rep war 3

Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
Why certainly I would. You obviously haven't been victim to A4T's antics like some others here have. She literally accused me of not being who I said I was and she did that without PROOF. Why should I believe anything this woman says after what she's said and done to me and not only me. I just found out today that she's done this to some others here as well, so we have a pattern here.

You're a perpetual victim of others, right?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are too many hurtful personal attacks mostly because of their doctrine position. that is the bottom line of the bickering.

Every one needs to stop gang attacking. It is so hurtful and bully behavior, no matter how you hate the person you don't approve of.

This is Christian forum for pete's sake.

Go watch a war movie!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Why certainly I would. You obviously haven't been victim to A4T's antics like some others here have. She literally accused me of not being who I said I was and she did that without PROOF. When I offered her proof, she refused it saying it wouldn't do any good. Why should I believe anything this woman says after what she's said and done to me and not only me. I just found out today that she's done this to some others here as well, so we have a pattern here.
People have a way of returning here under new usernames. Most of them don't announce who they were when they left or were shown the door. So speculation on the point is frequently made by people who've been around. But at best your point would be and a reasonable position would be to doubt her ability to spot patterns in other people's writings.

That' doesn't go to the honesty of her relation of her own experience at all. You're conflating personal offense with a character defect of a more broadly and less founded nature.


Gang attacking is one of most despicable behavior for so called Christians.

Jesus does not approve of the gang attacking, no matter how sinful the stoned person is.

Majority bully is not of Jesus.


New member
Gang attacking is one of most despicable behavior for so called Christians.

Jesus does not approve of the gang attacking, no matter how sinful the stoned person is.

Majority bully is not of Jesus.

But it's Christian to attack a grieving mother?


People have a way of returning here under new usernames. Most of them don't announce who they were when they left or were shown the door. So speculation on the point is frequently made by people who've been around. But at best your point would be and a reasonable position would be to doubt her ability to spot patterns in other people's writings.

That' doesn't go to the honesty of her relation of her own experience at all. You're conflating personal offense with a character defect of a more broadly and less founded nature.

You already know what my point is although we both know who's favor you're leaning toward here. It's crazy and bizarre to accuse someone of being someone else and to the extent she did me without proof. She was hateful, accusatory and actually blaming me for things this other person did. Now I ask that normal, rational behavior?


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Please provide one link to a news article about that tragic murder.

Eeset, knock it off or I will give you an infraction (no warning, this time, other than this post).

Iwannaknow and meshak need to quit this now, as well. It's getting old very quickly.


New member
Hall of Fame
Why certainly I would. You obviously haven't been victim to A4T's antics like some others here have. She literally accused me of not being who I said I was and she did that without PROOF. When I offered her proof, she refused it saying it wouldn't do any good. Why should I believe anything this woman says after what she's said and done to me and not only me. I just found out today that she's done this to some others here as well, so we have a pattern here.

Blatent lie, i didnt ask you for proof and you never offered any. I just called you grace&peace aka lovebug. You talk and act just like them.

Thats my personal opinion of you and if you dont like it too bad. You are a lying devil, just like she was.


New member
Hall of Fame
Eeset, knock it off or I will give you an infraction (no warning, this time, other than this post).

How many damn times are you all going to tell her to knock it off. I completely regret sharing my pain here altogether. Its not internet fodder for hatefilled psychos like her who pretend to be christian. People need to be able to feel safe with their hardest things when they share them. Its clear no one is safe here.

She attacks peoples families all the time.

Tell me if i buy a 500.00 membership like she did, can i cuss her out and offend her family, talk about her kids, laugh at any tradjedy she has, make this place look completely compassionless by allowing it - and harm whoever i please?

How many 0 warnings and knock it offs will there be, other people get banned off her for FAR less.

She is a hatefilled mean nasty witch.

So do i get the infraction now instead?
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Blatent lie, i didnt ask you for proof and you never offered any. I just called you grace&peace aka lovebug. You talk and act just like them.

Thats my personal opinion of you and if you dont like it too bad. You are a lying devil, just like she was.

That's another lie, I did offer you proof and you said it wouldn't do any good because you had nothing to compare it to. You were actually accusing me of being this other person and blaming me for things he/she said or did. You were hateful, vindictive and so sure of yourself weren't you. This is why I won't say that I don't believe you, but I will say there's more than ample room for doubt in your case alone. You display crazy bizarre behavior and you're not a rational person either. No...I could never fully believe anything you say...not at all.


But it's Christian to attack a grieving mother?

Why any Christian bring their personal tragedy in internet?

I would not say this if the poster has not being so hateful to her enemy.

She has tons of friends and eeset does not have many. She is super minority. Why does eeset asks such things is very understandable.

Eeset has been trying very diplomatic in her ways. She and I don't agree on many things regarding our faith. But she does not hate me like most of you.

Please stop gang attacking.


New member
You don't know that to be fact any more than anyone else does on this entire forum. You want to believe you do.
You have been the recipient of the benefit of the doubt here, and you are new. Angel has been here for a while, and has more credibility than you, so why - if you are believed - shouldn't she be? What I do know is that you are certainly not making any kind of a positive impression on anyone other than the usual trolls - which, to judge by your obsession with the rep system - appears to be important to you.

You really need to let this topic go, and find something else to post about. Just a word of advice from an old timer.


New member
Why any Christian bring their personal tragedy in internet?

I would not say this if the poster has not being so hateful to her enemy.

She has tons of friends and eeset does not have many. She is super minority. Why does eeset asks such things is very understandable.

Eeset has been trying very diplomatic in her ways. She and I don't agree on many things regarding our faith. But she does not hate me like most of you.

Please stop gang attacking.

Please stop self-aggrandizing!
It is highly unlikely that anyone on this forum takes you seriously enough to hate you!
You are a silly, opinionated , self-inflating demagogue.
And that's okay!


New member
Hall of Fame
Go ahead and give me my infraction for my profanity. Where is it.

Punish me, while you let those hatefilled fake believers slander me and do nothing.

I earned it, they did too, but ill take mine, i dont have 500.00 to protect me like Eeset.