On Deservedness

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Well-known member
You can say whatever you want to about me. But don't be making false accusations against Anna or a mod who have nothing to do with anything I've said.

So, it's your job to tell me what to do....is that it? :chew:

Tell ya what. You don't be making false accusations against Doser or Ebenz, who is also a mod and who stated we were not saying what you all were accusing us of.


Eclectic Theosophist
passerbys in the duck pond........

passerbys in the duck pond........

I'm not the least bit upset if that's what you're suggesting. She sounds like Anna... If it walks like a duck, it's a duck.

I haven't seen the 'similarities' at this point between these two people, so my former observation stands :) - having private discussions with tj elsewhere supports her claims in the matter, in any case,...until further info. proves otherwise.

Well..... I never once said that or even suggested it. It's akin to saying I'm in need of a chill pill. Figments of someone's imagination are not facts. Truth be told, they say more about the person with the imagination than they do what has actually occurred.

I didn't necessarily imply that you claimed that all victims deserved the suffering inflicted upon them, since I've only read some of your commentary on the issue, of which I'd need to research more in order to more properly engage the subject ;)

I don't necessarily wont to dig up any claims made by truthjourney or yourself, except to have a positive, constructive creative dialogue, in order to profit all interested. I think commentary by ok doser on persons 'deserving' to be raped if they somehow provoked it, is what started most of the heated 'conversation' in this regard. Discussion on the matter is wonderful, if emotions and convictions can be 'managed' in a civil manner :thumb: - that's the challenge for some of us more testy folks :cool:

As far as 'chill pills' go,....even I need to take a few at times :flamer:


New member
What a joke. It isn't wrong thinking because you say so. Rather than debate, you stoop to this stuff. I know you.

I'm using the Bible to justify the truth....you're a pretender or you'd know that. Biblical principles should apply to all of life, and the Bible is not yours to offer or withhold. You guys want to lie and claim people are not held to account in this life for their bad choices. All because you refuse to admit Doser, me, Angel, Ebenz, Genuine Original, Musty and Climatesanity see what you people flat out REFUSE to even consider. Why? Because you're too darn busy having hissy fits. Very unbecoming. No debate from any of you. Just finger pointing, lying, willful blindness, name calling, false accusations and pride. We try to reason and you guys hate....you can't even hide it, nor do you bother to try. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
I listened to Angel and Ebenz who expressed themselves well and I understood what they were saying.

patrick jane

I haven't seen the 'similarities' at this point between these two people, so my former observation stands :) - having private discussions with tj elsewhere supports her claims in the matter, in any case,...until further info. proves otherwise.

I didn't necessarily imply that you claimed that all victims deserved the suffering inflicted upon them, since I've only read some of your commentary on the issue, of which I'd need to research more in order to more properly engage the subject ;)

I don't necessarily wont to dig up any claims made by truthjourney or yourself, except to have a positive, constructive creative dialogue, in order to profit all interested. I think commentary by ok doser on persons 'deserving' to be raped if they somehow provoked it, is what started most of the heated 'conversation' in this regard. Discussion on the matter is wonderful, if emotions and convictions can be 'managed' in a civil manner :thumb: - that's the challenge for some of us more testy folks :cool:

As far as 'chill pills' go,....even I need to take a few at times :flamer:

Good post freelight ! It can be disheartening when a member is on a prolonged explanatory rampage.


Eclectic Theosophist
Having a stab at it......

Having a stab at it......

1. Does a homosexual who chooses to ignore warnings and advice about the risks of engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners deserve to get AIDS?

I think we need to define or qualify the word 'deserve' here. Anyone practicing liberal sexual behavior puts themselves at risk, whether they know it or not, to say nothing of whether they 'deserve' the 'disease' or 'bug' they get. I think this is beyond some religious or philosophical concept of 'deserving' unless we can define such, and more an issue of 'risk', whether knowingly or unknowingly. Both gay and straight people can get 'AIDS',...but its debatable even what 'AIDS' is as an umbrella term (a generic term for about 39 diseases), and how HIV is even associated or a cause of this 'syndrome' since the condition is often 'multi-factoral' in nature. There are dissident scientists and doctors questioning the HIV = Aids hypothesis, but that another chapter.

2. Does a driver who chooses to ignore warnings and advice about the risks of drunk driving deserve to get a DWI?

2a. Does he deserve it if he crashes his car?



3. Does a pedophile who ignores warnings and advice about the risks of molesting children deserve to get caught and punished?

Of course, if a crime has been committed.


* Now as to whether a person deserves to be raped if they somehow or in someway provoked or brought on themselves the attack,...it would depend on the situation/circumstantial context of this, plus the motives of those involved, both victim and perpetrator. Of course if there are two consenting adults playing out a scenario of such in their own privacy, that's another matter (role playing, etc.), but if the situation is happenstance and unplanned, whereby one is forced/attacked/ perpetrated against their will, where one is 'violated' in that sense, then I don't see how the victim of the rape deserved it in any way, unless you want to speculate or assume every detail on how they may have provoked or tempted the perpetrator, but this still does not justify the crime committed, if the action is truly a 'crime'.


Well-known member
I think commentary by ok doser on persons 'deserving' to be raped if they somehow provoked it, is what started most of the heated 'conversation' in this regard.

Yeah, God forbid we should suggest that people are somehow accountable for their own bad behavior. That they deserve some consequences for what they do. That is just a bad bad thing to ever suggest.

Anyway, I always taught my kids that when they did something wrong, they should blame the whole thing on their brother, and claim to be innocent. JK ;)
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