rep war 3


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Eeset, this is a start, however, don't expect this to wash away what has been happening for months.

The handful of individuals who were involved in mocking Angel's tragedy as well as those who accused her of lying are responsible for emotionally wounding Angel to such an extent that it will not be soon forgotten.

For me, the very thought that there are actually other women (MOTHERS) who would maliciously attack a mother who has been emotionally shattered is mind boggling, and appalling.

In the future, IF you are unable to offer comfort, you need to remain silent.
No it isn't. It's a lie, an empty apology which will be ignored by her when she decides to start up again.

It's not a start for me, sorry.

I can't forget what Eeset's done over the course of many months here.

Angel has removed her avatar, her photo albums, her motto, just about everything that personalized her page and her posts, and I don't know what that means, whether she's taking a break or she's left, or what.

Eeset hasn't really apologized, she's offered one of those apologies that falls flat, because it's qualified. She's apologizing 'if' anyone was offended. She vindictively wounded a grieving mother, and for what? For what??

I'm completely shocked and disappointed that the management here didn't support Angel in this.

I'm disappointed that two of the three aggressors were banned and Eeset wasn't. She should have been.
I concur, except that I fully believe the management supports A4T. But I do not know why Eeset hasn't just been banned completely.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Quite easily, as well you know. Things don't just 'disappear' for no reason, especially when other people had quoted your post as well.
I always assumed breaking a link meant changing a link to not match to the proper link, which would require me to edit my post which would not have an effect on the quotes.

For it to disappear from all posts without all posts being edited I would think it would have to be deleted at the source.

Nope. I said 'I wager' which as you're well aware is a figure of speech within a point of inquiry or else for that matter. This is just lame LH...why can't you give a direct answer to a very straightforward question?
You never said what you'd put up in that wager.

And to me wagering is a betting term. But it's useless because it can't actually be proven to you one way or another.

And as we've already established that which takes place, including the special privileges we may or may not have is none of your business.

But I gave you a straight answer when I told you that none of the staff have ever said anything about a multiplication of rep points awarded to those we rep while in there.

I did. It was a pathetic deflection. Why can't you just answer "No"? It would be so simple if there were nothing to hide and you weren't trying to get out of lying as a response.
See above.

How can you be unaware of benefits which you claim to have?! :freak: Seriously LH, you need to look at what you post...
I know there are some benefits because I have been made aware of said benefits. But really other than being allowed in there and thus privy to certain information and having more leeway than you, for instance, I can't really think of anything else that Knight has openly set forth as a benefit for being a part of it.

Er, no it isn't. There is no way that huge rep scores can accrue as they have within a short space of time under the normal use of the current rep system. The only way it worked that way for Chrys and myself at the time of RATO was because of the massive points you could give at the time. It was ridiculous.
How massive?

Oh, so there's no such thing as rep rampages then? You're completely ignorant of any such thing, is that right?
Well, apparently that particular poster decided to go on one, but other than that type of thing I don't know what you would mean by that.

Oh, I'm sorry. It really must be a fascinating topic to be on it's fourth thread if you are actually talking about rep instead of dispensing it behind the scenes...:rolleyes:
Why wouldn't we be dispensing it in there as well? We clearly are as I have received some. My friends like what I have to say. What of it?

Well, two to three times more than the usual forum allocation I'd say, probably more the latter or higher really.
Three times? Really? Why would Knight do that?

Er, yes I did, and I'm aware of how the rep system works currently in the public forums as well thanks. You will indeed "only" be able to dispense around ninety odd points in the public arena. Your point is what exactly? If my suspicions (and plenty others) are correct your rep points will be far more than that 'behind the scenes'.
I was explaining that it would have to more than decuple in order to be in the thousands.

And as far as my current points and power you have no idea how many reps I have received or from whom over what period of time.

Er, no. Rather that you ill advisedly (albeit inadvertently) proved to many that the 'private club' exists and explains a great deal as to why
some people have such unrealistically high reps with SOOTS rep thread (IV)
I didn't prove anything as everyone already knew it existed and the rest is your imagination.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
do you know how much work it takes to neg rep someone three times in one day?
I do
they are mad
they are not resting
they are working hard to intimidate you
you can't ignore what is going on
you can pretend there is nothing you can do about it


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the girl continues to carry water for litehead

timbore did her usual three neg reps


litehead only did two


New member
I apologize. I apologize Angel4Truth for anything that I may have said which offended you in any way. Please forgive me.

I would also like to apologize to Knight, Delmar, the rest of the moderators, TOL and all the members of TOL. Please forgive me for anything that I have said which has been offensive in any way regarding Angel4Truth.

"I'm sorry" means very little.
One must admit that one has made cruel, vindictive, malicious and speciously harmful statements.
Then one must vow not to do again.
You have become mistrusted and disliked on this forum.
Perhaps that is your goal?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I am getting a lot of help

thank you
thank you very much

it was a good day yesterday
8 positive
5 negative

4 from timbore the great who continues to do most of the work

this means litehead gets at least 3 positive reps from the girl
that is why he is on top


New member
pettiness, vindictiveness and immaturity

pettiness, vindictiveness and immaturity

it was a good day yesterday
8 positive
5 negative

4 from timbore the great who continues to do most of the work

What posts is she negging?

Tambora - why the heck do you go through so much trouble, following people around to neg rep them?

I don't get it :idunno:


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Tambora - why the heck do you go through so much trouble
It's no trouble.
Just a click of a button.

following people around to neg rep them?
Duh, it's a rep war!
(See thread title.)
When someone (in this case, Chrys) declares a rep war .... it's on!

Let me guess; you think Chrys is not negging me.

I don't get it :idunno:
Well, don't lose any sleep over it. It's not a big deal and is inflicting no harm on anyone.
Don't sweat the small stuff.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
What posts is she negging?

Tambora - why the heck do you go through so much trouble, following people around to neg rep them?

I don't get it :idunno:
Why is chrys doing it? Why did he start this war?

Because he's a petty little crybaby with no life, and the hypersensitivity of a fag.

And notice he isn't willing to post a screen cap of at least the neg reps he says started it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I always assumed breaking a link meant changing a link to not match to the proper link, which would require me to edit my post which would not have an effect on the quotes.

For it to disappear from all posts without all posts being edited I would think it would have to be deleted at the source.

Well funnily enough I would think the same thing LH, so who deleted it at the source? Let me guess, you don't have any idea right?


You never said what you'd put up in that wager.

And to me wagering is a betting term. But it's useless because it can't actually be proven to you one way or another.

Okay, I'll change my avatar if I can be proven to be wrong, else you make the parameters. :D

Though apparently that's not 'possible' anyway so nevermind...

And as we've already established that which takes place, including the special privileges we may or may not have is none of your business.

But I gave you a straight answer when I told you that none of the staff have ever said anything about a multiplication of rep points awarded to those we rep while in there.

Oh, I could care less about what is talked about behind the scenes anyway, though it would be more of a straight answer if you categorically denied your rep power isn't increased or subject to changes in SOOTS which the usual member simply doesn't have. Can you do that, without lying?

I know there are some benefits because I have been made aware of said benefits. But really other than being allowed in there and thus privy to certain information and having more leeway than you, for instance, I can't really think of anything else that Knight has openly set forth as a benefit for being a part of it.

So your rep is exactly the same power in SOOTS as it is in public forum then? Just a yes or a no would suffice.

How massive?

Eh? You don't remember? You were there at the time LH. Rep scores years ago ran into multiple millions...and the rep power reflected was getting crazy all ends up.

Well, apparently that particular poster decided to go on one, but other than that type of thing I don't know what you would mean by that.

Well, they didn't say they were 'going on one' exactly anyway...and how can you say you don't know what I mean by that if you say this particular poster decided to 'go on one' anyway? :idunno:

Why wouldn't we be dispensing it in there as well? We clearly are as I have received some. My friends like what I have to say. What of it?

