Question for Bob Hill: Rewards


New member
godrulz said:
I think he means George (I never heard of him until sozo).

His book Classic Christianity, (with a Forward endorsement from Bill Bright), is published in 20 different languages, and is one of the best slling Christian books of all time. He also has a nationally syndicated call in show on over 50 radio stations, and on the internet.


Well-known member
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Sozo said:
His book Classic Christianity, (with a Forward endorsement from Bill Bright), is published in 20 different languages, and is one of the best slling Christian books of all time. He also has a nationally syndicated call in show on over 50 radio stations, and on the internet.

Sounds worth reading, but like "The Plot", it probably does not stand up to close scrutiny in all areas. No one book, except the Bible, returns us to pure, biblical Christianity. George's subjective ideas are not divine revelation any more than Finney was an infallible prophet.


New member
godrulz said:
Sounds worth reading, but like "The Plot", it probably does not stand up to close scrutiny in all areas. No one book, except the Bible, returns us to pure, biblical Christianity. George's subjective ideas are not divine revelation any more than Finney was an infallible prophet.

godrulz, as usual, you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

The only thing I truly gained from reading his book was the "revelation" to stop reading other people's books and to turn all of my attention to prayer and bible study.


Well-known member
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Sozo said:
godrulz, as usual, you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

The only thing I truly gained from reading his book was the "revelation" to stop reading other people's books and to turn all of my attention to prayer and bible study.

How superspiritual. Along the way, you just happened to adopt many of his ideas and leave behind those of other great men of God?

I should have been blond to go along with my cluelessness.

You hinted to someone I was articulate. This is debatable. Regardless, I would rather be truthful and glorifying to God.


New member
godrulz said:
How superspiritual. Along the way, you just happened to adopt many of his ideas and leave behind those of other great men of God?

Perhaps you forgot my quote, that use to be my signature.

"There are no great men of God, there is only a great God of men".


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Sozo said:
Perhaps you forgot my quote, that use to be my signature.

"There are no great men of God, there is only a great God of men".

More than half true. God commended men of faith in Scripture. They were giants and mighty in spirit compared to the godless of the world. They are great because He is great who is in them.


New member
lightninboy said:
Read the many GES articles.

Post what you conclude if you want to discuss rewards.

What kind of a stupid comment is that?

Why don't you read them, and tell us what they say?

You said...

"I think that rewards are a major incentive for service to God."

If that is what YOU "think", then tell us why. Or are you just agreeing with someone else even though you have no idea what they said?


Sozo, I meant no harm.

If you don't believe in rewards, what about these?

Mark 9:41 For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.

Matthew 10:42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.


You make a big deal out of that a Christian can't sin.

And maybe you should think that way when you are reading 1 John.

But of course a Christian can sin.

And how!


New member
lightninboy said:
Sozo, I meant no harm.

If you don't believe in rewards, what about these?

Mark 9:41 For whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye belong to Christ, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward.

Matthew 10:42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

The only reward is Christ, and in Him everyone has all things that God has prepared for them.


New member
lightninboy said:
You make a big deal out of that a Christian can't sin.

And maybe you should think that way when you are reading 1 John.

But of course a Christian can sin.

And how!
1 John does not teach that Christians sin. In fact, it says exactly the opposite.


Sozo said:
The only reward is Christ, and in Him everyone has all things that God has prepared for them.
Can't one in Christ receive rewards prepared for him?

Rewards are not payment, since we are saved by grace.

I always thought that GES views and People To People views were mostly compatible.