Pope says church should ask forgiveness from Sodomites for past treatment


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
[FONT=Georgia.according to the entirely non-authoritative opinions of your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic [B]sect[/B], anyway. :yawn:[/FONT]

Nope. Its words.

He demands apologies where they are not warranted, encouraging those falsely claiming wrongs to continue in their rebellion.

Repentance involves people turning away from sin, not others apologizing to them.


New member
Nope.Its words.He demands apologies where they are not warranted, encouraging those falsely claiming wrongs to continue in their rebellion.Repentance involves people turning away from sin, not others apologizing to them.
Post #80


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Post No. 87 is useless.

Respond to the accusation: Apologies are for individuals to produce for themselves, not for some pope thing to prescribe.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Post No. 89 is useless.

Respond to the challenge.

You agree with this, remember? Apologies are for individuals to produce for themselves, not for someone else to prescribe.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Post No. 91 is useless.

Respond sensibly. :up:

Apologies are for individuals to produce for themselves, not for someone else to prescribe. Don't you agree?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Post No. 93 is useless.

Are you incapable of a discussion?

Apologies are for individuals to produce for themselves, not for someone else to prescribe. Don't you agree?


Pope says church should ask forgiveness from Sodomites for past treatment

This pope, from well outside "the Vatican loop," was elected by the cardinals to save the Catholic Church from itself - trapped in a "death spiral" of widespread sexual abuse with a leadership that "just didn't get it!"

Our conservative "friends" are looking for a pope with an "Old Testament" mindset - Francis is a "New Testament" man who is more interested in responding in the manner of Christ!
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The Catholic Church went progressively from a raging war horsed dictator to a wad of cookie dough.

Sheer nonsense. Catholic teachings do not change when popes change. And we all know how the media distorts things to boot.

The Catechism still states the Homosexual acts are an abomination and can never be approved of. That has not, and will never, change.

Having said that, do you think its okay to beat up and do harm to people who commit certain sins and yet turn a blind eye or even give a "wink wink" "nod nod" to others such as drinkers or gluttons or fornicators? I am pretty sure that's what the pope is getting at..

What are your sins, hmmm? Maybe you like to take a longer than usual look at the ladies? ....get a little tipsy now and then perhaps? Are you fat?......Gluttony IS one of the seven deadly sins after all. Should the hoards come after you and beat you with a stick?

Something to think about.


Sheer nonsense. Catholic teachings do not change when popes change. And we all know how the media distorts things to boot.

John Calvin called the papacy the seat of perdition, and Martin Luther charged it with idolatry- they saw the Roman Church as an ever changing one in due process of extorting society through doctrine.

What are your sins, hmmm? Maybe you like to take a longer than usual look at the ladies? ....get a little tipsy now and then perhaps? Are you fat?......Gluttony IS one of the seven deadly sins after all. Should the hoards come after you and beat you with a stick?

Do you understand the difference between a 'sin' and a 'vice'?
Apparently not :rolleyes:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
^ I notice you chopped up my post.and left out the parts that actually address the topic.

........Do you understand the difference between a 'sin' and a 'vice'? Apparently not
Apparently YOU are trying to demote your sins to mere vices. Mortal sin is mortal sin, be it gay sex or gluttony or drunkenness.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Post 97 is useless.

When are you going to learn to respond?

Apologies are for repentant people to make, not for others to demand.