Question for Bob Hill: Rewards


New member
lightninboy said:
Can't one in Christ receive rewards prepared for him?

Rewards are not payment, since we are saved by grace.

I always thought that GES views and People To People views were mostly compatible.
I have no idea what Bob thinks about Zane Hodges, but Zane is wrong about rewards.

In this life, we reap what we sow, and so there are rewards, but not because God gives them to you.

If you are speaking of rewards in heaven, there are none beyond what everyone receives in Christ.


I edited it.

Sozo, people who don't believe in grace so much like the Calvinists don't believe much in rewards.

I think your position on rewards is unbiblical.

You're too good a man to have running around TOL spreading falsehood.

Prepare for battle!

Silk Queen

New member
The rewards we recieve are to glorify God not ourselves........

Copy and Paste

Biblical Principles for Christian Maturity

Chapter 25 - Heavenly Rewards
I Cor.3:11-15; II Cor.5:10
Christians will never be judged with regard to their eternal Salvation, that is a certainty. But, every Christian will someday be judged according to their works. Salvation itself is a gift of God, not according to one's works (Eph.2:8,9).
The judgment of believer's works will be on the basis of how one has lived for God after becoming a Christian, and the result will be either a reward (called a "crown") or a lack of reward. The believer's sins were judged at the cross of Christ; the believer's works will be judged as to how one has utilized his gifts/talents/resources for the Lord.

We are commended to be ready, so that "When He shall appear, we may be confident, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming" (I John 2:28). Perhaps our sorrow at the loss of any reward, may be the tears that God will wipe away (Rev. 21:4).

I. That Which Leads To A Reward - In I Corinthians 4:1- 5 we see that being stewards of the mysteries of God prepares us for eternal reward. A mystery in Scripture is not something mysterious, as we might think, but refers to something that in the ages past was hidden from our understanding, and is now revealed by God to us. In this sense our stewardship of the "mystery" is understood in Colossians 1:27 where we see that as God's children we are to proclaim the truth of God, "Which is, Christ in you the hope of glory". Our commission as part of the church, the body of believers, as stated in Matthew 28:19,20 is to proclaim the message of Salvation to all mankind. This was revealed by Christ to the Church when He came the first time. Faithfulness in carrying out our commission prepares us for reward.

As stewards of God's grace, we also are responsible for being trustees of our material possessions, as to how we use them. The way of the world is to selfishly acquire and use what can be gained. For the Christian there is a Biblical formula as to the gathering and dispensing of one's material wealth (See: Matt. 25:14-30; Gal. 6:7; Matt. 6:20; II Cor. 8:12;9:6). Proper utilization of one's material possessions on earth, will prepare one for an eternal heavenly reward.

Since the Christian lives in basically a self centered and greedy world, we are commended to do good unto others, and be of help to them (Gal. 6:2), especially unto the family of believers (Gal. 6:10). A kind word, even a "cup of cold water" will prepare us for eternal reward.

Persistence in life, as a Christian, since we live in an evil environment, will prepare us for eternal blessings and fulfillment. This too prepares us for a reward (Matt. 5:11,12; Luke 6:22,23; II Tim. 2:12).

II. The Time of the Reward - In Matthew 16:27 we see that it will come on the day when Christ shall return, and "Then shall He reward everyone according to his works". This is emphasized again in Revelation 22:12.

III. The Nature of the Reward - The Bible envisions the rewards as "Crowns" to be bestowed on the victor. Our responsibility today is to run the race of life, keeping our eye on Jesus Christ, and trusting Him for our eternal reward. See: Hebrews 12:1,2.

1. An Incorruptible Crown (I Cor. 9:25-27). This is God's reward to those who strive for mastery in the Christian faith. Since God's primary desire for His children is to become more Christlike in character, it behooves us to keep our eyes on Him, and mold our character after the Lord. As we meditate on the Word of God (Joshua 1:8; Ps.1:2,3), and allow the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom and discernment (I Cor. 2:14; James 1:5), then our lives come into conformity to God's design for us. Then we will be able to be a good witness for Him (I Peter 3:14-17).

2. A Crown of Rejoicing - (I Thess. 2:19). This reward is for souls we win to the Lord. We are to let the light of the Gospel of Christ shine through us to others, so that they may see Christ in us (Matt. 5:16). A Christ like life is the best witness, for others are more impressed by who we are, than by what we say. In Prov. 11:30 it says, "He that winneth souls is wise".

3. A Crown of Glory - (I Peter 5:4). This reward is to the shepherds of the flock, who have oversight, but are also to be examples. Though this primarily refers to the spiritual leaders in the family of God, I believe it also pertains to parents who raise children as overseers, to faithful Sunday School teachers who minister to their classes, to anyone who influences others in the things of God's Word. In this sense each one does shepherding, and God is not unmindful of that influence we have in shaping other's character for the Lord Jesus Christ. It too will gain the reward. This should be an encouragement to every Christian.

4. The Crown of Life - (James 1:12; Rev. 2:10). To those who endure the testings of life and are faithful, God will give a reward. God's children, past and present, have endured many trials and tribulations, even unto death for His name sake, and God is keeping a record, and they will not lose their reward for faithfulness.

5. The Crown of Righteousness - (II Tim. 4:8). Christians anticipate Christ's return. To those who long for and anxiously await His coming, God promises this reward. The anticipation of Christ's return, in this day of increasing wickedness becomes even greater in the lives of those who know Him and love His Word. This love knows no bounds.

The Apostle Paul had a fitting conclusion to the understanding of these rewards in II Timothy 2:10-15, when he instructs us to, "Give diligence to your exhibit of works before God, that you may be approved of Him, a workman who has no cause for shame, because you have cut in straight lines the truth of His word". What an admonition to us today.


New member
lightninboy said:
I edited it.

Sozo, people who don't believe in grace so much like the Calvinists don't believe much in rewards.

I think your position on rewards is unbiblical.

You're too good a man to have running around TOL spreading falsehood.

Prepare for battle!

I'm not "good" at all. Where do you get that?

I reject your slander. You have NO biblical evidence.


New member
lightninboy said:
Does it not make sense that a Christian's standing cannot sin, but his state does?
The identity of a Christian is in the Spirit, not in the flesh. The flesh cannot please God. What you do in your body is always guilty of one sin or another. Who you are in Christ is free from sin.


New member
Silk Queen said:
Thank you, No, I really just read the bible as literal as much as possible.

The two of you are morons. You can't even comprehend simple bible verses. It's pathetic.

You simply applied your own personal beliefs into verses that don't say anything close to what you think they say.

Silk Queen

New member
lightninboy said:
Hmm, that sounds like Acts 2 dispensationalism.

I see that post came from a Campus Crusade site.
Yes but there are a few things I don't totally believe.
Sozo I am thick skinned I remember you from my first few posts a long while back...You called me an idiot then too. :wave2: