rep war 3

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
You know, out of all the people I've met throughout my entire life, either through personal contact or on the internet, the only ones who were ever as touchy about minor insults, either real or perceived, as you do were fags. Is there something you want to tell us? Do you want to be a priest?


That's so wrong but its funny.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I'll just keep saying what I think and if you want to follow me around responding with goofy comments, it's your time. Whatever.
Maybe he's angling for HOF, toeing the line, lifting the bale, getting a little drunk and landing in jail, maybe. :think: The last part is purely speculative, but it would explain a few things like his writing style and sudden absences. And the "back in my day I had more rep by Tuesday than you kids earned in a week" and whatnot. Which impressed me more than I can say...legally. :eek:

well, thank you captain obvious
BAM! :shocked: Good grief how do you come up with those? The sheer wit and vigor nearly knocked me out of my chair. You should write a book. Now. Stop wasting this dynamo of creative energy on us.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by Town Heretic View Post
Maybe I'm a total tard who's impressed by the amount of dreck I can make flow forth

:rotfl: BAM! Hoooboy, I almost thought that was me! Now that's satire to make Twain claw himself right out his grave. Yessir. :chuckle: Man oh man. I don't know how you do it...or why. :plain:


when you were a kid, were you beaten up daily, weekly, semi-weekly, what?

how much of your youth did you spend stuffed in a locker?


New member
when you were a kid, were you beaten up daily, weekly, semi-weekly, what?

how much of your youth did you spend stuffed in a locker?

Did you beat your victims first or stuff them in their lockers first and then torment them? How many kids were afraid of you? Did you call them tards or morons?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
when you were a kid, were you beaten up daily, weekly, semi-weekly, what?
:rotfl: And B-A-M again! Forget Twain, you're almost Swift...literally. :D

how much of your youth did you spend stuffed in a locker?
I remember you saying you were in a pack of kids who did that. So crowd tough AND unbelievably clever...deadly combo. :thumb:

Kidney comes to mind....
Nicely played. :eek:


:rotfl: And B-A-M again! Forget Twain, you're almost Swift...though I guess you heard that a lot before I heaped it on you.

I remember you saying you were in a pack of kids who did that. So crowd tough AND unbelievably clever...deadly combo. :thumb:

Jesus Christ, town

you need Him so so badly

He's the only thing that will change you from the desperate mess you are

seriously, what sort of satisfaction does a grown man get out of behaving the way you do? :idunno:


Poor little Dweeblette! I doubt that your flapping gums give you time to witness anything.
Lay off the X-lax! It affects your posting style!

bybee, you too need the healing power that comes from knowing Jesus Christ

you're an absolute mess as a pretend Christian


New member
bybee, you too need the healing power that comes from knowing Jesus Christ

you're an absolute mess as a pretend Christian

And I see Hellfire licking at your pantaloons! You presume to judge. This is very bad.

The never ending drivel constantly oozing from your fetid brain is noxious and harmful to the body of Christ.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Jesus Christ, town

you need Him so so badly
We all do and thank God I have him.

But don't get angry, res. If you didn't know, that's your angry go-to, routinely followed by telling people to go to hell, which really cements the declaration, I can tell you.

He's the only thing that will change you from the desperate mess you are
He certainly did. And I'm sure he'll do the same for you if you stop fighting on the point. You tell me you're a Christian and though I don't see the fruit I have a hope that you accepted Christ and that you can one day live a witness that will shake people from disbelief. But for now, well, I'll get to it in a moment.

seriously, what sort of satisfaction does a grown man get out of behaving the way you do? :idunno:
Mocking people who post terrific scripture in their signature line but act like someone else must have put it there when you read what they set out above it?

Oh, I don't mind. I've told you I think you're capable of great things, but it doesn't follow that I'm going to watch you try to shove friends of mine into your modern metaphorical locker.

You're a bully. You were then by your own inadvertent admission as a kid and nothing seems to have changed for you except what you try to use to accomplish it...

It's sad and telling that you thought placing me in the role of a kid you'd have victimized would be the part/role that was, I wasn't that kid. And I wasn't your sort either, but I'd much rather have been that kid than the one you spoke about being.


And I see Hellfire licking at your pantaloons! You presume to judge. This is very bad.

The never ending drivel constantly oozing from your fetid brain is noxious and harmful to the body of Christ.

i don't recogonize Christ in the silly drivel you post :idunno:

all i recognize is a desire to elevate yourself over others


We all do and thank God I have him.

But don't get angry, res. If you didn't know, that's your angry go-to, routinely followed by telling people to go to hell, which really cements the declaration, I can tell you).

He certainly did. And I'm sure he'll do the same for you if you stop fighting on the point. You tell me you're a Christian and though I don't see the fruit I have a hope that you accepted Christ and that you can one day live a witness that will shake people from disbelief. But for now, well, I'll get to it in a moment.

Mocking people who post terrific scripture in their signature line but act like someone else must have put it there when you read what they set out above it?

Oh, I don't mind. I've told you I think you're capable of great things, but it doesn't follow that I'm going to watch you try to shove friends of mine into your modern metaphorical locker.

You're a bully. You were then by your own inadvertent admission as a kid and nothing seems to have changed for you except what you try to use to accomplish it...

It's sad and telling that you thought placing me in the role of a kid you'd have victimized would be the part/role that was, I wasn't that kid. And I wasn't your sort either, but I'd much rather have been that kid than the one you spoke about being.

yes, yes, that's all very nice town

it does nothing to cover up the fact that you're a disturbed emotional mess who seeks to elevate himself over others and belittle those with whom you disagree

seek the healing that comes from accepting Christ into your heart


New member
i don't recogonize Christ in the silly drivel you post :idunno:

all i recognize is a desire to elevate yourself over others

It is unfortunate that you are so consumed by your hatred of others that you continually pass unwarranted judgments.
You appear to be a sick man?
I merely respond to the drivel which you post more with an eye to keep the record straight because you are a flaming liar.

What you may or may not recognize is of no consequence to thinking persons.