rep war 3


New member
Friend, I hope you will quit this war.

You have Zoo and AB and Rusha and of course Anna sigh all ganging up on a Christian. I thought they were all picking on you not so very long ago??

You can't have this.

If Tam is all you have going after you then please know this about women - we are like that. We are.

But that is not a war.


like marbles on glass
Friend, I hope you will quit this war.

You have Zoo and AB and Rusha and of course Anna sigh all ganging up on a Christian. I thought they were all picking on you not so very long ago??

You can't have this.

If Tam is all you have going after you then please know this about women - we are like that. We are.

But that is not a war.

What are you talking about? I'm not part of any war.

And I'm willing to bet that zoo, AB and Rusha aren't either.


Hall of Fame
Friend, I hope you will quit this war.

You have Zoo and AB and Rusha and of course Anna sigh all ganging up on a Christian. I thought they were all picking on you not so very long ago??

You can't have this.

If Tam is all you have going after you then please know this about women - we are like that. We are.

But that is not a war.

I beg your pardon. Why on earth are you accusing me of neg repping Chrys?


Friend, I hope you will quit this war.

You have Zoo and AB and Rusha and of course Anna sigh all ganging up on a Christian. I thought they were all picking on you not so very long ago??

You can't have this.

If Tam is all you have going after you then please know this about women - we are like that. We are.

But that is not a war.

Not all women are like that rainee...not at all. I hate to see gangs and thugs, I really do. This is a nice forum all but for a handful that are abusing what little authority they have to defend their friends. They need to stop defending the whiners who are perfectly capable of dishing out insults, agitating and thread stalking people instead of these people running whining to their mod buddy's every time someone gives it back to them. Level the playing field and make it fair or stop ganging up on people and abusing their forum privileges.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Friend, I hope you will quit this war.

I know this bothers you
it is because of who you are
I like that
this is something I have to do

I really struggled with the decision to go ahead with this
now I am convinced I made the right decision

what good is rep
you don't use it for what is right?


New member
What are you talking about? I'm not part of any war.

And I'm willing to bet that zoo, AB and Rusha aren't either.
I just saw this - am a bit slow...
You are not part of a war?

Chrys is part of a war he says, and the one he is having it with I thought you were as well by castigating one he is having it with? Perhaps I am wrong.
If so my apologies.


New member
I beg your pardon. Why on earth are you accusing me of neg repping Chrys?

Rusha, these are weird times I live in apparently - it appears to me you Zoo Anna AB and TH are backing Chrys in this. I could be wrong if so my apologies.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Rusha, these are weird times I live in apparently - it appears to me you Zoo Anna AB and TH are backing Chrys in this. I could be wrong if so my apologies.

I was having a go at LH for a screen cap he'd put up showing a whole page of his reps and comments received including the 'private' SOOTS club. It's subsequently "disappeared" but my beef was with him squirming out of acknowledging his rep is increased due to being in SOOTS. It had nothing to do with his battle with Chrys. I could care less about personal rep wars...


New member
I was having a go at LH for a screen cap he'd put up showing a whole page of his reps and comments received including the 'private' SOOTS club. It's subsequently "disappeared" but my beef was with him squirming out of acknowledging his rep is increased due to being in SOOTS. It had nothing to do with his battle with Chrys. I could care less about personal rep wars...

What is "SOOTS"?