Pope says church should ask forgiveness from Sodomites for past treatment


New member
John Calvin called the papacy the seat of perdition, and Martin Luther charged it with idolatry...
Frankly, so what?

QUESTION: What inherent doctrinal authority did Luther or Calvin possess that, for example, Arius, Pelagius, and Sabellius did not? :think:


^ I notice you chopped up my post.and left out the parts that actually address the topic.

The Catholic Church has done a nice job making it's theology and teachings seem as if they've always been unchanging :rolleyes:

Apparently YOU are trying to demote your sins to mere vices. Mortal sin is mortal sin, be it gay sex or gluttony or drunkenness.

Protestant theology doesn't hold to 'venial' vs 'mortal' sin. That was something of the Law, where you fell in and out of God's favor.
And that's the flimsy deity your church teaches- the Reformed tradition states otherwise.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
..........Apologies are for repentant people, not for others to prescribe.
As a general statement I guess I agree, but I don't know the context of your particular disagreement with Cruciform - who I usually always agree with - so I don't want to address that particular argument. I would have to go back and read all the posts.

By the way, when he posts a post number its usually a link back to the post,,a nice time-saver..

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The Catholic Church has done a nice job making it's theology and teachings seem as if they've always been unchanging......................
Doctrines never change. They do develop, as is best described in "An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine" by John Henry Cardinal Newman, but they never change.

Lower level, non-Dogmatic guidelines can change. You need to understand the hierarchy of teachings a little better it would seem.

Protestant theology doesn't hold to 'venial' vs 'mortal' sin.
Well, the Bible DOES. Here is a link: http://www.true2ourselves.com/forum/bible-chat/8363-mortal-sic-venial-sin.html


Doctrines never change. They do develop, as is best described in "An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine" by John Henry Cardinal Newman, but they never change.

Lower level, non-Dogmatic guidelines can change. You need to understand the hierarchy of teachings a little better it would seem.

The Catholic Church cannot explain how two papal decrees can contradict each other, it's just that simple- they must make up their own rules, and that happened in 1869 when they flat out revised how the papacy worked.

Luther and Calvin knew perfectly what the church was, having lived long before the Roman Church changed- in their time, the pope was the 'unblemished Christ' and everything they said could be taken straight to the burger.

Catholics are just being duped, as they have been since the first Schism in the first place.

And not only that, but the RCC served inquisitions in their mad theology.
But I suppose it's a nuisance wanting to get rid of skeptical people- you can make opposed doctrine and burn them as heretics, but you can't just murder them :rolleyes:



I hate to have to debate militantly to Catholics on here, despite being Reformed- there's insane heresy that floats around that I never knew was so common with some of these non-traditional folk. They insinuate me as being catholic because I have an orthodox outlook.
They don't realize that's the case, though, not seeing how far away they've gone from real Christianity :rolleyes:

Cruciform had me prepared to go ninja on any catholic here, but you don't seem like the bad type. Maybe we'll talk more in depth and in a less hostile or hasty manner sometime. For now I gotta get off for the night. :wave:


New member
...I have an orthodox outlook...Cruciform had me prepared to go ninja on any Catholic here, but you don't seem like the bad type.
I'm not. ;)

If you're of an Eastern Orthodox persuasion, I accept you as a brother in Christ about whom the Catechism of the Catholic Church states the following:

838 ...With the Orthodox Churches, this [sacramental] communion is so profound that it lacks little to attain the fullness that would permit a common celebration of the Lord's Eucharist.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
As a general statement I guess I agree.
Great. So the pope saying people should apologize to homos is out of line.

[FNT=Georgia]As long as [Iyou[/I] post the same nonsense over and over in every post, you'll receive the same answer in reply. The truth, after all, doesn't change.[/FONT]
So now you think it's nonsense for repentant people to do the apologizing.


I'm not. ;)

If you're of an Eastern Orthodox persuasion, I accept you as a brother in Christ about whom the Catechism of the Catholic Church states the following:

838 ...With the Orthodox Churches, this [sacramental] communion is so profound that it lacks little to attain the fullness that would permit a common celebration of the Lord's Eucharist.

Well I'm not- maybe signatures just don't relay well on here :idunno:

Calvinism is the fruit of the Reformation- but we hold to many alike things despite our differences.

*Things we both hold to:
-the Filioque
-the Real Presence

*Things you don't agree with:
-the Immutability of God (as edified by Saint Augustine)
-the human condition of Peter's Seat (the pope is not infallible)
-Mary's humility as merely human

*Why we don't share communion :plain:
-sovereign election>>

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Great. So the pope saying people should apologize to homos is out of line.........
No, its not. Of course people who mistreat other people should apologize. You tricked me.
If YOU go beat someone up I have every right to suggest that you should apologize.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
If YOU go beat someone up I have every right to suggest that you should apologize.

However, the pope was not so specific. He issued a blanket edict that homos needed apologizing to.

If it is the job of repentant individuals to apologize — and you seem to agree with this — how are the pope's words helpful?



I hate to have to debate militantly to Catholics on here, despite being Reformed- there's insane heresy that floats around that I never knew was so common with some of these non-traditional folk. They insinuate me as being catholic because I have an orthodox outlook.
They don't realize that's the case, though, not seeing how far away they've gone from real Christianity :rolleyes:

Cruciform had me prepared to go ninja on any catholic here, but you don't seem like the bad type. Maybe we'll talk more in depth and in a less hostile or hasty manner sometime. For now I gotta get off for the night. :wave:

You are ignorant

Well, can't say I didn't try :rolleyes:

Catholics are papists and nothing more- you all need a physical god, and you found one :wave2: