

Well-known member


New member
By what measure is the US health care system of the world? Not by accessibility, cost or outcomes.

What is wrong with you people??

Just look at Healthcare.gov as an example of how Obama and Company are able to manage a single important project.. then extend that to all it has its fingers in. We are doomed to suffer under incompetence.

Reform and better accessibility are needed, but its obvious the current administration is not up to the task.

In the real world, Obama would have been fired, along with everyone else involved in the healthcare.gov debacle.


Well-known member
Reform and better accessibility are needed, but its obvious the current administration is not up to the task.
It has nothing at all to do with the "current administration". The republicans have absolutely NO proposal at all regarding health care reform, and what you are now calling "Obamacare" is in fact a 25 year old republican proposal that was originally instituted by a republican governor and recent republican presidential candidate. So the ACA is not the brainchild of "this administration". Nor is government incompetence. (Do we need to revisit the total fiasco of "Iraq war"?)

The reason we do not have good health care in this country is because the Congress and the Senate are for sale to the lobbyists that give them massive amounts of bribe money to create the legislation that the lobbyist's clients want. And the lobbyist's clients are the whole health care industry: the insurance companies, the drug companies, the medical supply companies, and the health care providing conglomerates. ALL these companies are making huge profits off of health care in this country, with the result that we are paying nearly twice what every other modern nation of Earth pays, and we are ranked 37th in terms of overall quality of care.

The ONLY way we are going to reform health care in this country is by reforming the flow of bribe money into the state and federal legislatures.
In the real world, Obama would have been fired, along with everyone else involved in the healthcare.gov debacle.
This IS the real world. And not only don't we fire these people, we elect and re-elect them over and over and over and over. Obama didn't invent Obamacare. Obama didn't write it into law. And Obama didn't even want it. He still doesn't really want it. What he wanted was REAL health care reform - a single payer system like all the other modern nations on the planet have. But he couldn't get that. Not even with a 'super-majority' in both the house and the senate! Because the lobbyists owned his 'super-majority', and paid them to turn real health care reform into this silly mess that you are now calling "Obamacare".


New member
It has nothing at all to do with the "current administration". The republicans have absolutely NO proposal at all regarding health care reform, and what you are now calling "Obamacare" is in fact a 25 year old republican proposal that was originally instituted by a republican governor and recent republican presidential candidate. So the ACA is not the brainchild of "this administration". Nor is government incompetence. (Do we need to revisit the total fiasco of "Iraq war"?)

The reason we do not have good health care in this country is because the Congress and the Senate are for sale to the lobbyists that give them massive amounts of bribe money to create the legislation that the lobbyist's clients want. And the lobbyist's clients are the whole health care industry: the insurance companies, the drug companies, the medical supply companies, and the health care providing conglomerates. ALL these companies are making huge profits off of health care in this country, with the result that we are paying nearly twice what every other modern nation of Earth pays, and we are ranked 37th in terms of overall quality of care.

The ONLY way we are going to reform health care in this country is by reforming the flow of bribe money into the state and federal legislatures.
This IS the real world. And not only don't we fire these people, we elect and re-elect them over and over and over and over. Obama didn't invent Obamacare. Obama didn't write it into law. And Obama didn't even want it. He still doesn't really want it. What he wanted was REAL health care reform - a single payer system like all the other modern nations on the planet have. But he couldn't get that. Not even with a 'super-majority' in both the house and the senate! Because the lobbyists owned his 'super-majority', and paid them to turn real health care reform into this silly mess that you are now calling "Obamacare".

Did I call it Obamacare?.. Nope, its the ACA.

And it IS the responsibility of the executive office to make sure things like this are done.. it's a failure of leadership to let it roll out like it did.


New member


...And as I recently pointed out, why do Republicans object to Obamacare when they support something worse–Medicare?...

Teapublicans loathe all social programs that benefit the poor. They just targeted the ACA so desperately because they simply couldn't bear to see a black President succeed. They are racists as well as anti-social programs.

So why do you consider Medicare "worse" than the ACA?


New member
Teapublicans loathe all social programs that benefit the poor. They just targeted the ACA so desperately because they simply couldn't bear to see a black President succeed. They are racists as well as anti-social programs.

So why do you consider Medicare "worse" than the ACA?

Obama is NOT black... his mother was white.


Well-known member
Did I call it Obamacare?.. Nope, its the ACA.
Sorry, so many have mislabeled it "Obamacare" that I just presumed.
And it IS the responsibility of the executive office to make sure things like this are done.. it's a failure of leadership to let it roll out like it did.
Big deal.

Nothing this encompassing and stupidly complicated could be instituted without a lot of difficulty. All those other nations that HAVE good health care systems had difficulties setting them up, too. And the U.S. is significantly larger than most of those countries.

Did you really expect that ANY reform of health care (and this isn't really a reform, it's just a collection of attempted "fixes") would go so smoothly? Or are you really just looking for another excuse to, "blame it on Obama"?


New member
so who lied about Obama Care...you can keep your insurance, you can keep your doctor, it would be as easy as shopping online at Amazon....ha

had enough lies yet.


New member
more lies the government is efficient
Obama Care website cost over 600 million with 3 years to implement ....and
Obama himself has had to usurp the law by asking for 6 week extension on individual enrollment period. ha.

ask yourself what would hapen if a private sector company did the same thing...think anyone would be fired?