rep war 3


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New member
You really need to quit talking.

Yep. I think he/she has painted themselves into enough of a corner.


It never even occurred to me that either Angel or Rusha would lie about the death of their child. Anyone who is a mother should understand that doing so would be totally abhorrent for someone who has borne a child. As a mother, I can imagine nothing worse than losing my son - he is the joy of my life, and to lose him would make me wish to die. That these two ladies are able to carry on is a testament to their strength. I am just...well, I am struck nearly speechless by even the suggestion that Angel provide proof, and that rarely happens. Why on earth would someone post personal information on the internet for just any creepy stalker to see, and to use in God only knows what manner?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It seems to me that you need to decide if you want to be the sort of person who comfortably writes this to someone who, for all you know is telling you a horrible truth:

...anyone who would lie about such a tragedy would be a very sick person to use that to emotionally blackmail others into liking them or giving them special treatment..especially someone as loving, kind and sympathetic as Rusha is.... wouldn't it A4T...

Or someone who's comfortable writing this to her:
Still...a terrible tragedy and I'm so sorry for your loss.

But when you write the former you negate any value in the latter. There's no compassion in it.

People respond differently to tragedy. In my capacity as a lawyer I've had occasion to be around people at the most stressful times in their lives and I believe Angel. I find her response consistent with her injury.

If you don't I'd suggest that you simply refrain from speaking to her, given you know that if you're wrong in your suspicion you're being a horrible human being and causing harm to someone who has had her share.


like marbles on glass
I need to get some house work done anyway...think about what I said though Anna... If it walks like a's usually a duck.

I believe Angel completely, and have from the first I knew of her loss.

You're casting aspersions on a bereaved mother still working through her first year of grief... have you no governor on your speech at all?


It seems to me that you need to decide if you want to be the sort of person who comfortably writes this to someone who, for all you know is telling you a horrible truth:

Or someone who's comfortable writing this to her:

But when you write the former you negate any value in the latter. There's no compassion in it.

People respond differently to tragedy. In my capacity as a lawyer I've had occasion to be around people at the most stressful times in their lives and I believe Angel. I find her response consistent with her injury.

If you don't I'd suggest that you simply refrain from speaking to her, given you know that if you're wrong in your suspicion you're being a horrible human being and causing harm to someone who has had her share.

It's one thing to believe someone who's never displayed bizarre irrational behavior and known to tell the truth. When you have someone who on the other hand has continually made up stories and lies about others and goes off on bleating rants with name calling and insults on a regular basis, those are the one's I tend to doubt...seriously too.

If you're telling me you're a lawyer and you believe such people without proof...I can't imagine you win too many cases, but then I don't know what type of lawyer you are either. :idunno:


New member
Please...I never appeal to popularity and I could care less about this stupid rep point system too..LOL

Apparently you have some short term memory issues, along with your obvious lack of tact. I suggest you look back through your own posts on the topic. Personally, I think you are protesting that you "could care less" about the rep system just a leeeetle too much. :D


I believe Angel completely, and have from the first I knew of her loss.

You're casting aspersions on a bereaved mother still working through her first year of grief... have you no governor on your speech at all?

No one knows this for sure...Rusha is a rational person who doesn't run around the forum telling lies on people...she's easy to believe. A4T isn't. I'm not saying I don't believe it, I'm just saying that in her case there's a lot more room for doubt because of her bizarre behavior in here. So yeah, in order for me to believe her, I'd definitely need proof. Otherwise we have a whole lot of people here sympathizing with someone who's known to tell lies here. They're just the facts.


New member
No one knows this for sure...Rusha is a rational person who doesn't run around the forum telling lies on people...she's easy to believe. A4T isn't. I'm not saying I don't believe it, I'm just saying that in her case there's a lot more room for doubt because of her bizarre behavior in here. So yeah, in order for me to believe her, I'd definitely need proof. Otherwise we have a whole lot of people here sympathizing with someone who's known to tell lies here. They're just the facts.

Seriously, you just need to shut up. If your foot gets much farther into your mouth, it's going to poke out of your hind end.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's one thing to believe someone who's never displayed bizarre irrational behavior and known to tell the truth. When you have someone who on the other hand has continually made up stories and lies about others and goes off on bleating rants with name calling and insults on a regular basis, those are the one's I tend to doubt...seriously too.

If you're telling me you're a lawyer and you believe such people without proof...I can't imagine you win too many cases, but then I don't know what type of lawyer you are either. :idunno:

You said, you thought my parents were actually, brother and sister!
You like to make accusations, don't ya?


Apparently you have some short term memory issues, along with your obvious lack of tact. I suggest you look back through your own posts on the topic. Personally, I think you are protesting that you "could care less" about the rep system just a leeeetle too much. :D

Oh shut up and go away...Who are you anyway and who are you attempting to impress here... LOL

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
No one knows this for sure...Rusha is a rational person who doesn't run around the forum telling lies on people...she's easy to believe. A4T isn't. I'm not saying I don't believe it, I'm just saying that in her case there's a lot more room for doubt because of her bizarre behavior in here. So yeah, in order for me to believe her, I'd definitely need proof. Otherwise we have a whole lot of people here sympathizing with someone who's known to tell lies here. They're just the facts.

I demand proof that, you're a compassionate human being!!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...If you're telling me you're a lawyer and you believe such people without proof.
I said I found her general state and responses consistent with my experiences. But I believe her as a Christian, as someone who has had a number of conversations with her over time, both public and private...and as a friend.

..I can't imagine you win too many cases,
The problem with your reasoning is that you assume I share your foundational opinion of her, that it's objectively true. I don't accept that it is... You compound that mistake by leaping to an imaginative conclusion about my professional life, which doesn't inspire confidence in your own judgment on either or any particular point.

but then I don't know what type of lawyer you are either. :idunno:
Well, I handled thousands of cases over a number of years and I was never sued by a client or reported by either client or fellow to the bar. My reputation was and remains a good one. Toward the end I wrote appellate briefs, often for other lawyers and my remand/reversal rate was enviable.

At least one member of good reputation and standing here can attest to my credentials.

I hope you'll consider my counsel on this.


I said I found her general state and responses consistent with my experiences. But I believe her as a Christian, as someone who has had a number of conversations with her over time, both public and private.

The problem with your reasoning is that you assume I share your foundational opinion of her, that it's objectively true. I don't accept that it is... You compound that mistake by leaping to an imaginative conclusion about my professional life, which doesn't inspire confidence in your own judgment on either or any particular point.

Well, I handled thousands of cases over a number of years and I was never sued by a client or reported by either client or fellow to the bar. My reputation was and remains a good one. Toward the end I wrote appellate briefs, often for other lawyers and my remand/reversal rate was enviable. At least one member of good reputation and standing can attest to my credentials.

I hope you'll consider my counsel on this.

Why certainly I would. You obviously haven't been victim to A4T's antics like some others here have. She literally accused me of not being who I said I was and she did that without PROOF. When I offered her proof, she refused it saying it wouldn't do any good. Why should I believe anything this woman says after what she's said and done to me and not only me. I just found out today that she's done this to some others here as well, so we have a pattern here.


There are too many hateful personal attacks mostly because of their doctrine position. that is the bottom line of the bickering.

Every one needs to stop gang attacking. It is so hurtful and bully behavior, no matter how you hate the person you don't approve of.

This is Christian forum for pete's sake.
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