed off the beach by British backpackers. ;)

I'm actually a fan of most of Australia... and I've seen some of the really dodgy bits, so that's saying something. But it all has grounds for improval. :)


(Incidentally, I won't be around too much over the next few days... I'll pop in occasionally, but I won't be doing the whole uber poster bit. Doing a bit of a detox. :) )



Thanks for taking the time to seek out a non-overly-politically-biased source.... I'll do a little looking into the matter from the side of GLBT sources, and get back to you about it....



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denversurvivor said:

I can agree to that. We will see how much compassion the liberals have for the kids being molested.

How will I measure your compassion? Compassion for the children is directly proportional to the severity of punishment to those who would hurt them.

Well, there goes Family Values. Think about how many fathers would be put to death.


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Coming Out of the Closet

Re: Re: Re: Re: Coming Out of the Closet

Zakath said:

Yes denver, you are sorry. You are a fine example of the kind of closed-minded individual that give religionists a bad name.

Don't worry, we won't disturb your little dream-world with the facts. Enjoy your delusions.

He looks like such an angel when he's sleeping.


New member
I've heard the chant, too: 10% is not enough - recruit, recruit, recruit! And if you aren't an idiot, you realize they are being sarcastic. They are mocking the stereotype. Tell me if I'm typing too fast.


New member
denversurvivor said:
Well as long as Projill is saying goodbye I might as well follow suit.

I'm going to the olympic games in Salt Lake City for a week of pro-life activism with other survivors of the abortion holocaust.

I'll let you know how it goes. Maybe I'll start a thread so the Christians will be encouraged and the liberals can tell me how hatful and oppressive I am. LOL

Talk to ya again on the 14th?

Have fun! I have friends right now doing some protesting in NYC. My heart is, as always, with the protesters. We protesters have a tough time, regardless of the side we take. I didn't know you survived an attempted abortion. When you get back I hope you see this thread and tell us about your story. :)


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firechyld said:
Projill.... *grin* We had a kid do that when we saw the X Men movie... "Oh! I think that's Storm... yeah, it is, it's Storm!! And look... that's got to be Sabretooth!!"

Hehe! Sounds like my best bud when we saw "X-Men"...he's been a fan of the comics since he was a kid. He's 23 now but I can safely say that he, much like myself, hasn't matured a day. :D Actually, his commentary is ongoing to this day. I'm currently receiving my grossly neglected X-Men education. (Though now, when we watch the movie, we're too fixated on how gorgeously hot Hugh Jackman is! Thank you, Australia! You keep shippin' 'em up and we'll keep giving 'em work! :D)

What was bad about the guy at "Lord of the Rings"? He was at least in his fifties.

Oh yeah... I heard that they'd cut that detail out of Beautiful Mind. Not happy.... although I'd have to see the movie before deciding if it took anything away from the story.

I want to see it. I hear it's brilliant and I love Jennifer Connolly (not a huge fan of Russell Crowe...he doesn't seem to be an all that personable a guy.)

And Heath Ledger is totally foxy. Yay for our Aussie exports! Have you seen "Two Hands"? It's an Aussie movie... really, really good. I think you'd like it, if you can get your hands on it....

I'd probably enjoy it. And I could probably get ahold of it if I tried. He engaged in what my Melbourne friend tells me is one of his own personal favorite passtimes is while he's talking to Americans: messing with their heads. Heath appeared on "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart" which is one of the most intelligent shows on TV....but I digress. Heath actually had Jon convinced that he had a background in medieval sports, coming from Perth...he totally had Jon snowed. My pal in Melbourne loves to do precisely the same thing. Never snowed me, though. I'm culturally aware! ;)


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beanieboy said:
I've heard the chant, too: 10% is not enough - recruit, recruit, recruit! And if you aren't an idiot, you realize they are being sarcastic. They are mocking the stereotype. Tell me if I'm typing too fast.

Can't blame them, they can't get a reasonable scientific education, let alone a sociological one. ;)


New member
I once heard that christians "drink the blood and eat the body of Christ!" ahhhhh Cannibalism! No one is safe!!

Yeah. I guess it is kind of fun to take stuff out of context, and pretend it's a real threat.

me again

New member
Posted by kiwimac
What a crock of fetid dung! Rarely have I seen such asinine drivel!
Lighten up on the attempt to use big words. You sound like a GED graduate with a low self-esteem who is trying to flex his muscles.

Incidently, what are your educational credentials (if you have any)?

:confused: ;)


Me again asketh,

Lighten up on the attempt to use big words. You sound like a GED graduate with a low self-esteem who is trying to flex his muscles.

Incidently, what are your educational credentials (if you have any)?

We don't have the GED in my country, just various exams between 5th form to 7th form (ie 15-17 yrs). As for my educational qualifications, what are yours?, who are you to ask?
what's it to ya, me boyo?



New member
Just FYI - you are, of course, aware of the numerous studies showing that severe homophobics are actually physiologically aroused by images of homosexual acts indicating that they are, of course, "closet homosexuals"? Of course you don't qualify as a "severe homophobic", do you?

Live and let live - to each his own. What skin is it off your nose? One more place in heaven for you (infallible and perfect), right?
