rep war 3

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...of course they don't, to you

to many others here, including myself? :idunno:
And now you're a spokesperson for unnamed many others? And you don't know?

That must be hard on all of you. :plain:

I answered you on your attempt to set up a myopic, non scriptural litmus test for recognition.

I hope one day you'll set down that authority you were never given by the God who wants you to find a joy that doesn't appear anywhere in your participation here.


town demonstrates his Christian "witness":
And now you're a spokesperson for unnamed many others? And you don't know?

That must be hard on all of you. :plain:

I answered you on your attempt to set up a myopic, non scriptural litmus test for recognition.

I hope one day you'll set down that authority you were never given by the God who wants you to find a joy that doesn't appear anywhere in your participation here.

seek Christ town

seek Him with all your heart

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
for you artie?

I have nothing but contempt mixed with sadness for the foolish path you've chosen

Nah, for some reason you just have this massive chip on your shoulder and need to vent it by trolling on here at any given opportunity. Who knows why? Maybe you drove people away from you by acting like you do here, and maybe you even regret some of what you've done. I can relate to that. It wouldn't surprise me if you were a bully when younger, but you don't have that here and you're just ineffectual. You don't reflect anything of light which is why you're reduced to your constant mantras to TH despite knowing better and your pathetic insults to anna and bybee.

You're boring res. Tired, nasty, dull and boring, and the saddest thing is you'll likely know it but can't seem to help it. It doesn't have to stay that way though.


New member
Nah, for some reason you just have this massive chip on your shoulder and need to vent it by trolling on here at any given opportunity. Who knows why? Maybe you drove people away from you by acting like you do here, and maybe you even regret some of what you've done. I can relate to that. It wouldn't surprise me if you were a bully when younger, but you don't have that here and you're just ineffectual. You don't reflect anything of light which is why you're reduced to your constant mantras to TH despite knowing better and your pathetic insults to anna and bybee.

You're boring res. Tired, nasty, dull and boring, and the saddest thing is you'll likely know it but can't seem to help it. It doesn't have to stay that way though.

I've been thinking about this situation with res. It is sad. We could all disagree with some panache and courtesy as well as agree respectfully. Because he is so unrelenting in his mission I feel the only recourse is to ignore him. Perhaps if we all refuse to respond or acknowledge his existence life will be more pleasant on TOL.
I'd rather work toward friendliness but that doesn't seem possible.


If you had you'd reflect it here. You don't. Maliciousness doesn't come with peace.

you have no way of judging, seeing that your whole existence is controlled by satan

I've been thinking about this situation with res. It is sad. We could all disagree with some panache and courtesy as well as agree respectfully. Because he is so unrelenting in his mission I feel the only recourse is to ignore him. Perhaps if we all refuse to respond or acknowledge his existence life will be more pleasant on TOL.
I'd rather work toward friendliness but that doesn't seem possible.

have you ever been treated for schizophrenia?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I've been thinking about this situation with res. It is sad. We could all disagree with some panache and courtesy as well as agree respectfully. Because he is so unrelenting in his mission I feel the only recourse is to ignore him. Perhaps if we all refuse to respond or acknowledge his existence life will be more pleasant on TOL.
I'd rather work toward friendliness but that doesn't seem possible.

I agree. A bit of heated debate or ribbing is no bad thing, but he seems to just have an agenda based on lashing out. I've been there before but not anymore. That's my last to res on here also unless it changes.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I've been thinking about this situation with res. It is sad. We could all disagree with some panache and courtesy as well as agree respectfully. Because he is so unrelenting in his mission I feel the only recourse is to ignore him. Perhaps if we all refuse to respond or acknowledge his existence life will be more pleasant on TOL.
I'd rather work toward friendliness but that doesn't seem possible.

I agree. A bit of heated debate or ribbing is no bad thing, but he seems to just have an agenda based on lashing out. I've been there before but not anymore. That's my last to res on here also unless it changes.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I am getting a lot of help

thank you
thank you very much

another good day

9 positive
3 negative

all from tambora

lighthouse clearly wants this to go away
claims he had nothing to do with tambora's involvement

both would have us believe an incredible coincidence that she just happened to neg rep me three times in one day right after I started to neg rep lighthouse who started this

my reason for starting this thread is that I believed others besides tambora and nick would also join in
making it public was my best bet