ECT "PISTEUO", the secret of the universe....


The Greek word "pisteuo". Probably the most important word that we will ever hear as called out ones. I consider this word to be the "secret of the universe". Because one day, God will reveal the importance of "pisteuo," and everyone will know it was right there in front of us all the time.

I beat this drum of "pisteuo ", because without actively exercising "pisteuo", no one can have the relationship with Christ that the NT talks about. An indwelling Holy Spirit, being in Christ, having Gods nature flowing through us, the word of God being ours to look at like a mirror, the mind of Christ, to be able to have that continual praying without ceasing. Without "pisteuo," none of these things will come to pass.

With those things said, what exactly is "pisteuo?"

"Pisteuo" is the Greek word, a verb, that's corresponds with the Greek word, a noun, "pistis".

When pistis and pisteuo were translated into the English texts, Pistis is where we get our word
"faith", the noun, was no problem. But when the translators tried to find an English word for "pisteuo," there was none. Pisteuo is a verb, An act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. The specific act that the Greek word pisteuo needed to translate to English is, the vines: "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." The Strongs: "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded, to trust, to place confidence in, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence, hence it is translated "commit unto," "commit to ones trust,"Be commited unto".

Pisteuo is the word that describes, encompasses, and teaches us what NT saving Faith is. We should have had the words faither, faithing, and to faithe, for the translators to use when translating pisteuo into English. But only because they had no other choice, they had to go with believer, believing, and to believe. The word pisteuo and it's English mistranslations are used over 250 times in the NT. The words believer, believing, and to believe are only one third of what Nt saving Faith is. And building an understanding on any of these three words is not NT saving Faith.

Over the next few days i'm going to post on this thread,certain Scriptures with the vines dictionary meaning in place of the mistranslated words. It will be very hard for many to accept. But remember, this doesn't just affect you, your entire household and family will be affected by this.

Positive comments and good questions only. Please no, "I don't accept the Greek dictionary definitions."



Cross Reference

New member
"I beat this drum of "pisteuo ", because without actively exercising "pisteuo", no one can have the relationship with Christ that the NT talks about. An indwelling Holy Spirit, being in Christ, having Gods nature flowing through us, the word of God being ours to look at like a mirror, the mind of Christ, to be able to have that continual praying without ceasing. Without "pisteuo," none of these things will come to pass." . . . .FAITHER.

That is a quote is from his "library of deceptive teachings . . by Dr. Gene Scott [and friends]". "Youtube" him to see antiChrist in action.


It is this person's way of ensnaring, by majoring on a word he and his ilk have preached as being a method to ensnare, ie., follow their "method", "swing on their gate" for salvation. One then need no longer read the message of Jesus Christ, Who alone who can save, the same Jesus Christ as given us in the Bible that is so easy to read but, only for the hungry heart who will believe. Indeed, the demand their "method" is the only way for salvation, as they see it, to be acceptable, even your agree with them. That is the amzing part!

They will continue to sharpshoot you into believing you need their help for "Faithing" [??] to be convinced and I suppose that when they are convinced of your acceptance of what they have taught you as being a "method". . not the teachings of Jesus but, their "method" is your salvation. That's it. You are toast! You are now a sheep who will forever need their shepherding assistance in life. Of course the first command is to send in your tithe.
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God's Truth

New member
That a quote is from his "library of deceptive teachings . . by Dr. Gene Scott [and friends]". "Youtube" him to see antiChrist in action.


It is this person's way of ensnaring, by majoring on a word he and his ilk have preached as being a method to ensnare, ie., follow their "method", "swing on their gate" for salvation. One then need no longer read the message of Jesus Christ, Who alone who can save, the same Jesus Christ as given us in the Bible that is so easy to read but, only for the hungry heart who will believe. Indeed, the demand their "method" is the only way for salvation, as they see it, to be acceptable, even your agree with them. That is the amzing part!

They will continue to sharpshoot you into believing you need their help for "Faithing" [??] to be convinced and I suppose that when they are convinced of your acceptance of what they have taught you as being a "method". . not the teachings of Jesus but, their "method" is your salvation. That's it. You are toast! You are now a sheep who will forever need their shepherding assistance in life. Of course the first command is to send in your tithe.

Isn't that kinda like what you do? You know, teach what Oswald Chamber teaches as truth and not the Bible?


That is a quote is from his "library of deceptive teachings . . by Dr. Gene Scott [and friends]". "Youtube" him to see antiChrist in action.


