Presidential Debates

Presidential Debates

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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Reasons why Hillary can't be president -

Foreign Policy
1. Called for military action in response to computer hacking
2. Defended an illegal coup in Honduras
3. Claimed it made no difference whether the Benghazi attacks were planned or spontaneous
4. Corrupted a Haitian presidential election
5. Advocated for intervention in Libya, which has since become a failed state
6. Pushed for Libyan intervention based on spurious intelligence
7. Presented a Russian foreign minister with a “reset” button, mislabeled with the Russian word for “overcharge”
8. Called for a no-fly zone over Syria—a tacit declaration of war
9. Legitimized the illegal Honduran coup by organizing elections immediately after
10. Advocated deporting thousands of child refugees, a third of whom were from Honduras
11. Gave military aid to Egypt despite its failure to meet democracy requirements
12. Criticized Obama for withdrawing troops from Iraq, but failed to negotiate an agreement that would have allowed them to do so
13. Sold weapons to Bahrain despite its human rights violations
14. Compared Russia to Nazi Germany
Racial insensitivity
Hillary Clinton...
15. Joked that Mahatma Gandhi ran a gas station in St. Louis
16. Participated in a racist joke about "C.P. Time"--the offensive stereotype that African Americans are frequently late
17. Imitated a “black” accent
18. Produced racially-charged ads against Obama in 2008
19. Asked, “Is it working?” when accused of pandering to the black community
20. Said to a black church on Martin Luther King Day, “The House of Representatives has been run like a plantation—and you know what I’m talking about.”
21. Said black men in hoodies are scary
22. Told Jewish political consultant Dick Morris, “All you people care about is money!”
23. Praised a KKK recruiter as a mentor and friend
24. Said she had experience with men who go “off the reservation”
25. Said Obama wasn’t a Muslim “as far as I know”
26. Told Black Lives Matter activists she would only talk to white people about racial issues
27. Used the racially charged term “super predators”
28. Employed Sidney Blumenthal, who stoked racially charged rumors about the Obamas during the 2008 campaign
29. Had staffers who leaked picture of Obama in a turban
30. Cited assassination as a reason she stayed in the race against Obama
31. Lobbied Congress to expand the drug war and mass incarceration, disproportionately affecting black and Latino populations
32. Yelled at a supporter for questioning her ties to oil companies
33. Accepted millions of dollars from InfoUSA, a company that helps scammers defraud the elderly
34. Tarred as “bimbos” the women who had spoken about their affairs with Bill
35. Called a Gold Star mother a liar
36. Laughed about Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s death
37. Laughed about defending a child rapist
38. Derided a group of women who accused a senator of sexual harrassment
39. Removed a message from her website stating sexual assault survivors have the right to be believed
40. Told a voter skeptical of her policies, “Why don’t you go run for something then?”
41. Created a work environment so hostile that Secret Service agents reported it was punishment to be assigned to her detail
42. Called Monica Lewinsky a “narcissistic loony toon”
43. Said Edward Snowden should “face the music”
44. Forced military aides to wear business suits instead of their uniforms
45. Alleged to have given Bill Clinton a black eye
46. Took $28,000 worth of gifts given to the White House back to her home in Chappaqua
47. Accepted and solicited almost $200,000 worth of gifts between her election to Senate (Nov. 2000) and her swearing in (Jan. 2001)
48. Demanded first class tickets on Gulfstream 450s for her speaking appointments
49. Charged children $2,700 to ask her a question
50. Charged $10,000 for a family photo with her
51. Has a history of not tipping
52. Received an $8 million advance for Living History, despite senators only allowing themselves to collect “usual and customary” advances
53. Quoted as saying, “What the **** did we come here for? There’s no money here,” at campaign stop in upstate New York
54. Gave no credit to the ghostwriter of It Takes a Village, as had been agreed
55. Tried to stiff the ghostwriter out of her final $30,000 payment
56. Fundraised instead of visiting Louisiana flood victims
57.Wondered whether a person could be both a Republican and a Christian
58. Called half of Donald Trump supporters irredeemably racist, sexist, and homophobic
59. Suggested the Donald Trump supporters who weren’t racists were misguided and poor
60. Blamed Republicans when gay activists interrupted Bill Clinton’s 50th birthday celebration
61. Listed Republicans among her enemies
62. Said Republicans don’t care about the Zika virus
63. Referred to those collecting welfare as “deadbeats”
64. Stereotyped stay-at-home moms
65. Blamed rumors of her husband’s affairs on a “vast right-wing conspiracy”
66. Said she felt sorry for ignorant Bernie Sanders supporters
67. Kept a list of political enemies
68. Refers to President Obama as “that man”
69. Tapped major Clinton Foundation donor for nuclear security board
70. Approved the sale of 80 Boeing fighter jets to Saudi Arabia as the Clinton Foundation received money from Boeing and Saudi Arabia
71. Failed to disclose a $2.35 million donation from the head of a Russian uranium company while reviewing the sale of Uranium One to Russia
72. Exploited the Haitian earthquake to grant favors for powerful donors
73. Granted a meeting with the prince of Bahrain after he donated to the Clinton Foundation
74. Failed to disclose a $500,000 donation from the Algerian government as Algerian lobbyists were granted increased access
75. Approved drastic increases in U.S. arms sales for countries who had donated to the Clinton foundation
76. Failed to disclose millions of dollars in speaking fees from corporations in China, Qatar, and Korea
77. Was apparently unaware that her brothers received hundreds of thousands of dollars from criminals in exchange for President Clinton granting them pardons
78. Sold overnight stays in the Lincoln Bedroom
79. Granted meeting with Johnny Chung after he donated $50,000
80. Described as operating the White House like a subway turnstile: “You have to put in coins to open the gates.”
81. Suggested her daughter may stay on the board of the Clinton Foundation Board after the election
82. Told sources that she might keep Loretta Lynch as the Attorney General
83. Oversaw the State Department as it failed to account for $6 billion
84. Attended Donald Trump’s wedding after he donated to the Clinton Foundation
85. Made $100,000 from a $1,000 investment in cattle futures
86. Waited until the statute of limitations had passed before releasing tax returns that revealed the investment
87. Claimed she was able to pick the right cattle stocks simply by studying the Wall Street Journal
88. Admitted to using the guidance of men for whom her husband had granted political favors, raising questions of a quid pro quo relationship
89. Used 130 forged signatures on petition to get on ballot in Indiana
90. Gave $165 billion worth of arms sales to 20 nations who had donated to the Clinton Foundation
91. Involved in the dismissal of seven travel office employees to replace with friends
92. Supported her husband’s decision to pardon 16 unrepentant FALN terrorists in an effort to curry favor with the Puerto Rican population of New York
93. Frequently meets with billionaire donor George Soros
94. Skipped ethics training course
95. Hired Debbie Wasserman Schultz after she was revealed to have rigged the election against Bernie Sanders
96. Employs Huma Abedin as her top aide, a woman who was listed as an editor for a radical Islamic magazine and who left classified information in her car
97. Used White House dinners to court donors for her Senate run
98. Fired from Watergate investigation for ethics violations
99. Added longtime friend Sidney Blumenthal to the payroll of the Clinton Foundation, paying him $200,000 a year for part-time work
100. Named disgraced former senator Ken Salazar as her White House transition chair
101. Promised 200,000 jobs in upstate New York, lost 31,000
102. Spearheaded the disastrous health care effort of 1993
103. Dismissed the potentially devastating impact of her health care plan by saying, “I can’t be responsible for every under-capitalized entrepreneur in America.”
104. Ignored warnings that her health care plan wouldn’t work, claiming that critics were just “jealous” they weren’t in charge
105. Seeks to overturn the Citizens United ruling because it allowed a non-profit to produce an anti-Hillary documentary
106. Said she would put her husband in charge of the economy
107. Fought against a $0.62 minimum wage in Haiti
108. Promised to put coal miners out of business
109. Supports sanctuary cites
110. Plans to take 550 percent more Syrian refugees into the U.S.
111. Opposes D.C. vs. Heller gun ruling
112. Said businesses don’t create jobs
113. Promised to use executive orders on gun control and immigration
114. Led effort to regulate video games
115. Refused to say she would never lie to the American people
116. Claimed she did not know she was voting for war when she cast her vote for the Iraq War
117. Claimed she had never sent or received classified information from her private server
118. Claimed—under oath—that she had no role in the Travel Office firings
119. Claimed she never received a subpoena
120. Opposed TPP after publicly supporting it 45 times
121. Denounced NAFTA after being its champion
122. Voted for a bankruptcy bill she fought as First Lady and then denounced after she voted for it
123. Claimed she and Bill were “dead broke” when leaving the White House
124. Claimed an economist was a Republican in order to legitimize his claim that she would add millions of jobs to the economy
125. Claimed she worked with Republican Tom Delay in the Senate
126. Reneged on promise to disclose conflicts of interest between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation
127. Said her Chappaqua land deal had been legally approved by the Office of Government Ethics
128. Claimed Juanita Broaddrick’s accusation had been proven baseless
129. When asked, failed to tell the FBI she had been briefed on handling classified information
130. Claimed she was named after Sir Edmund Hillary
131. Claimed she helped bring peace to Northern Ireland
132. Claimed she landed under sniper fire in Bosnia
133. Claimed she helped human rights activist Harry Wu be released from prison
134. Reneged on promise to visit Louisiana flood victims at a later date
135. Dismissed Gennifer Flowers’ affair with Bill Clinton as a “whale of a tale”—after Clinton admitted the affair under oath
136. Claimed the VA scandal was not widespread
137. Claimed she had tried to join the Marines
138. Claimed she was the target of sexist attacks by men afraid she would take their position in law school

