Planned Parenthood caught selling body parts of aborted babies


New member
Hall of Fame
Pay attention granite, its part of 3 year investigation meaning that more video interview have taken place during that time investigation so sensitive they decided to leak some of it. Sorry, but if there's an "investigation" going on this will be the best they've got. Which isn't saying much. It took three years to come up with three hours they needed to pare down to eight minutes to infuriate people who needed no convincing.


New member investigation so sensitive they decided to leak some of it. Sorry, but if there's an "investigation" going on this will be the best they've got. Which isn't saying much. It took three years to come up with three hours they needed to pare down to eight minutes to infuriate people who needed no convincing.

It wasn't "leaked" it came to an end. Secondly it takes time gain the trust of an PP exuctutive. According to their own words they have thousands of hours of video evidence plus documation to come.


New member
Hall of Fame
It wasn't "leaked" it came to an end. Secondly it takes time gain the trust of an PP exuctutive. According to their own words they have thousands of hours of video evidence plus documation to come.

They went to tremendous lengths to lie. Yes. On that, we agree.

Jose Fly

New member
Rep. Tim Murphy, a member of the House Pro-Life Caucus and chairman of the Energy and Commerce subcommittee looking into the video, said at a Wednesday news conference he’d seen the clip weeks before. Asked afterward why he and others waited until this week to take action, Murphy struggled for an answer before abruptly ending the interview with CQ Roll Call, saying he should not be quoted and remarking, “This interview didn’t happen.”

They didn't take action because there's no evidence of any crimes.


New member
Riiiiiiiiiight....because right-wing Republicans are totally scared to publicly say or do anything against Planned Parenthood. :rolleyes:

More like that there are some rebulicans that just want the pro life vote without doing anything for the pro life community. They magically support an investigation after this news hits the pro life community at large


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
They didn't take action because there's no evidence of any crimes.

Let's say I own a forest and a lumber mill but I don't want to pay sales tax on my lumber.
There is no sales tax on labor.
If I say "the wood is free, I'm just charging for my labor to chop it down and mill it" then I'm going to jail.

Jose Fly

New member
More like that there are some rebulicans that just want the pro life vote without doing anything for the pro life community. They magically support an investigation after this news hits the pro life community at large should go with that. :chuckle:

Jose Fly

New member
Let's say I own a forest and a lumber mill but I don't want to pay sales tax on my lumber.
There is no sales tax on labor.
If I say "the wood is free, I'm just charging for my labor to chop it down and mill it" then I'm going to jail.

And that would be relevant if PP was dodging taxes.

Jose Fly

New member
No is hasn't.

Yes it has.

The video opens with a news report and footage of Planned Parenthood president Gloria Feldt condemning “inappropriate behavior,” presented in a manner that made Feldt’s statement seem like she was commenting on the current issue even though the quote was actually more than a decade old.


New member
Yes it has.

The video opens with a news report and footage of Planned Parenthood president Gloria Feldt condemning “inappropriate behavior,” presented in a manner that made Feldt’s statement seem like she was commenting on the current issue even though the quote was actually more than a decade old.

So you say. More like a vintage footage of PP condemning a decade ago the very thing it practices now.


New member
NEW YORK, March 9 /PRNewswire/ -- Planned Parenthood Federation of America
President Gloria Feldt reinforced concern about the alleged profiteering of
fetal tissue donated by women for medical research in Kansas, which was a
subject of the ABC News show "20/20" last evening. The ABC "20/20" segment
detailed alleged abuses by private sector tissue and organ procurement
companies that receive and distribute donations of fetal tissue for research.
"Where there is wrongdoing, it should be prosecuted and the people who are
doing that kind of thing should be brought to justice," said Gloria Feldt to
ABC's Correspondent Chris Wallace during their conversation for the "20/20"
In a separate letter sent to ABC's Chris Wallace, Feldt reaffirmed that
Planned Parenthood believes that fetal tissue research is an important
endeavor with the potential to save lives and ameliorate disease.
"Planned Parenthood supports research using fetal tissue in accordance
with legal and ethical guidelines and are deeply concerned about the attempt
by some to profit from the humanitarian contributions of courageous women,"
said Gloria Feldt.
"We are confident those Planned Parenthood affiliates offering women the
option to donate tissue are doing so in accordance with the law and medical
ethics," added Feldt.
In a related proactive step, several leading women's reproductive
healthcare and policy organizations, including Planned Parenthood, have sent a
letter to the U.S. Department of Justice calling attention to the private
sector tissue and organ procurement companies implicated in the news program.
In addition, Planned Parenthood is urging the Chairman of the House Health and
Environment Subcommittee of Commerce, Rep. Michael Bilirakis (R-FL), who is
planning to hold hearings on the matter, to seek enforcement of the existing
statutes, including the National Organ Transplant Act and the NIH
Revitalization Act of 1993.
In a letter to Chairman Bilirakis, Feldt affirmed the critical status of
the issue, but expressed concern that "the public nature of Thursday's inquiry
may undermine the important research being conducted by scientists looking for
cures to debilitating diseases, and may potentially stigmatize the donation of
fetal tissue." Feldt concluded: "We will not stand silent while anti-choice
zealots engage in offensive and perhaps illegal behavior, so lacking in
compassion that they would sacrifice potentially lifesaving medical research
to further their political goals, which is to deprive women of the fundamental
right to choose abortion."

Not only is PP profiting now, it could care less about the 24k profit markup by stem express

Jose Fly

New member
Not only is PP profiting now

No, they're not.

it could care less about the 24k profit markup by stem express

What in the world is wrong with you? The very article you posted states...

""Planned Parenthood supports research using fetal tissue in accordance with legal and ethical guidelines and are deeply concerned about the attempt by some to profit from the humanitarian contributions of courageous women," said Gloria Feldt."
