rep war 3

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I never claimed I didn't know what happened. I just don't know why you care.

:rolleyes: Just admit you deleted it already...


Never mind is two words. Nirvana was wrong.

I don't care is three words.

Yes you could. I don't know why you don't.

Eh, I can imagine what is talked about back there but not relevant to this.

Why is it any of your business?

So you can't give a yes or no then? Pretty much answers the question then, though to be fair plenty had worked it out already LH, not just me.

I wasn't paying attention back then.

Of course you weren't...:rolleyes:

I say she decided to do it because she posted it in a rep comment. You really are exceptionally stupid, aren't you?

Er, no, but it's telling that you rely on the lame insult as is your increasingly emotive response as this post goes on.

How many thread have been posted in the open forums asking for rep exchanges? Stop being stupid.

That should be 'threads' LH, just to be as pedantic as you were earlier...:D

And of course there's been many a thread about rep in the public forums. So? They don't tend to go to 'part IV' and why on earth would it be a topic of such conversational interest between members who are all part of a 'private' club? :rolleyes:

It came about for the same reason as this thread, chrys is a whiny little crybaby, limp wrist, thin skinned, panty waist who is one step away from being a homo.

You're the one who sounds like he's throwing his toys out of the pram with this little rant...

ereht ni per ylno I fi neve evif-ytnewt retfa tuo nur I dna elpoep rehto evif tsael ta gnipper tuohtiw emit dnoces a enoyna per t'nac I sa niamer sreirrab het wonk I taht niatrec rof yas nac I llew

Reverse speak? 'Sounds' about right...:rolleyes:

Why are you even paying attention. Why are you so butt hurt over it?

It's not your score that I'm bothered about LH. It's rather your desperate insistence that it's all somehow 'earned' because you know it isn't even if you're too proud to admit it. I'm past the days of being so bothered about mine. RATO is a distant memory and I'd way sooner have reps that were honest, pos or neg, and all in fair play. :)

Still imagination.

Er...nah. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
...Why is it any of your business?
Because he and everyone else participates in the system. If the system is rigged then it's dishonest, unlike the declared bias in terms of rules enforcement.

Look, you were here for three or four years when I arrived, yet I caught and passed you and everyone else in around four years. I think that was the mark. Chrys might know. He's the one who told me when it happened. I'd already become a bit jaded and disinterested by that point, realizing and charting irregularities connected to rep (recall I'm a baseball/stats geek).

Now you're thousands ahead? If you matched my pace you should still be behind me and catching, at best. And no one had matched my pace, which is how I went from zero to the top in that relatively brief span of time in the life of the forum. If you're rational the answer isn't hard to find.

Before the leader board stopped reflecting the top reps I took a look at how many whales were on the board. By that I mean how many heavy rep posters were here and active. I know from personal experience what a solid growth chart would look like extrapolating from my own, which outpaced everyone for years. So when I see a new poster with four hundred thousand rep points accumulated in a year and a half I know that isn't possible within the system I'm participating in. And I wouldn't have commented but it's...ham fisted. If you're going to cheat the system out of its value, at least have the decency to be discreet.

Ah, well. There it is.

I haven't said much until now because the number is, to my examination, useless...well, I do like the liner notes. But that, kids, is also why my sober suggestion on how to eliminate gaming and make the number reflect something meaningful gets and will get zero discussion. It's a perk and like entitlements of any sort they don't go away gracefully, if ever.

Evening. :e4e:


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
:rolleyes: Just admit you deleted it already...

So you can't give a yes or no then? Pretty much answers the question then, though to be fair plenty had worked it out already LH, not just me.
Actually I just refuse.

Er, no, but it's telling that you rely on the lame insult as is your increasingly emotive response as this post goes on.
I'm not the one being trolled and falling for it. I am admitting this because I'm done as I'm bored with it now.

That should be 'threads' LH, just to be as pedantic as you were earlier...:D
A typo is not the same as a misspelling.

And of course there's been many a thread about rep in the public forums. So? They don't tend to go to 'part IV' and why on earth would it be a topic of such conversational interest between members who are all part of a 'private' club? :rolleyes:
Because most of the people in the main forums don't care.

You're the one who sounds like he's throwing his toys out of the pram with this little rant...
I did that once; hard plastic sphere, right on my uncle's head as he was taking a nap on the floor. At least that's the story I hear. I kind of remember it, though. At least I used to. Not so much anymore; I am in my 30s after all.

Reverse speak? 'Sounds' about right...:rolleyes:

It's not your score that I'm bothered about LH. It's rather your desperate insistence that it's all somehow 'earned' because you know it isn't even if you're too proud to admit it. I'm past the days of being so bothered about mine. RATO is a distant memory and I'd way sooner have reps that were honest, pos or neg, and all in fair play. :)
It's earned in that my friends like me.

Er...nah. :)
It's nice to know you don't care... oh, wait.

It's not really your move as you now know you've been trolled along. Bye now.

Because he and everyone else participates in the system. If the system is rigged then it's dishonest, unlike the declared bias in terms of rules enforcement.

Look, you were here for three or four years when I arrived, yet I caught and passed you and everyone else in around four years. I think that was the mark. Chrys might know. He's the one who told me when it happened. I'd already become a bit jaded and disinterested by that point, realizing and charting irregularities connected to rep (recall I'm a baseball/stats geek).

Now you're thousands ahead? If you matched my pace you should still be behind me and catching, at best. And no one had matched my pace, which is how I went from zero to the top in that relatively brief span of time in the life of the forum. If you're rational the answer isn't hard to find.

Before the leader board stopped reflecting the top reps I took a look at how many whales were on the board. By that I mean how many heavy rep posters were here and active. I know from personal experience what a solid growth chart would look like extrapolating from my own, which outpaced everyone for years. So when I see a new poster with four hundred thousand rep points accumulated in a year and a half I know that isn't possible within the system I'm participating in. And I wouldn't have commented but it's...ham fisted. If you're going to cheat the system out of its value, at least have the decency to be discreet.

Ah, well. There it is.

I haven't said much until now because the number is, to my examination, useless...well, I do like the liner notes. But that, kids, is also why my sober suggestion on how to eliminate gaming and make the number reflect something meaningful gets and will get zero discussion. It's a perk and like entitlements of any sort they don't go away gracefully, if ever.

Evening. :e4e:


i have to laugh at these silly noobs getting their shorts in a twist over a system me and bunch of other guys used to own

i had so much rep power at one point I took one of my sox down to dead last and then back up into the top twenty just to see if i could

took me a couple months :idunno:

whining about a rigged game that you know is rigged coming in is just gay

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Don't then. It's apparent enough as it is anyway.

Actually I just refuse.

Well of course you would, you've little other recourse to avoid flat out lying.

I'm not the one being trolled and falling for it. I am admitting this because I'm done as I'm bored with it now.

Well, if that's an admission to trolling on your part then what does that say about you? :idunno:

A typo is not the same as a misspelling.

And an aardvark isn't the same as an orange. We aren't writing essays on here LH so quit pretending you're some English whiz. You are not. Some of your sentences are downright appalling at times on here, even if you do get the spelling right the majority of the time.

Because most of the people in the main forums don't care.

That didn't address anything, and as you must have surely noticed by now; your screen cap piqued virtually no interest in the neg reps from Chrys but far more for your silliness in posting it to begin with along with what else it contained...

I did that once; hard plastic sphere, right on my uncle's head as he was taking a nap on the floor. At least that's the story I hear. I kind of remember it, though. At least I used to. Not so much anymore; I am in my 30s after all.

Um, well I hope your uncle recovered okay...

llew hO

It's earned in that my friends like me.

Nobody needs a bloated rep score for that surely?

It's nice to know you don't care... oh, wait.

It's not really your move as you now know you've been trolled along. Bye now.

Hmm, again bizarre that you'd admit - and apparently only have recourse to trolling? Very strange.

That's your response to TH?

You might as well have posted the whole SOOTS rep thread up...



The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Don't then. It's apparent enough as it is anyway.

Well of course you would, you've little other recourse to avoid flat out lying.

Well, if that's an admission to trolling on your part then what does that say about you? :idunno:

And an aardvark isn't the same as an orange. We aren't writing essays on here LH so quit pretending you're some English whiz. You are not. Some of your sentences are downright appalling at times on here, even if you do get the spelling right the majority of the time.

That didn't address anything, and as you must have surely noticed by now; your screen cap piqued virtually no interest in the neg reps from Chrys but far more for your silliness in posting it to begin with along with what else it contained...

