On Deservedness

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Well-known member
Yes. I'm having left mastectomy along with axillary disection followed up later with radiation treatments.

Lord God of Heaven, Lover of our souls, our Holy Father and our Abba,

I thank You Lord for the privilege of coming before Your Throne of Grace bearing a sister with fearful and wonderful things ahead of her. Carry this woman on Your healing Wings, Lord, and grant her comfort and consolation as she faces a burden of pain, nausea and the stress of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and the frustration and insecurity of, perhaps, not quite feeling and looking, for a bit, like a beloved daughter of our Great King.

I pray You will send Your Holy Spirit and our Savior to walk with Truthjourney down this grievous road; that You will carry her, dry her tears and draw so close to her that her pain will be lost as an afterthought while she depends on You and abides in You.

I pray for a sympathetic, loving, serving and gentle helper for her. Somebody close, please, to serve her and succor her through this surgery.

I pray that she will know that while she abides in You and You abide in her she isn't going through this alone and that there's really nowhere Your children can go that You have not been through before. You know our anguish, our fears, our every need and hurt and I praise You that You are so faithful to keep us and watch over us.

Please bless and keep Truthjourney in the warmth of Your Splendor; cradle her in Your arms and near to Your Heart. Place her tears in Your bottle and shower her with blessings and health. Help her to focus on the Prize and not on the journey.

Thank You Lord that You are always as near as the mention of Your Name, Name above all Names, in Whom we rest and trust. In the glorious Name of Jesus I humbly ask for an extra measure of grace for Truthjourney.

Amen and Amen.


New member
Lord God of Heaven, Lover of our souls, our Holy Father and our Abba,

I thank You Lord for the privilege of coming before Your Throne of Grace bearing a sister with fearful and wonderful things ahead of her. Carry this woman on Your healing Wings, Lord, and grant her comfort and consolation as she faces a burden of pain, nausea and the stress of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and the frustration and insecurity of, perhaps, not quite feeling and looking, for a bit, like a beloved daughter of our Great King.

I pray You will send Your Holy Spirit and our Savior to walk with Truthjourney down this grievous road; that You will carry her, dry her tears and draw so close to her that her pain will be lost as an afterthought while she depends on You and abides in You.

I pray for a sympathetic, loving, serving and gentle helper for her. Somebody close, please, to serve her and succor her through this surgery.

I pray that she will know that while she abides in You and You abide in her she isn't going through this alone and that there's really nowhere Your children can go that You have not been through before. You know our anguish, our fears, our every need and hurt and I praise You that You are so faithful to keep us and watch over us.

Please bless and keep Truthjourney in the warmth of Your Splendor; cradle her in Your arms and near to Your Heart. Place her tears in Your bottle and shower her with blessings and health. Help her to focus on the Prize and not on the journey.

Thank You Lord that You are always as near as the mention of Your Name, Name above all Names, in Whom we rest and trust. In the glorious Name of Jesus I humbly ask for an extra measure of grace for Truthjourney.

Amen and Amen.
Thank you so much. That's a beautiful, comforting and encouraging prayer. :)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Don't like it, huh? :)

You libs can dish it out but you can't take it. (If you don't want to be called a lib....stop acting like one). You have a lot of nerve accusing anyone of false accusations after the lies you've been telling. Even the excuse that you don't understand what we've been saying isn't a good enough excuse to take away the wrong you have done. The consequences of that behavior is that you've lost all credibility in the eyes of some of those who have seen clearly what is being said.

Seriously GD, you dropped an absolute clanger by trying to claim that anna and truthjourney were one and the same. They blatantly aren't to anyone with a familiarity (or even not) with either, although they both do share a common trait, that being reasonable. If the best you can do is throw out the 'lib' card then you're in dire need of some new material. It's boring, tired, lame and all other sorts of descriptors for yawnfest. The sad fact of the matter is that certain tossers here think that some people do actually deserve to be raped if they aren't acting "demurely" enough which could be anything from exposing bare toenail to dancing nude on 42nd Street...

Morons one and all...


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Lord God of Heaven, Lover of our souls, our Holy Father and our Abba,

I thank You Lord for the privilege of coming before Your Throne of Grace bearing a sister with fearful and wonderful things ahead of her. Carry this woman on Your healing Wings, Lord, and grant her comfort and consolation as she faces a burden of pain, nausea and the stress of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and the frustration and insecurity of, perhaps, not quite feeling and looking, for a bit, like a beloved daughter of our Great King.

