Planned Parenthood caught selling body parts of aborted babies


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Hall of Fame
You're doing that already, every single day. And we're talking about people overseas who need to be educated so they don't get themselves killed, not that humanitarian concerns re: sex ed seem to matter to any of you people.

You'd rather folks suffer than be well. That's insidious.

yes and if you want to make things up, knock yourself out, its nothing new. You know who you remind me of? Squidward, from Spongebob.


New member
Hall of Fame
Don't have any and don't watch cartoons. If you think this somehow scores you a "win" in the book you keep tally of in your head, congrats.

Im not trying to win anything nor am I the one who sits here spreading misery and negativity day in and day out - making things up and taking pot shots at others just to feel better about myself.

Your bitterness grows daily. He still loves you granite.


New member
Hall of Fame
Im not trying to win anything nor am I the one who sits here spreading misery and negativity day in and day out - making things up and taking pot shots at others just to feel better about myself.

Your bitterness grows daily. He still loves you granite.

One more time: I didn't "make anything up." And you're once again in one of your little moods.


New member
Hall of Fame
Option A: PP provides birth control and ways of avoiding STDs
Option B: Prevent PP from doing this

What option do you support?

I'm not against birth control. I am against planned parenthood. Thats not the only place one can get a birth control prescription.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm not against birth control. I am against planned parenthood. Thats not the only place one can get a birth control prescription.

In the case of the article musterion shared, they're the one option available. Take that away, and you get misery. Allowing suffering when you can prevent it isn't righteous. It's perverse.


New member
Hall of Fame
Like preventing the suffering of countless unborn babies? I agree its perverse that isnt happening.

You're speaking a different language. Actually, we both are.

Sometimes I really think you guys care more about the unborn as opposed to people we actually got because it's just easier.


New member
Hall of Fame
You're speaking a different language. Actually, we both are.

Sometimes I really think you guys care more about the unborn as opposed to people we actually got because it's just easier.

So glad to see you are now the spokesperson for us all.


Well-known member
You're speaking a different language. Actually, we both are.

Sometimes I really think you guys care more about the unborn as opposed to people we actually got because it's just easier.
The unborn are people we actually got. We should care for all of them.


New member
Hall of Fame
The unborn are people we actually got. We should care for all of them.

Agreed. So let's shift priorities.

First, stop the war on sex already. Enough. Hasn't worked, never worked. Want to reduce unwanted pregnancies and abortion? Stop standing in the way of birth control, for crying out loud. Let's drop the paranoia surrounding sex-ed, while we're at it.

Second, maybe take this Quiverfull mentality and turn it into an adoption-first mentality. 19 Adoptions and counting--now there's a heck of a premise for reality TV. Unwanted children abound. The pro-life movement knows darn well how to leverage the ballot. Demand a less onerous process that enables people who want to adopt to actually be able to.

Third, drop the intimidation game. Scare tactics, gore, stalking, and everything else? Gone. Stop Dumpster diving for an abortionist's home address and use that time and energy towards eliminating the need for his services in the first place. Educate people. Nip this in the bud by preventing unwanted or unplanned pregnancies in the first place. The zealots holding signs could use their time better. If you have time to stalk or stand for hours yelling at women who in many cases are just picking up contraceptives you might have enough time to be a foster parent.

Fourth, acknowledge the reality: Abortion is going to happen and is still the law of the land. It may well be a medical necessity. Some circumstances do require more than a black or white judgment call. Absolutism is safe on paper. Doesn't work that way in life.
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Agreed. So let's shift priorities.

First, stop the war on sex already. Enough. Hasn't worked, never worked. Want to reduce unwanted pregnancies and abortion? Stopped standing in the way of birth control, for crying out loud. Let's drop the paranoia surrounding sex-ed, while we're at it.

Second, maybe take this Quiverfull mentality and turn it into an adoption-first mentality. 19 Adoptions and counting--now there's a heck of a premise for reality TV. Unwanted children abound. The pro-life movement knows darn well how to leverage the ballot. Demand a less onerous process that enables people who want to adopt to actually be able to.

Third, drop the intimidation game. Scare tactics, gore, stalking, and everything else in the gray area shy of terrorism? Gone. Stop Dumpster diving for an abortionist's home address and use that time and energy towards eliminating the need for his services in the first place. Educate people. Nip this in the bud by preventing unwanted or unplanned pregnancies in the first place. The zealots holding signs could use their time better. If you have time to stalk or stand for hours yelling at women who in many cases are just picking up contraceptives you might have enough time to be a foster parent.

Fourth, acknowledge the reality: Abortion is going to happen and is still the law of the land. It may well be a medical necessity. Some circumstances do require more than a black or white judgment call. Absolutism is safe on paper. Doesn't work that way in life.

Ah, some rational thinking. Don't hold your breath. but this should be the Post of the Month.