And that is the short list....


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I have some experience with classified material. For a short time in the mid 2000's I had a top secret clearance (SSBI). When I received my clearance I was briefed on my responsibilities with classified material. It was made VERY clear to me that if I exposed or released classified material to the "outside world", even by mistake, I would face federal criminal charges. We had protocols in place that helped us make sure we handled classified material properly. My work computer had no access to the Internet. There was a separate room with computers that had access to the Internet. If I needed to walk around with classified paperwork I had to place a cover sheet on top that said "CLASSIFIED" in big red letters. If I wanted to take paperwork to another building I would go take the paperwork to the security office. They would document the paperwork and put the paperwork in a pouch with TWO locks. When I arrived at the other building the security officers would unlock the pouch for me and verify the same amount of paperwork arrived as left the other building. When I went home I would triple check my bag to make sure I didn't inadvertenly put classified paperwork in my bag.

I'm sure the Secretary of State has access to very classified and sensitive information. To allow that to be loaded to an unsecured server is a crime and shows complete incompetence and ignorance.

I will not divulge my level of clearance publicly because mine is active for my job but, I will echo what you said above that the rules & consequences are spelled out quite clearly when you are briefed into a classified program (not to mention you sign documents that you do understand the rules/consequences) so I believe Hillary's actions were not either incompetence or ignorance, it was total disregard for the law from my estimation. The woman is a lawyer, was a former first lady, senator, and a U.S. Secretary of State she is way beyond being able to plead ignorance even if ignorance was an excuse. The fact she attempted to cover-up the crime by scrubbing the server is proof that she did know that what she was holding was a crime, only politics could allow this not to be seen as a crime without intent, she certainly intended to cover-up the crime.

We had similar practices when I worked at Motorola's Government Systems Group and later at General Dynamics. Rooms with classified work underway were secured and entrance required coded locks. Any personal communication devices, e.g., cellular phones, had to be secured before one could go to his desk to work.

Person coming into the room without clearances for meetings required us to have a rotating flashing blue light on the ceiling (the K-Mart blue light special) so everyone in their cubicles could secure the classified materials and work products beforehand.

Further, the servers in these rooms were isolated from intranets and they were Tempest hardened (along with our entire work environment) to which only remote terminals, not computers with all sorts of external ports, were connected.

Whenever foreign nationals were visiting in the facility entire wings were locked down and guarded, too.


