rep war 3


New member
Hall of Fame
That's another lie, I did offer you proof and you said it wouldn't do any good because you had nothing to compare it to.

Liar, link to the post you hateful lying . Link to my words saying anything like that, and where you offered ME proof (you did that with another member, you are lying sack
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Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
How many damn times are you all going to tell her to knock it off. I completely regret sharing my pain here altogether. Its not internet fodder for hatefilled psychos like her who pretend to be christian. People need to be able to feel safe with their hardest things when they share them. Its clear no one is safe here.

She attacks peoples families all the time.

Tell me if i buy a 500.00 membership like she did, can i cuss her out and offend her family, talk about her kids, laugh at any tradjedy she has, make this place look completely compassionless by allowing it - and harm whoever i please?

How many 0 warnings and knock it offs will there be, other people get banned off her for FAR less.

She is a *****, a hatefilled mean nasty witch.

So do i get the infraction now instead?

A4T, I know that you're mad about this. But, I just got home and saw the huge fight going on. I'm hoping that my warning to the three main instigators works. If it doesn't, I will give them all three infractions.

Go ahead and give me my infraction for my profanity. Where is it.

Punish me, while you let those hatefilled fake believers slander me and do nothing.

I earned it, they did too, but ill take mine, i dont have 500.00 to protect me like Eeset.

I'm not giving you an infraction. You're mad about what they are saying and I don't blame you at all.

If I had been home, this would have been stopped earlier today. I'm sorry.

I'm not protecting Eeset. I usually give a warning to anyone before I hand out infractions (with a few exceptions). I would warn you before giving you one, as well.


Please stop self-aggrandizing!
It is highly unlikely that anyone on this forum takes you seriously enough to hate you!
You are a silly, opinionated , self-inflating demagogue.
And that's okay!

Oh, please. another one of those speeches.

If people don't take me seriously why do I have so many red bars?

goodness. Your logic is so holey.


New member
Hall of Fame
A4T, I know that you're mad about this. But, I just got home and saw the huge fight going on. I'm hoping that my warning to the three main instigators works. If it doesn't, I will give them all three infractions.

I'm not giving you an infraction. You're mad about what they are saying and I don't blame you at all.

If I had been home, this would have been stopped earlier today. I'm sorry.

I'm not protecting Eeset. I usually give a warning to anyone before I hand out infractions (with a few exceptions). I would warn you before giving you one, as well.

Yes, Eeset has been protected, she was told the last time over and over when she started about my son, to stop or she would get one.

Shes doing it again and again, and keeps being"warned"

By what stretch of the imagination is it even acceptable EVER much less time after time?

And where the hell does this fake new face get off outright slandering me?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, Eeset has been protected, she was told the last time over and over when she started about my son, to stop or she would get one.

Shes doing it again and again, and keeps being"warned"

By what stretch of the imagination is it even acceptable EVER much less time after time?

And where the hell does this fake new face get off outright slandering me?

Those imbeciles had no right to attack you, friend! Have some peace!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You already know what my point is although we both know who's favor you're leaning toward here.
It doesn't come down to that. I believe her. I've given you benefit of the doubt and suggested that you should choose a high road that would cost you what? It isn't as though you have any long standing relations or grudges at this point, right?

Or have you been here before under another username?

It's crazy and bizarre to accuse someone of being someone else
Except it isn't and I only just told you why. People return all the time, some to make trouble, some for a new start, some to skirt bans. And few of them own up to it at first. AB was red77, a friend of mine old and new, to note a good one. Resurrected was some other dude and before that koban. There's a fellow who returns angrily from time to time who has had several usernames, and so on.

and to the extent she did me without proof.
All anyone has to go by is the style of writing. Some people have fairly distinctive prose and particular views. Those don't tend to change. That said, it happens that people can simply look like other people, write like and/or hold similarly strong opinions.

She was hateful, accusatory and actually blaming me for things this other person did.
If she didn't like the person she thought you were that would figure. You think you know her now, in very short order. How would you describe inferring that someone who so far as you objectively know lost her child might be making it up and using it for leverage? Hateful?

Now I ask that normal, rational behavior?
Every behavior needs context. And I think Angel is strongly emotional as a person, a particular heightened by her circumstance and I couldn't begin to speculate what having someone call that sort of pain into public question would do to even the most serene of personalities else. None of us is purely rational, given the right confluence of circumstances.

Have you helped her or did you meet her suspicion with indignation as you've met her personal revelation with suspicion?

Or, forget all that and emulate Christ. Step away from this and let time inform everyone about who you are and what you're about while you get a better handle on who is who and what is what here, assuming.


like marbles on glass
Yes, Eeset has been protected, she was told the last time over and over when she started about my son, to stop or she would get one.

Shes doing it again and again, and keeps being"warned"

By what stretch of the imagination is it even acceptable EVER much less time after time?

Maybe she finally found something she could buy.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
I almost cannot believe what I just read.

Never...not for one millisecond, have I doubted A4T. I've chatted with her in PM about her son and I can tell you...this is a woman who is genuinely grieving.

As far as I'm concerned, this subject should be off limits under penalty of immediate banning. It has simply gone on for too long and gone way beyond anything appropriate.


Well-known member
I almost cannot believe what I just read.

Never...not for one millisecond, have I doubted A4T. I've chatted with her in PM about her son and I can tell you...this is a woman who is genuinely grieving.

As far as I'm concerned, this subject should be off limits under penalty of immediate banning. It has simply gone on for too long and gone way beyond anything appropriate.

I agree!


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Oh, must have just conveniently disappeared then...:plain:
Does my post say it was edited? No. Does one editing their posts cause the same edit to apply to any quotes of said post that were made before the edit? No. So, what, exactly, is your accusation?

Oh, out in the public forum for sure but that's not what I meant. I wager you get different rep privileges while doing so in the 'private' club however.
And you make that wager based on what?

Oh, it told enough...

It's a thread about rep? And up to part IV no less? :rolleyes:
Sometimes threads act up because of bandwidth issues. That happens when you spam.

C'mon LH. People aren't stupid. It's pretty obvious what it's "about"...
Then enlighten us.

I almost cannot believe what I just read.

Never...not for one millisecond, have I doubted A4T. I've chatted with her in PM about her son and I can tell you...this is a woman who is genuinely grieving.

As far as I'm concerned, this subject should be off limits under penalty of immediate banning. It has simply gone on for too long and gone way beyond anything appropriate.

I agree!
So do I.


New member
I almost cannot believe what I just read.

Never...not for one millisecond, have I doubted A4T. I've chatted with her in PM about her son and I can tell you...this is a woman who is genuinely grieving.

As far as I'm concerned, this subject should be off limits under penalty of immediate banning. It has simply gone on for too long and gone way beyond anything appropriate.

Hear Hear!! I vote for this!!


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I almost cannot believe what I just read.

Never...not for one millisecond, have I doubted A4T. I've chatted with her in PM about her son and I can tell you...this is a woman who is genuinely grieving.

As far as I'm concerned, this subject should be off limits under penalty of immediate banning. It has simply gone on for too long and gone way beyond anything appropriate.

Yes you are correct TM, it is well beyond distasteful...:nono:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Does my post say it was edited? No. Does one editing their posts cause the same edit to apply to any quotes of said post that were made before the edit? No. So, what, exactly, is your accusation?

So? If you edit a post within a certain time frame it doesn't show up. I know this and undoubtedly you do as well. If you didn't edit you didn't but it's downright bizarre how it suddenly just disappeared like that. Not quickly enough for it not to be noticed and commented on obviously but still...

And you make that wager based on what?

Uh, you were asked the question first LH. You answer that and I'll answer yours. Do you deny that you're privy to higher rep power when in SOOT's? Yes or no?

Sometimes threads act up because of bandwidth issues. That happens when you spam.

Oh please, this is pathetic. You're seriously trying to say you're on part IV of a thread supposedly *about* rep because the first lot crashed?! :freak: The more logical explanation is that they've gone on so long that another needs to be created (Like the 'what are you listening to now' threads and aCW's epic borefest WHMBR!)

Don't play people for suckers LH, they're not as dumb as you might like to think. It's pretty obvious what that thread is 'about' and it isn't for musing on the rep system.