Well, a thread "about" rep that's in it's fourth incarnation would more than suggest it's the most appropriate place to hand out reps. I mean please....don't try and say you talk about rep so much it's on it's multiple thread LH. Stop insulting people's intelligence. It's not like some folk's exponentially increased scores in such a short space of time via "apparent" use of the regular system hasn't gone unnoticed by plenty on this forum. It's impossible to do.

Three times? Really? Why would Knight do that?

Why not? It would hardly be the first forum to use such measures and the reps were weighted back when I first joined. Why do you think RATO even came about? As sad as it all got the rep system was hardly being equitable and that was the result.

I was explaining that it would have to more than decuple in order to be in the thousands.

Er, not at triple + normal strength it wouldn't and certainly not if the normal barriers of public forum rep spreading were lifted also. You'd very easily escalate quickly.

And as far as my current points and power you have no idea how many reps I have received or from whom over what period of time.

Indeed, but I've seen your score shoot through the roof along with others where it would simply be impossible to do so with any regular use of the system.

I didn't prove anything as everyone already knew it existed and the rest is your imagination.

Well, SOOTS was hardly a secret no, but SOOTS rep thread IV gave enough away to confirm suspicions already well in place. It hardly took much imagination to suss out what that was for...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why is chrys doing it? Why did he start this war?

Because he's a petty little crybaby with no life, and the hypersensitivity of a fag.

And notice he isn't willing to post a screen cap of at least the neg reps he says started it.

Why don't you post that screen cap of yours again then? That one that "mysteriously" disappeared?



The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Well funnily enough I would think the same thing LH, so who deleted it at the source? Let me guess, you don't have any idea right?

I never claimed I didn't know what happened. I just don't know why you care.

Okay, I'll change my avatar if I can be proven to be wrong, else you make the parameters. :D

Though apparently that's not 'possible' anyway so nevermind...

Never mind is two words. Nirvana was wrong.

Oh, I could care less about what is talked about behind the scenes anyway, though it would be more of a straight answer if you categorically denied your rep power isn't increased or subject to changes in SOOTS which the usual member simply doesn't have. Can you do that, without lying?
Yes you could. I don't know why you don't.

So your rep is exactly the same power in SOOTS as it is in public forum then? Just a yes or a no would suffice.
Why is it any of your business?

Eh? You don't remember? You were there at the time LH. Rep scores years ago ran into multiple millions...and the rep power reflected was getting crazy all ends up.
I wasn't paying attention back then.

Well, they didn't say they were 'going on one' exactly anyway...and how can you say you don't know what I mean by that if you say this particular poster decided to 'go on one' anyway? :idunno:
I say she decided to do it because she posted it in a rep comment. You really are exceptionally stupid, aren't you?

Well, a thread "about" rep that's in it's fourth incarnation would more than suggest it's the most appropriate place to hand out reps. I mean please....don't try and say you talk about rep so much it's on it's multiple thread LH. Stop insulting people's intelligence. It's not like some folk's exponentially increased scores in such a short space of time via "apparent" use of the regular system hasn't gone unnoticed by plenty on this forum. It's impossible to do.
How many thread have been posted in the open forums asking for rep exchanges? Stop being stupid.

Why not? It would hardly be the first forum to use such measures and the reps were weighted back when I first joined. Why do you think RATO even came about? As sad as it all got the rep system was hardly being equitable and that was the result.
It came about for the same reason as this thread, chrys is a whiny little crybaby, limp wrist, thin skinned, panty waist who is one step away from being a homo.

Er, not at triple + normal strength it wouldn't and certainly not if the normal barriers of public forum rep spreading were lifted also. You'd very easily escalate quickly.
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Indeed, but I've seen your score shoot through the roof along with others where it would simply be impossible to do so with any regular use of the system.
Why are you even paying attention. Why are you so butt hurt over it?

Well, SOOTS was hardly a secret no, but SOOTS rep thread IV gave enough away to confirm suspicions already well in place. It hardly took much imagination to suss out what that was for...
Still imagination.