Um, well I hope your uncle recovered okay...

llew hO

Nobody needs a bloated rep score for that surely?

Hmm, again bizarre that you'd admit - and apparently only have recourse to trolling? Very strange.

That's your response to TH?

You might as well have posted the whole SOOTS rep thread up...


It's amazing that you're still too stupid to not let yourself be led around on a leash like this. I even tell you I've been trolling you, because I'm not going to give you any straight answers about things that are none of your business and you kept asking for them so I kept giving you non answers. And you kept prattling on. You amaze me with your idiocy.

And I am a spelling whiz. Consistent As all through school even when Spelling itself was no longer a subject, I still spelled all my vocabulary words correctly, etc.

But, alas, if I continue you will continue to let me lead you around like a trained little puppy dog and I've got better things to do. If you don't think I'm right look at whose interest is the only one that remained regarding the screen cap after I gave my first post of non answers. Hint: It was you, and only you. That's how dumb you are.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
rep war 3

it all started with something meshak said about her ignore list
I had reason to believe someone was giving me neg reps
I decided to take everyone off it
all 68 of them
it just takes one click
there he was


I decided to strike back and soon he had help with


and shortly after that


joined in which didn't surprise me

I am going to see this through
You know, out of all the people I've met throughout my entire life, either through personal contact or on the internet, the only ones who were ever as touchy about minor insults, either real or perceived, as you do were fags. Is there something you want to tell us? Do you want to be a priest?


New member
The most disgusting is pride. People that refuse to share credits. Hehe foolish looters will end up with a decrease in votes.

Tear it down way faster than it takes to build.


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
i have to laugh at these silly noobs getting their shorts in a twist over a system me and bunch of other guys used to own

i had so much rep power at one point I took one of my sox down to dead last and then back up into the top twenty just to see if i could

took me a couple months :idunno:

whining about a rigged game that you know is rigged coming in is just gay

Sox? You? Say it isn't so!


New member
Oh great.
What can be said?

I love Lighthouse

The sad beauty of this is he could care less prolly that I do - but I do - please please call off the war.


New member
i have to laugh at these silly noobs getting their shorts in a twist over a system me and bunch of other guys used to own

i had so much rep power at one point I took one of my sox down to dead last and then back up into the top twenty just to see if i could

took me a couple months :idunno:

whining about a rigged game that you know is rigged coming in is just gay

Here is the thing, Res,

To some it is what you say - but to others it is what they have made it -
an additional way to reach out to others in a non physical world.
I respect that - and mostly enjoy it. It can be a wonderful feeling to get some personal message - some are funny, some witty, some sweet, some good hearted, some full of faith, some are constant, some are darling, some are blank but there...

But those are the pos reps.

The Nicks and Lighthouses can represent the the men who want to not sit back and watch their country go to heck in a handbasket. They can represent the men who want to take action. And strangely Chrys stands against some of the same issues. So they are more alike in one area than they are different. Please quit fighting.

Tam is prolly spiritually gifted. For all I know she is frustrated and acting out. What can be done?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
most want this to go away
I certainly do
there are signs that litehead is growing tired of this nonsense
he hasn't called off his goon
timbore never gets tired
she is a neg repping machine designed to serve her master
why should I continue?

maybe it is too easy to ignore what is going on

maybe it is too easy to pretend there is nothing you can do about it

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

It's amazing that you're still too stupid to not let yourself be led around on a leash like this. I even tell you I've been trolling you, because I'm not going to give you any straight answers about things that are none of your business and you kept asking for them so I kept giving you non answers. And you kept prattling on. You amaze me with your idiocy.

Oh, you gave enough of an answer in its own way LH. Being reduced to this projection was pretty much inevitable.

And I am a spelling whiz. Consistent As all through school even when Spelling itself was no longer a subject, I still spelled all my vocabulary words correctly, etc.

A shame your grammar isn't up to the same speed...

But, alas, if I continue you will continue to let me lead you around like a trained little puppy dog and I've got better things to do. If you don't think I'm right look at whose interest is the only one that remained regarding the screen cap after I gave my first post of non answers. Hint: It was you, and only you. That's how dumb you are.

Hmm, forgetting about TH's latest response are we? There were quite a few interested in your bumbling faux pas but of course you know that already.