rep war 3


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
another good day

13 positive
4 negative

three of them from timbore the great as she continues to carry the load for litehead
She's not doing anything for me. I don't care what she does. Just as I no longer care what you do. I've come to realize you're nothing but a whiny little fag who can't take what he dishes out.

Oh great.
What can be said?

I love Lighthouse

The sad beauty of this is he could care less prolly that I do - but I do - please please call off the war.
Let him have his whine fest. It's the only fun he has other than his boyfriend.

most want this to go away
I certainly do
there are signs that litehead is growing tired of this nonsense
he hasn't called off his goon
timbore never gets tired
she is a neg repping machine designed to serve her master
why should I continue?

maybe it is too easy to ignore what is going on

maybe it is too easy to pretend there is nothing you can do about it
My goon? I'm not her boss. I didn't ask her to do anything. She saw your little hissy fit and did as she always does when someone whines about rep. If you don't believe me ask Eeset.

Oh, you gave enough of an answer in its own way LH. Being reduced to this projection was pretty much inevitable.

A shame your grammar isn't up to the same speed...

Hmm, forgetting about TH's latest response are we? There were quite a few interested in your bumbling faux pas but of course you know that already.
Oh, well.

I don't care and it's none of your business, which means you're not getting any answers, so leave it be.

what if litehead tells you to quit?
I'm not her daddy. She doesn't do what I tell her.

so he did say something to you

do you realize he is only neg repping me once for every three of yours?
it looks like you are helping him keep his rep power up
it looks like he is not doing the same for you
you know how easy that would be for him

just something to think about

  1. I didn't say anything to her.
  2. Not anymore. You're nothing but a waste of time.


That's so wrong but its funny.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
yes, yes, that's all very nice town
Thanks! :thumb: Coming from you, well, you can't imagine what that means. :plain: No, really, you likely can't.

it does nothing to cover up the fact that you're a disturbed emotional mess who seeks to elevate himself over others and belittle those with whom you disagree
Nope on all counts. I doubt much of what I wrote was ever belittling and certainly it isn't these days. Elevate? That's a silly notion. Who cares? I mean other than you, apparently, given how often you talk about it.

seek the healing that comes from accepting Christ into your heart
I did. And playing this bit over and over only underscores my point about you and nothing changing except the means, bully. But I'm not someone you can shove. :D


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
so how did she know?
Because you started a thread on it, idiot.

she neg repped me three times in one day before I started this thread

see unedited opening post
Which had nothing to do with me. Maybe you should take a look in the mirror and think about what you posted that would lead to someone doing that to you, moron.

There was your insult to Pete and your refusal to apologize which I know I hit you for, so I assume others did as well. Just like when Eeset and sky. were going after Angel.

There's your constant refusal to admit the Republicans are just as bad as the Democrats when it comes to abortion. Then there's your constant promotion of those who deserve to be neg repped, such as meshak, GM and Eeset, and the fact that you're in league with them to boost your rep and theirs, when they are trolls, heretics, just plain rude and/or wicked. Not necessarily in that order.

There is no concerted attack on you for absolutely no reason. It is all something you brought on yourself with your behavior and attitude.

Tambora is not my slave; I am not her master. She acts of her own volition according to her own mind. No one on this board bows to my will, least of all my friends. They don't want me to be like you, a self-important blowhard.


New member
to you, a foolish old woman?

who knows? :idunno:

Stop dancing!
I asked you a question.
What do you think your statements say about you?
I have made it quite clear what I think about most of your statements.
If you don' t know? Something is wrong with you.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
so you say

your actions say otherwise
No, they don't. You say that. You who bullied children and are no better as a chronological adult. You're the least Christ like person I've ever met, including many of the atheists around TOL. So your judgment doesn't amount to much.

I'd be sorry for you but you seem to revel in it.