REPORT: Coming Out of the Closet - By Bob Enyart


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Projill said:

I'm not in favor of NAMBLA. And why is it that you conservos always trot out NAMBLA anyway? You guys seem to be morbidly curious when it comes to that. But they can "think" all they want...provided they don't act on those thoughts.

In a society that allows sooooooo much it's hard for conservatives to find examples of things that liberals also agree are wrong. You for example are in favor of legalized prostitution and drug use so I have to go futher to the left to find your stoping point. We can both agree Nambla members are wrong. We differ on punishment for the crime but we both agree child molestation is a crime. That's why we use Nambla.


New member
firechyld said:

Actually, yes it would interest me to know that. I'm quite surprised. As far as I was aware, the organisation is as illegal and condemned in the US as it is in Australia. It still doesn't make them a fair cross-section of the GLBT community. I don't think it even makes them an element of it.

Do you have anything to support your assertation?

And what's with "San Fran-sissy-co"?

If the organizers allow them to march they are an element of the parade and they are one element of the community. Pflag is an element, politicians who support homos are an element, leather daddies :( are an element, and Nambla is an element.

If the homo community would condemn and shun Nambla then I wouldn't be able to use them to condemn the homo community.

If you don't like San Fran-sissy-co how about San Fran-sicko? I got a million of them.:D

We even wrote a homo song during one of our homo protests. I'm sure you would love it.


If the organizers allow them to march they are an element of the parade and they are one element of the community. Pflag is an element, politicians who support homos are an element, leather daddies are an element, and Nambla is an element.

If the homo community would condemn and shun Nambla then I wouldn't be able to use them to condemn the homo community.

Well, I did ask for a source, or some evidence to support that claim. I've never heard of any element of the gay community accepting or condoning the actions of NAMBLA, nor of them being allowed a spot in a gay pride parade. And I'm fairly well-informed when it comes to matters like that. Are you going to provide this information, or are you simply going to pretend I didn't ask?

If you don't like San Fran-sissy-co how about San Fran-sicko? I got a million of them.

We even wrote a homo song during one of our homo protests. I'm sure you would love it.

No, I seriously don't understand what you have against the place itself. What's with the moniker?



New member
firechyld said:

No, I seriously don't understand what you have against the place itself. What's with the moniker?


When the homos were gaining acceptance the 80's San Francisco was considered by most to habor the homos. If your city promotes bad things they will be mocked.


denversurvivor said:

When the homos were gaining acceptance the 80's San Francisco was considered by most to habor the homos. If your city promotes bad things they will be mocked.


Well, I live in the Gay capital of the world.... and people love us. ;)

And you still haven't given me any response to my request that you back up your statement about NAMBLA and those gay pride marches. Please do.



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Knight said:
So far the only real argument being made by the lefties is that not all homosexuals are strict homosexuals and sometimes they prefer both genders. Is that the best argument you can make???

As long as we can agree that all pedophiles should be put to a swift and painful death I would be happy!

Can we at least agree on that????

Sorry, I'm anticapital punishment, but I'd be happy with life in prison.

I think you've dismissed the above "argument" too quickly, and you phrase it in such a way which is pretty disengenous. The argument is that paedophiles do not distinguish between sexes at all. It is not a matter of sexual preference; it's a matter of contact. That's why, for years, peadophile priests molested boys. Until recently, only boys could be alter servers. However, priests who also had contact with girls molested them as well.


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KurtPh said:

Sorry Kurt but I had to edit out your profane comment - Knight

Huh? What are you talking about? What did I say that could possibly be construed as profane?


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denversurvivor said:

I veiwed a videotape of a gay pride parade in DC in which the crowd chanted, "Ten percent is not enough recruit recruit recruit!".:(

This video was put out by a right wing organization but the crowd was clearly doing this of their own free will. The audio was not overdubbed like a kung-fu movie. The parade goers were saying that.

Do you mind if I ask what the name of this video was? I seem to remember something similar in the past, and the evidence was proven to be fraudulent/staged. Still, this might be something different.


New member
denversurvivor said:

There are kids along the parade route watching! How can the they avoid the kids?

You're right. There are kids along the parade route...brought to the parade by both gay and straight parents. Blame the parents if you have a problem with that.


New member
denversurvivor said:

In a society that allows sooooooo much it's hard for conservatives to find examples of things that liberals also agree are wrong. You for example are in favor of legalized prostitution and drug use so I have to go futher to the left to find your stoping point. We can both agree Nambla members are wrong. We differ on punishment for the crime but we both agree child molestation is a crime. That's why we use Nambla.

Oookay. You're right that I think that child molestation is wrong. As far as them marching in the parades, well, that's left up to the organizations who are running the show's discretion. To my knowledge the OKC pride parade has never had any NAMBLA group march. The Cimarron Alliance Foundation is in charge of that...which is a GLBT lobbying organization, if memory serves (I need to email that guy...thanks for reminding me. :)) As far as NAMBLA marching in the parade, well, neo-Nazis have parades...the most disliked groups still have the right to freedom of speech.


New member
denversurvivor said:
If the organizers allow them to march they are an element of the parade and they are one element of the community.

Though the vast majority of our community disagrees with NAMBLA, they do have that freedom of speech and assembly thing.

Pflag is an element,

Bless or PFLAG moms. :)

politicians who support homos are an element,

Did you know Barney Frank was the first grand marshall of the first ever Tulsa pride march?

leather daddies :( are an element,

Why the long face? What problem do you have with leather daddies?

and Nambla is an element.

Not in the parades I've been in, but okay.

If the homo community would condemn and shun Nambla then I wouldn't be able to use them to condemn the homo community.

Where would your argument be without NAMBLA? It appears you favor their existance.

If you don't like San Fran-sissy-co how about San Fran-sicko? I got a million of them.:D

I love rhetoric. Do you use the term LIE-beral as well? :D

We even wrote a homo song during one of our homo protests. I'm sure you would love it. [/B]

And yet you have a problem with us shouting "Ten percent is not enough! Recruit! Recruit! Recruit!" Why? You have your rhetoric, we have ours, and everyone is happy.


New member
denversurvivor said:

When the homos were gaining acceptance the 80's San Francisco was considered by most to habor the homos. If your city promotes bad things they will be mocked.

That reminds me, I gotta find me some mocking terms for Denver.


New member
Projill said:

Did you know Barney Frank was the first grand marshall of the first ever Tulsa pride march?

Thanks for the trivia. I'll bring it up at the next right wing lodge meeting and impress all my friends. :)


New member
KurtPh said:

Do you mind if I ask what the name of this video was? I seem to remember something similar in the past, and the evidence was proven to be fraudulent/staged. Still, this might be something different.

I don't remember the name of the video, but since I work in the video world I can usually see bad editing or audio over dubs. My friends can tell you I'm no fun at the movies because I pick out all the flaws.

Projill also remembers the chant. She said the homos were saying that to mock right-wingers. I don't but the claim, but she can at least back up my claim that the phrase is said.


New member
firechyld said:

And you still haven't given me any response to my request that you back up your statement about NAMBLA and those gay pride marches. Please do.

I tried to find non right-wing support so tell me what you think. I copied and pasted from the link I provided below. Bold added.

Pedophiles have made some headway in politics as well as the world of sexology. NAMBLA is a member of the International Lesbian and Gay Association, which has called on members "to treat all sexual minorities with respect," including pedophiles. Though a great many lesbians and gays detest NAMBLA, the group has been allowed to march in gay parades in New York and San Francisco under its own banner.