It is this person's way of ensnaring, by majoring on a word he and his ilk have preached as being a method to ensnare, ie., follow their "method", "swing on their gate" for salvation. One then need no longer read the message of Jesus Christ, Who alone who can save, the same Jesus Christ as given us in the Bible that is so easy to read but, only for the hungry heart who will believe. Indeed, the demand their "method" is the only way for salvation, as they see it, to be acceptable, even your agree with them. That is the amzing part!

They will continue to sharpshoot you into believing you need their help for "Faithing" [??] to be convinced and I suppose that when they are convinced of your acceptance of what they have taught you as being a "method". . not the teachings of Jesus but, their "method" is your salvation. That's it. You are toast! You are now a sheep who will forever need their shepherding assistance in life. Of course the first command is to send in your tithe.

Misrepresntation is as i see it the most evil thing someone can do to another . The words i've presented here are mine and only mine . I have no problem quoting Dr. Scott as He is the greatest Bible teacher of our time or any other time for that matter.

If you interested in his quotes CR just let me know i can email some to you if you want . You wouldn't like much of them , but you'd learn a great deal. Most of my learning came from having the actual born again experience , Dr Scott just happens to be one of the few that has validated my experiences .

The born again experience can only happen by Faith or faithing as the NT tells us . Since you have never heard this before meeting me , you couldn't possibly have been performing this mandatory act of NT saving Faith to start the relationship with Christ . This means your still at the Drawing of the Father phase of the journey .
Don't wait to long , one day it will be one day to late. I'm still here for you CR , i don't understand your change of heart about me. But it's the norm with me and the narrow path.


PISTEUO", the secret of the universe....

The Greek word "pisteuo". Probably the most important word that we will ever hear as called out ones. I consider this word to be the "secret of the universe". Because one day, God will reveal the importance of "pisteuo," and everyone will know it was right there in front of us all the time.

I beat this drum of "pisteuo ", because without actively exercising "pisteuo", no one can have the relationship with Christ that the NT talks about. An indwelling Holy Spirit, being in Christ, having Gods nature flowing through us, the word of God being ours to look at like a mirror, the mind of Christ, to be able to have that continual praying without ceasing. Without "pisteuo," none of these things will come to pass.

With those things said, what exactly is "pisteuo?"

"Pisteuo" is the Greek word, a verb, that's corresponds with the Greek word, a noun, "pistis".

When pistis and pisteuo were translated into the English texts, Pistis is where we get our word
"faith", the noun, was no problem. But when the translators tried to find an English word for "pisteuo," there was none. Pisteuo is a verb, An act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. The specific act that the Greek word pisteuo needed to translate to English is, the vines: "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." The Strongs: "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded, to trust, to place confidence in, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence, hence it is translated "commit unto," "commit to ones trust,"Be commited unto".

Pisteuo is the word that describes, encompasses, and teaches us what NT saving Faith is. We should have had the words faither, faithing, and to faithe, for the translators to use when translating pisteuo into English. But only because they had no other choice, they had to go with believer, believing, and to believe. The word pisteuo and it's English mistranslations are used over 250 times in the NT. The words believer, believing, and to believe are only one third of what Nt saving Faith is. And building an understanding on any of these three words is not NT saving Faith.

I keep bumping this in hopes that some will heed this warning positioning themselves for being sealed with the Holy Spirit , thus making Gods Word theirs to talk about , giving me someone to have a sanctioned discussion about Gods Word and His ways.

Cross Reference

New member
PISTEUO", the secret of the universe....

The Greek word "pisteuo". Probably the most important word that we will ever hear as called out ones. I consider this word to be the "secret of the universe". Because one day, God will reveal the importance of "pisteuo," and everyone will know it was right there in front of us all the time.

I beat this drum of "pisteuo ", because without actively exercising "pisteuo", no one can have the relationship with Christ that the NT talks about. An indwelling Holy Spirit, being in Christ, having Gods nature flowing through us, the word of God being ours to look at like a mirror, the mind of Christ, to be able to have that continual praying without ceasing. Without "pisteuo," none of these things will come to pass.

With those things said, what exactly is "pisteuo?"

"Pisteuo" is the Greek word, a verb, that's corresponds with the Greek word, a noun, "pistis".

When pistis and pisteuo were translated into the English texts, Pistis is where we get our word
"faith", the noun, was no problem. But when the translators tried to find an English word for "pisteuo," there was none. Pisteuo is a verb, An act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. The specific act that the Greek word pisteuo needed to translate to English is, the vines: "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." The Strongs: "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded, to trust, to place confidence in, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence, hence it is translated "commit unto," "commit to ones trust,"Be commited unto".

Pisteuo is the word that describes, encompasses, and teaches us what NT saving Faith is. We should have had the words faither, faithing, and to faithe, for the translators to use when translating pisteuo into English. But only because they had no other choice, they had to go with believer, believing, and to believe. The word pisteuo and it's English mistranslations are used over 250 times in the NT. The words believer, believing, and to believe are only one third of what Nt saving Faith is. And building an understanding on any of these three words is not NT saving Faith.

I keep bumping this in hopes that some will heed this warning positioning themselves for being sealed with the Holy Spirit , thus making Gods Word theirs to talk about , giving me someone to have a sanctioned discussion about Gods Word and His ways.

Your "Pisteuo 'method'" I will continue to pray against. I hope everyone will.


Your "Pisteuo 'method'" I will continue to pray against. I hope everyone will.

Mine , LOL .

Pisteuo : Vines : "A personal surrender to Him , and a life inspired by such surrender ."

That is the NT definition of saving Faith as per the Greek manuscripts defined by the Vines Greek dictionary . But i appreciate you putting my understanding on par with those truths , but i wish you wouldn't. It's all His work .

If you hadn't of bailed on me , i would have shared with you what happened when i accidentally fulfilled this . Satan got you on that one CR . Now your trying to protect it for him .

God's Truth

New member
Mine , LOL .

Pisteuo : Vines : "A personal surrender to Him , and a life inspired by such surrender ."

That is the NT definition of saving Faith as per the Greek manuscripts defined by the Vines Greek dictionary . But i appreciate you putting my understanding on par with those truths , but i wish you wouldn't. It's all His work .

If you hadn't of bailed on me , i would have shared with you what happened when i accidentally fulfilled this . Satan got you on that one CR . Now your trying to protect it for him .

What you say about having to personally surrender to God is not unlike what Jesus tells us. However, God brings His Word to us in our language. We don't have to learn Hebrew or Greek to get saved. Jesus tells us to give up our sins, give ourselves to him, submit...those words are synonyms to surrender. Paul even says that we are to offer ourselves to God.

Romans 6:13 Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness.

Romans 6:19 I am using an example from everyday life because of your human limitations. Just as you used to offer yourselves as slaves to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer yourselves as slaves to righteousness leading to holiness.

Romans 12:1 [ A Living Sacrifice ] Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

Romans 15:16 to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles. He gave me the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

We are also told to die to the sins of the world and live to please Christ.

We are to believe and obey to get saved.

We have the words from God to guide us to eternal life.


What you say about having to personally surrender to God is not unlike what Jesus tells us. However, God brings His Word to us in our language. We don't have to learn Hebrew or Greek to get saved. Jesus tells us to give up our sins, give ourselves to him, submit...those words are synonyms to surrender. Paul even says that we are to offer ourselves to God.

Romans 6:13 Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness.

Romans 6:19 I am using an example from everyday life because of your human limitations. Just as you used to offer yourselves as slaves to impurity and to ever-increasing wickedness, so now offer yourselves as slaves to righteousness leading to holiness.

Romans 12:1 [ A Living Sacrifice ] Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

Romans 15:16 to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles. He gave me the priestly duty of proclaiming the gospel of God, so that the Gentiles might become an offering acceptable to God, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

We are also told to die to the sins of the world and live to please Christ.

We are to believe and obey to get saved.

We have the words from God to guide us to eternal life.

We do not "believe and obey" to be saved .

We are called and we answer the call by a continual surrendering of our lives to Him , period .....

No need to add anything to that .

God's Truth

New member
We do not "believe and obey" to be saved .
We do.

Mark 1:15 "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!"

Acts 17:27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.

Acts 17:30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.

Those who OBEY are the ones he makes his home with, see John 14:23.

Acts 20:21 I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.

Acts 26:20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles also, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds.

We are called and we answer the call by a continual surrendering of our lives to Him , period .....

No need to add anything to that .

The word 'surrender' to be saved is not even in the Bible.


We do.

Mark 1:15 "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!"

Acts 17:27 God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us.

Acts 17:30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.

Those who OBEY are the ones he makes his home with, see John 14:23.

Acts 20:21 I have declared to both Jews and Greeks that they must turn to God in repentance and have faith in our Lord Jesus.

Acts 26:20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles also, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds.

The word 'surrender' to be saved is not even in the Bible.

You can't read ?
PISTEUO", the secret of the universe....

The Greek word "pisteuo". Probably the most important word that we will ever hear as called out ones. I consider this word to be the "secret of the universe". Because one day, God will reveal the importance of "pisteuo," and everyone will know it was right there in front of us all the time.

I beat this drum of "pisteuo ", because without actively exercising "pisteuo", no one can have the relationship with Christ that the NT talks about. An indwelling Holy Spirit, being in Christ, having Gods nature flowing through us, the word of God being ours to look at like a mirror, the mind of Christ, to be able to have that continual praying without ceasing. Without "pisteuo," none of these things will come to pass.

With those things said, what exactly is "pisteuo?"

"Pisteuo" is the Greek word, a verb, that's corresponds with the Greek word, a noun, "pistis".

When pistis and pisteuo were translated into the English texts, Pistis is where we get our word
"faith", the noun, was no problem. But when the translators tried to find an English word for "pisteuo," there was none. Pisteuo is a verb, An act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. The specific act that the Greek word pisteuo needed to translate to English is, the vines: "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." The Strongs: "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded, to trust, to place confidence in, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence, hence it is translated "commit unto," "commit to ones trust,"Be commited unto".

Pisteuo is the word that describes, encompasses, and teaches us what NT saving Faith is. We should have had the words faither, faithing, and to faithe, for the translators to use when translating pisteuo into English. But only because they had no other choice, they had to go with believer, believing, and to believe. The word pisteuo and it's English mistranslations are used over 250 times in the NT. The words believer, believing, and to believe are only one third of what Nt saving Faith is. And building an understanding on any of these three words is not NT saving Faith.

God's Truth

New member
You can't read ?
PISTEUO", the secret of the universe....

The Greek word "pisteuo". Probably the most important word that we will ever hear as called out ones. I consider this word to be the "secret of the universe". Because one day, God will reveal the importance of "pisteuo," and everyone will know it was right there in front of us all the time.

I beat this drum of "pisteuo ", because without actively exercising "pisteuo", no one can have the relationship with Christ that the NT talks about. An indwelling Holy Spirit, being in Christ, having Gods nature flowing through us, the word of God being ours to look at like a mirror, the mind of Christ, to be able to have that continual praying without ceasing. Without "pisteuo," none of these things will come to pass.

With those things said, what exactly is "pisteuo?"

"Pisteuo" is the Greek word, a verb, that's corresponds with the Greek word, a noun, "pistis".

When pistis and pisteuo were translated into the English texts, Pistis is where we get our word
"faith", the noun, was no problem. But when the translators tried to find an English word for "pisteuo," there was none. Pisteuo is a verb, An act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. The specific act that the Greek word pisteuo needed to translate to English is, the vines: "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." The Strongs: "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded, to trust, to place confidence in, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence, hence it is translated "commit unto," "commit to ones trust,"Be commited unto".

Pisteuo is the word that describes, encompasses, and teaches us what NT saving Faith is. We should have had the words faither, faithing, and to faithe, for the translators to use when translating pisteuo into English. But only because they had no other choice, they had to go with believer, believing, and to believe. The word pisteuo and it's English mistranslations are used over 250 times in the NT. The words believer, believing, and to believe are only one third of what Nt saving Faith is. And building an understanding on any of these three words is not NT saving Faith.

You wish that there were English words called faither, faithing and to faithe. But, there are no such English words and God BRINGS HIS TRUTH to us in OUR LANGUAGE. I gave you scriptures that say what you claim those words mean, but you reject it. I really like to hear how you surrendered your life to God, but that is more of a personal submission to God that we all have to do and can be shown with scripture, without needing another language, and without making an English word that does not exist. Be a peacemaker like God says and stop ostracizing people who have submitted their life to God without those foreign words.


You wish that there were English words called faither, faithing and to faithe. But, there are no such English words and God BRINGS HIS TRUTH to us in OUR LANGUAGE. I gave you scriptures that say what you claim those words mean, but you reject it. I really like to hear how you surrendered your life to God, but that is more of a personal submission to God that we all have to do and can be shown with scripture, without needing another language, and without making an English word that does not exist. Be a peacemaker like God says and stop ostracizing people who have submitted their life to God without those foreign words.

Not to be mean here , but what i reject is you claim the right to speak of Gods Word at all .

If you do not accept the qualifier to being in Christ , Christ , His Spirit or His Word is not yours to talk about , claim or anything else . Your still in the Drawing of the Father phase of the process . Until you start the journey of Faith (faithing) you'll never be in Christ making His Spirit and His promises yours to speak of . So giving me scriptures to make your point falls on deaf ears.

I don't "wish" for those words , those words just simply should have been available for the translators ,then most of the church world wouldn't be in the mess their in .

Lets get one thing clear . I'm trying to show a truth of which i have 30 years ago done purely by accident . Things happened and are still happening that showed me it was Scriptural. I can't go into that , not so much that it's personal , which it is , but because you can't understand things of the Spirit if you are not in the Spirit .

