Ph.D in Pot & the G.H.W. Bush Legacy

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Alcohol and tobacco use kills hundreds of thousands of people every year. How many people does marijuana use kill every year?

Quite a few more than the nearly 0 caused by overdose.

Funnily enough, I can't seem to find any studies that say how many pot related deaths there are per year.

Not enough data? Or hiding the truth?

Keep searching. The truth shall set you free!

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Greatest poster ever
Whether true or not.....not the governments business.

Stripe and co. have made it clear that they don't want the same standards applied to alcohol and tobacco, even though alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous by orders of magnitude. Sheer hypocrisy is what it is.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Stripe and co. have made it clear that they don't want the same standards applied to alcohol and tobacco, even though alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous by orders of magnitude. Sheer hypocrisy is what it is.


Quote me.


Well-known member
Are we in agreement:

To the argument that pot is like alcohol and so should not be regulated differently, Denver Bible Church judges that reasoning as wrong and believes that pot should be illegal because:
1. It should be illegal to be high (intoxicated)
2. Any substance should be controlled if its normal use makes one high
Billions of people cannot get drunk on a sip of wine. Hundreds of millions cannot get drunk even on a glass of wine or a can of beer. Conversely, there are countless millions of people who would (and do) get high even with a single drag or two on a joint (normal use). That single hit or two makes someone mentally negligent, affects their moral compass, and as with drunkenness, even increases lust. And the potent pot sold today at dispensaries worsens this consequence.
The reason that God prohibits drunkenness is because a drunk is an unacceptable risk to society and to himself. Yet decades ago the federal government bribed the states to decriminalize even public drunkenness. Now, Christians being seduced by the grotesquely immoral libertarian party platform of states right (to decriminalize child killing and legalize homosexual marriage), are going far beyond marijuana to even advocate for the decriminalization of cocaine too. But when the normal use of a substance gets someone intoxicated, it should not be decriminalized.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
My interest is with justice. If potheads want pot decriminalized, in return we should get a justice system that endorses justice.

As it stands, what we have is a few people demanding decriminalization because they think pot cures cancer, to which all the potheads start mumbling: "Yeah, man. Free weed."

No deal.

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Greatest poster ever
Are we in agreement:

To the argument that pot is like alcohol and so should not be regulated differently...Billions of people cannot get drunk on a sip of wine. Hundreds of millions cannot get drunk even on a glass of wine or a can of beer...when the normal use of a substance gets someone intoxicated, it should not be decriminalized.

How many people stop drinking at just "one sip" of wine or one can of beer? Quite a few I would suppose. But many people don't stop at just one.

And then there is also hard liquor. One mixed drink can be enough to intoxicate some people.

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Greatest poster ever
My interest is with justice. If potheads want pot decriminalized, in return we should get a justice system that endorses justice.

No you have no interest in justice. If you did you would go on record in favor of outlawing alcohol and tobacco, both of which are more harmful than marijuana. But you won't because you have a biased political agenda motivated by ignorance and hypocrisy.