ECT "PISTEUO", the secret of the universe....


New member
When He finds us and accepts us as His, then we always want to go to Him because now we belong to Him.

No and don't make more of what I wrote than what is there. Show me where Jesus went "looking" for sinners as I asked. Problem is you can't. Jesus said: "as God has sent me, so I am sending you}. WE are directed only to preach his word and love one another as He loved us that by this method will the world come see to know about Him and those who will be saved will be persuaded because of that message.. That's it. No big tents crusades to impress unto salvation necessary. WE don't and can't save anyone and only about 20% of Billy Graham's preaching produced the desired results.[/QUOTE]

For me, the fact that God came to this earth tells me He came looking for His creation (us sinners). When He preached, when He went to the Temple, when He performed miracles, etc., etc., etc., He was looking for sinners.

Jesus said, I believe it is in the Gospel of Mark, that he came to call sinners.

Yes, we are to only preach His word and love one another as He loved us. Wouldn't it be wonderful if that would be accomplished.

Agree that we cannot save anyone.

I read somewhere that in an interview Billy Graham was asked what he would do differently, and he responded that he would have preached the cross more.


New member
I never said any such thing.

Yes, you have.

Have you sold everything you have and gave it to the poor?
Started your ministry beginning in Jerusalem, yet?

Jesus says he saves those on the side of truth,

No, Jesus saves, continues to saves, and will always save sinners.

those who fear God and those who do what is right.

So, according to YOUR DOCTRINE, gt, ONLY THOSE who do what is right when they hear about Jesus they believe. Got it.

Do you want the scriptures?

I do not want YOUR plopped out of its original perfect context scriptures. Thank you very much.

What? Get a hold of yourself.

You have confessed you do NOT obey ALL of Jesus' words exactly as He said as you vociferously proclaim that you do.

You can obey too.

Hopefully, you, gt, OBEYED Jesus by starting your ministry in Jerusalem and went around the villages, and Samaria, and Judea, etc.

Two words?

Yes, two words.

There are still people who do what is right and they are the ones who when they hear about Jesus believe.

So, according to YOUR DOCTRINE, gt, ONLY THOSE who do what is right when they hear about Jesus they believe. Got it.

Therefore, according to your doctrine, gt, no sinner need apply when they hear the Gospel of salvation, cause they ain't done nothing right. Got it.
No drug addicts need apply when they hear the Gospel of salvation, cause they are drug addicts and doing some real bad unrighteousness. Got it.
No evil person need apply when they hear the Gospel of salvation, cause are still evil. Got it.


New member
You are off-base on your "saved sinner" assertion.

Or as someone (who I very often find I share the exact same understanding with on many things), has put that.

For the balance of that author's post, click on the following link:

Nevertheless, Romans 14:5 towards you on this, in memory of Romans 5:8.

We were born sinners and we will die sinners, even though the Lord has saved us and cleansed us and purchased us with His blood. No wonder He says we have to take the cross and follow Him daily (Mark 16:14) and it is not because we are not saved, but because we are.

Everything that does not come from faith is sin.

God's Truth

New member
No, Jesus saves, continues to saves, and will always save sinners.
You said no to the written Word of God.

So, according to YOUR DOCTRINE, gt, ONLY THOSE who do what is right when they hear about Jesus they believe. Got it.

Why do you doubt Jesus’ words?

I do not want YOUR plopped out of its original perfect context scriptures. Thank you very much.

How do you think they are out of context and how do you ever get they are not true? Scripture is all ways true.

You have confessed you do NOT obey ALL of Jesus' words exactly as He said as you vociferously proclaim that you do.
Try obeying Jesus. You fight it like a pit bull.

Hopefully, you, gt, OBEYED Jesus by starting your ministry in Jerusalem and went around the villages, and Samaria, and Judea, etc.
Jesus already had people to do that.
Jesus doesn’t say you all will never enter unless you become a traveling minister. You have no understanding because you do not obey Jesus; you don’t even know what he says to do and you beg me for a list.

So, according to YOUR DOCTRINE, gt, ONLY THOSE who do what is right when they hear about Jesus they believe. Got it.
I gave you scriptures.

Therefore, according to your doctrine, gt, no sinner need apply when they hear the Gospel of salvation, cause they ain't done nothing right. Got it.
Why do you keep saying got it? You don’t got it.

No drug addicts need apply when they hear the Gospel of salvation, cause they are drug addicts and doing some real bad unrighteousness. Got it.
No evil person need apply when they hear the Gospel of salvation, cause are still evil. Got it.

They have to repent of their sins.

Cross Reference

New member
We were born sinners and we will die sinners, even though the Lord has saved us and cleansed us and purchased us with His blood. No wonder He says we have to take the cross and follow Him daily (Mark 16:14) and it is not because we are not saved, but because we are.

Everything that does not come from faith is sin.

So why are you not walking as a saint learning how to be faithful in Christ Jesus? What were we saved 'unto' that will reveal our allegiance to God that His Grace be made manifest in our lives? What is God after for having redeemed us if not son-ship in Him, to continue to live life as usualmwith but a mere professsion of faith???

God's Truth

New member
We were born sinners and we will die sinners, even though the Lord has saved us and cleansed us and purchased us with His blood. No wonder He says we have to take the cross and follow Him daily (Mark 16:14) and it is not because we are not saved, but because we are.

Everything that does not come from faith is sin.

What? Take up your cross daily? You are badly mistaken. Show how you take up your cross daily?

There is a hardship for those who helped lay the foundation, but you are not the one going through that.

God's Truth

New member
So why are you not walking as a saint learning how to be faithful in Christ Jesus? What were we saved 'unto' that will reveal our allegiance to God that His Grace be made manifest in our lives? What is God after for having redeemed us if not son-ship in Him, to continue to live life as usualmwith but a mere professsion of faith???

Why do you ask her/him that when you can't even control your eye rolling?
There is a plank in our eye and you are trying to get out lifeisgood's eye plank?


New member
So why are you not walking as a saint learning how to be faithful in Christ Jesus? What were we saved 'unto' that will reveal our allegiance to God that His Grace be made manifest in our lives? What is God after for having redeemed us if not son-ship in Him, to continue to live life as usualmwith but a mere professsion of faith???

Who said I am not walking as a saint learning how to be faithful in Christ Jesus?

I was saved, I am being saved, and I will be shown saved.
He HAS saved me (regeneration) – Eph. 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;

He IS saving me (sanctification) – 2 Cor. 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.

He WILL save me (glorification) – 1 Peter 1:5 who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

My position does not change, however, my condition changes every moment and the Lord is working on in me every single minute of the day since He saved me to conform me to His image. He has to do it. There's that voice in me that says, 'hey, no, no no.' It is up to me to listen to the voice and obey it.

Spurgeon had bouts of terrible depression, but he stood. In the sermon, entitled “The Christian’s Heaviness and Rejoicing,” Spurgeon said that during his illness, when “my spirits were sunken so low that I could weep by the hour like a child, and yet I knew not what I wept for . . . a kind friend was telling me of some poor old soul living near, who was suffering very great pain, and yet she was full of joy and rejoicing. I was so distressed by the hearing of that story, and felt so ashamed of myself. . . . ”

He is sanctifying me and it is a life long process until the day I breath my last breath.


New member
What? Take up your cross daily? You are badly mistaken. Show how you take up your cross daily?

There is a hardship for those who helped lay the foundation, but you are not the one going through that.

I guess you do not obey Jesus on this particular instance either: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me"(Luke 9:23).

God's Truth

New member
Who said I am not walking as a saint learning how to be faithful in Christ Jesus?

I was saved, I am being saved, and I will be shown saved.
He HAS saved me (regeneration) – Eph. 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;

He IS saving me (sanctification) – 2 Cor. 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.

He WILL save me (glorification) – 1 Peter 1:5 who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

My position does not change, however, my condition changes every moment and the Lord is working on in me every single minute of the day since He saved me to conform me to His image. He has to do it. There's that voice in me that says, 'hey, no, no no.' It is up to me to listen to the voice and obey it.

Spurgeon had bouts of terrible depression, but he stood. In the sermon, entitled “The Christian’s Heaviness and Rejoicing,” Spurgeon said that during his illness, when “my spirits were sunken so low that I could weep by the hour like a child, and yet I knew not what I wept for . . . a kind friend was telling me of some poor old soul living near, who was suffering very great pain, and yet she was full of joy and rejoicing. I was so distressed by the hearing of that story, and felt so ashamed of myself. . . . ”

He is sanctifying me and it is a life long process until the day I breath my last breath.

Calvinism is false doctrines by people ensnared to preach falseness, as you are.

You go against people who preach obedience.

God's Truth

New member
I guess you do not obey Jesus on this particular instance either: "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me"(Luke 9:23).

You don't know the difference from those laying the foundation and those who are not.

So you don't want us to obey ANYTHING Jesus taught? Why? That is why you don't have understanding.


New member
You don't know the difference from those laying the foundation and those who are not.

So you don't want us to obey ANYTHING Jesus taught? Why? That is why you don't have understanding.

Yeah, that's what I figured, you also do NOT obey Luke 9:23, even though you, gt, vociferously say that you do, and then confess that you do not.

God's Truth

New member
If you recognized your cross I some how feel you wouldn't pick it up.

Jesus' yoke is light, easy and not burdensome.

Jesus said 'If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross DAILY, and follow me.' (Luke 9:23-24)
Jesus was speaking of those who would help lay the foundation. See Ephesians 2:20.

I guarantee you that you are not laying a foundation that has already been laid.

John the baptizer was just beheaded, and later we find out that the other foundation layers were always close to death constantly and some were killed.. That is not you.
What in the world do you think your cross to bear is? You are forced to be faithful to your spouse? You are forced to not lie? The scriptures say we have not even had to shed any blood to give up any sin.
There are those who helped lay the foundation, and they are the people in whom Jesus says, "Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me." See Matthew 11:6.

That is about a LITERAL DYING because of Jesus. That is about those whose fear is so great during the laying of the foundation...those who are telling the mystery that was hidden...those who knew death was eminent because of this teaching. The fear of death was very real to Peter. Peter fell away because of Jesus; he had the fear of suffering and dying by the hands of others. Jesus said blessed are those who do not fall away on account of me. Jesus blesses those who have suffered physically, even to death. You however, have not even suffered with sin so much as to shed your own blood, yet you think you are carrying a cross as Jesus did.

Hebrews 12:4 In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.

So what is your cross? lol

God's Truth

New member
Yeah, that's what I figured, you also do NOT obey Luke 9:23, even though you, gt, vociferously say that you do, and then confess that you do not.

As I just told silly CrossReference who tried to humiliate me---neither one of you are cross bearers laying the foundation.

Cross Reference

New member
Jesus' yoke is light, easy and not burdensome.

Jesus said 'If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross DAILY, and follow me.' (Luke 9:23-24)
Jesus was speaking of those who would help lay the foundation. See Ephesians 2:20.

I guarantee you that you are not laying a foundation that has already been laid.

John the baptizer was just beheaded, and later we find out that the other foundation layers were always close to death constantly and some were killed.. That is not you.
What in the world do you think your cross to bear is? You are forced to be faithful to your spouse? You are forced to not lie? The scriptures say we have not even had to shed any blood to give up any sin.
There are those who helped lay the foundation, and they are the people in whom Jesus says, "Blessed is anyone who does not stumble on account of me." See Matthew 11:6.

That is about a LITERAL DYING because of Jesus. That is about those whose fear is so great during the laying of the foundation...those who are telling the mystery that was hidden...those who knew death was eminent because of this teaching. The fear of death was very real to Peter. Peter fell away because of Jesus; he had the fear of suffering and dying by the hands of others. Jesus said blessed are those who do not fall away on account of me. Jesus blesses those who have suffered physically, even to death. You however, have not even suffered with sin so much as to shed your own blood, yet you think you are carrying a cross as Jesus did.

Hebrews 12:4 In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.

So what is your cross? lol

Sorry but, your own disposition condemns you because of its "lawlessness". Your rotten disposition is your cross that as yet has NOT been crucified.