So with that said , i've had to go the theology route which i should in no way be able to hold water for 5 seconds . I'm a disabled bricklayer . But im able to disprove any understanding from the best theologians simply because they have not had the basic born again experience communicated in the NT "GREEK". If you want to put yours and your familys chance at being in Christ on the English translation , thats on you now because you've been told the truth.

But if i'm trying to appeal to your heart , deep down , is the English ( mistranslation ) of pisteuo what your standing on because you think you get to have Christ and His promises without having to continually , genuinely having to surrender your life to Him ? Kind of having your cake and eat it too ?

Because what i'm experiencing is coming from a complete total surrender with daily decisions to back it up. I'm not saying perfection here , just genuine . We know and God knows if we are really doing what we claim we are doing .

God's Truth

New member
Not to be mean here , but what i reject is you claim the right to speak of Gods Word at all .
You are a hypocrite, and worse. You claim to speak for God AND you want to change what God does and change the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. lol

I don't mean to be mean, but you need to be rebuked sharply.

If you do not accept the qualifier to being in Christ , Christ , His Spirit or His Word is not yours to talk about , claim or anything else . Your still in the Drawing of the Father phase of the process . Until you start the journey of Faith (faithing) you'll never be in Christ making His Spirit and His promises yours to speak of . So giving me scriptures to make your point falls on deaf ears.

I don't "wish" for those words , those words just simply should have been available for the translators ,then most of the church world wouldn't be in the mess their in .

Oh shut up.
Lets get one thing clear . I'm trying to show a truth of which i have 30 years ago done purely by accident . Things happened and are still happening that showed me it was Scriptural. I can't go into that , not so much that it's personal , which it is , but because you can't understand things of the Spirit if you are not in the Spirit .
You can't disprove ANYTHING that I said.

Not only that, you are trying to CHANGE the BIBLE AND THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.

So with that said , i've had to go the theology route which i should in no way be able to hold water for 5 seconds . I'm a disabled bricklayer . But im able to disprove any understanding from the best theologians simply because they have not had the basic born again experience communicated in the NT "GREEK". If you want to put yours and your familys chance at being in Christ on the English translation , thats on you now because you've been told the truth.
There is only one person anyone has to go to get saved, and it is to Jesus. And God brought the truth to us in our language.

I am saved, and you not recognizing it means that you don't know much at all.

But if i'm trying to appeal to your heart , deep down , is the English ( mistranslation ) of pisteuo what your standing on because you think you get to have Christ and His promises without having to continually , genuinely having to surrender your life to Him ? Kind of having your cake and eat it too ?
I gave you real English words that say the same thing and YOU REJECTED ALL THOSE SCRIPTURES I GAVE YOU. WHY?!!!
Because what i'm experiencing is coming from a complete total surrender with daily decisions to back it up. I'm not saying perfection here , just genuine . We know and God knows if we are really doing what we claim we are doing .

Again, I gave you scriptures that say the same thing you are describing, but YOU WENT AGAINST me and said we do not have to obey.

You need to check yourself and figure out why no one is saved unless they agree with you that there is no way to be saved unless they agree with you that there is no way to be saved unless you use a Greek word and change it into an English word that does not exist.


You are a hypocrite, and worse. You claim to speak for God AND you want to change what God does and change the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. lol

I don't mean to be mean, but you need to be rebuked sharply.

Oh shut up.

You can't disprove ANYTHING that I said.

Not only that, you are trying to CHANGE the BIBLE AND THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE.

There is only one person anyone has to go to get saved, and it is to Jesus. And God brought the truth to us in our language.

I am saved, and you not recognizing it means that you don't know much at all.

I gave you real English words that say the same thing and YOU REJECTED ALL THOSE SCRIPTURES I GAVE YOU. WHY?!!!

Again, I gave you scriptures that say the same thing you are describing, but YOU WENT AGAINST me and said we do not have to obey.

You need to check yourself and figure out why no one is saved unless they agree with you that there is no way to be saved unless they agree with you that there is no way to be saved unless you use a Greek word and change it into an English word that does not exist.

It's the narrow path GT ! Why do you think it states only a "few" find it. It's not that alot of people didn't know how to find it , they chose not to . It's starring you right in the face , choose!

I'm out .

God's Truth

New member
It's the narrow path GT ! Why do you think it states only a "few" find it. It's not that alot of people didn't know how to find it , they chose not to . It's starring you right in the face , choose!

I'm out .

You are out. You go against what is written. You say I didn't find something and you are doing the work of Satan.