I pray You will send Your Holy Spirit and our Savior to walk with Truthjourney down this grievous road; that You will carry her, dry her tears and draw so close to her that her pain will be lost as an afterthought while she depends on You and abides in You.

I pray for a sympathetic, loving, serving and gentle helper for her. Somebody close, please, to serve her and succor her through this surgery.

I pray that she will know that while she abides in You and You abide in her she isn't going through this alone and that there's really nowhere Your children can go that You have not been through before. You know our anguish, our fears, our every need and hurt and I praise You that You are so faithful to keep us and watch over us.

Please bless and keep Truthjourney in the warmth of Your Splendor; cradle her in Your arms and near to Your Heart. Place her tears in Your bottle and shower her with blessings and health. Help her to focus on the Prize and not on the journey.

Thank You Lord that You are always as near as the mention of Your Name, Name above all Names, in Whom we rest and trust. In the glorious Name of Jesus I humbly ask for an extra measure of grace for Truthjourney.

Amen and Amen.

Awesome prayer, very uplifting. :thumb:


New member
Hall of Fame
Lord God of Heaven, Lover of our souls, our Holy Father and our Abba,

I thank You Lord for the privilege of coming before Your Throne of Grace bearing a sister with fearful and wonderful things ahead of her. Carry this woman on Your healing Wings, Lord, and grant her comfort and consolation as she faces a burden of pain, nausea and the stress of surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and the frustration and insecurity of, perhaps, not quite feeling and looking, for a bit, like a beloved daughter of our Great King.

I pray You will send Your Holy Spirit and our Savior to walk with Truthjourney down this grievous road; that You will carry her, dry her tears and draw so close to her that her pain will be lost as an afterthought while she depends on You and abides in You.

I pray for a sympathetic, loving, serving and gentle helper for her. Somebody close, please, to serve her and succor her through this surgery.

I pray that she will know that while she abides in You and You abide in her she isn't going through this alone and that there's really nowhere Your children can go that You have not been through before. You know our anguish, our fears, our every need and hurt and I praise You that You are so faithful to keep us and watch over us.

Please bless and keep Truthjourney in the warmth of Your Splendor; cradle her in Your arms and near to Your Heart. Place her tears in Your bottle and shower her with blessings and health. Help her to focus on the Prize and not on the journey.

Thank You Lord that You are always as near as the mention of Your Name, Name above all Names, in Whom we rest and trust. In the glorious Name of Jesus I humbly ask for an extra measure of grace for Truthjourney.

Amen and Amen.

Beautiful prayer. I'm sending this back out for you TJ. :)


Well-known member
The sad fact of the matter is that certain tossers here think that some people do actually deserve to be raped if they aren't acting "demurely" enough which could be anything from exposing bare toenail to dancing nude on 42nd Street...
Morons one and all...

Let me help you out, Artie. Baring a toenail is not wrong, but dancing nude on 42nd street is wrong. So if you bare your toenail and get raped, you're an innocent victim. If you're dancing nude down 42nd street and get raped you're merely a victim. People suffer consequences for bad behavior all the time. It's why we should always avoid doing things we know to be wrong. I realize that is an impossible pill for some folks to swallow, but don't say you haven't been warned. :)


Eclectic Theosophist
Challenging different 'concepts' of 'hell'........

Challenging different 'concepts' of 'hell'........

Everyone who goes to hell deserves to go to hell (2 Thess 2:10).

Well, that depends on how you define 'hell' since different words in the Bible are translated into the English word ( or 'concept' of) 'hell' (that being 'sheol', 'hades', 'gehenna', 'tartaroo', - some of these terms refer to the 'grave' or 'underworld',....one a 'trash-dump', the other to a holding cell or prison for fallen angels,....no 'lake of fire' implied with these 'locations'. But one can embellish their own mythology as they please.

Furthermore,...look at the context of the passage you quoted....it speaks of those unrighteous ones who "perish" ,....this word indicates a dying away, disintegration, fading into nothingness. - NOT a condition of being tormented forever in a lake of fire, or some other traditional concept of ECT (eternal conscious torment). A soul that 'perishes' is one that is 'no more'. A perished person is not alive or conscious to experience anything good or bad, much less 'eternal suffering'. We expose ECT here ;)


Research on the concept of Hell
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