I echo what you say above as well AMR, to send classified material on other than a classified electronic device inside of those cipher locked secure facilities called SCIF's (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility)is a crime and we all know it. Cell phones or any device like it carried into one of these facilities is a huge security violation with consequences. The reason Americans are not as outraged as they should about this breach is they are unaware how serious it is for those that work with it every day. The lack of prosecution or any sort of consequences for Hillary Clinton sets a very bad precedent for the intelligence community from where I am standing , looking at this situation.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
It gets even more scary when considering ITAR restrictions. Even casual verbal communications about technologies on the ITAR munitions list, yet not classified, can result in criminal penalties as these conversations can be considered and illegal export. "Munitions" is not necessarily guns and ammo, etc., but includes nuclear, specific satellite technologies, cryptographic technologies, and more. One can imagine what Hillary was speaking, emailing or forwarding via email in discussions with, say, Iran or China, that may have breached ITAR (AECA) restrictions.

While working on the Iridium satellite system and during quarterly reviews, the Chinese nationals in the room had to leave the meeting when discussing certain aspects of the satellite technologies that would communicate with their country's planned satellite downlink gateway facilities. Some of the software being developed by my team was also subject to review by the NSA as well. The NSA has a vested interest in exactly how difficult the cryptographic methods being developed were for their agency. Make it too hard for them to crack, and the NSA can hold up an export license and jeopardize the entire commercial project. Or they can make it such that each individual commercial item shipped must have State Department approval, which delays schedule deadlines and imposes contractual penalties upon the manufacturer for missed ship date commitments.



New member
Hall of Fame
consider this:

President Hillary will continue bammy's failed policies with the assistance of her party in congress

President Trump will attempt to promote his bizarre policies with the active resistance of both parties in congress

vote hillary - continue the downhill slide

vote trump - achieve deadlock

You make a persuasive point. :eek:


New member
Hall of Fame


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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
It gets even more scary when considering ITAR restrictions. Even casual verbal communications about technologies on the ITAR munitions list, yet not classified, can result in criminal penalties as these conversations can be considered and illegal export. "Munitions" is not necessarily guns and ammo, etc., but includes nuclear, specific satellite technologies, cryptographic technologies, and more. One can imagine what Hillary was speaking, emailing or forwarding via email in discussions with, say, Iran or China, that may have breached ITAR (AECA) restrictions.

While working on the Iridium satellite system and during quarterly reviews, the Chinese nationals in the room had to leave the meeting when discussing certain aspects of the satellite technologies that would communicate with their country's planned satellite downlink gateway facilities. Some of the software being developed by my team was also subject to review by the NSA as well. The NSA has a vested interest in exactly how difficult the cryptographic methods being developed were for their agency. Make it too hard for them to crack, and the NSA can hold up an export license and jeopardize the entire commercial project. Or they can make it such that each individual commercial item shipped must have State Department approval, which delays schedule deadlines and imposes contractual penalties upon the manufacturer for missed ship date commitments.


We launched almost all of the iridium constellation...

patrick jane

Unfortunately Donald Trump can't shut up about Miss Universe (porky), he doesn't seem to understand debating or politics. He struggles to to finish and make a point and gets caught up in the petty little details that embarrass him. His ego and pride are too prominent and Hillary simply dug up a 20 year old story and now he can't shut up about it, shooting himself in the foot. Trump is in trouble if he keeps this up.


New member
Hall of Fame
Unfortunately Donald Trump can't shut up about Miss Universe (porky), he doesn't seem to understand debating or politics. He struggles to to finish and make a point and gets caught up in the petty little details that embarrass him. His ego and pride are too prominent and Hillary simply dug up a 20 year old story and now he can't shut up about it, shooting himself in the foot. Trump is in trouble if he keeps this up.

Or maybe he just doesn't want to be President and he's doing everything he can to dive bomb his chances but idiots keep supporting him. :plain:

patrick jane

Imagine a woman who has never accomplished anything and lies to Congress and the FBI and the American people. A woman who can't be trusted or believed and is only interested in money. Hillary would be the worst president ever.

The Berean

Well-known member
Imagine a woman who has never accomplished anything and lies to Congress and the FBI and the American people. A woman who can't be trusted or believed and is only interested in money. Hillary would be the worst president ever.

I've said this before and I'll say it again. Clinton is the epitome of old white woman privilege. If her husband was not Bill Clinton she wouldn't be in the position that she is in today. If Bill were not her husband she NEVER would have been a US Senator nor Secretary of State. She has literally ridden the coat tails of her husband.