

New member
No, they are wiped out because the new regulations are so onerous that the companies withdrew from those markets rather than lose money.

If the ACA were really concerned about the poor person with no insurance, they would have forced all the health insurance companies to go not-for-profit and limited their overhead and executive pay... but the reality is that the ACA is a huge handout to the larger insurance companies that can handle the huge amount of increased paperwork.

The biggest tell tail sign that this law is a stinker is that the government has had to hire 'navigators' to educate and help people through they myriad of new regulations.

The Democrats would do a single payer system in a heartbeat but that would never have been signed by George W. Bush. Even the Public Option (which would have ensured competition) had to be cut from the legislation.

As to the navigators, there is a great deal of *misinformation and fear mongering* being spread by Right Wingnut propagandists that needs to be combated and as with anything new, some education. This is to ensure its *success* in reaching the uninsured and helping them get insured. Sorry you think it should be "automatic"... that's not the way things work. There are a good many volunteers who want to help people, but you're free to gripe from the sidelines and be useless.


New member
As to the navigators, there is a great deal of *misinformation and fear mongering* being spread by Right Wingnut propagandists that needs to be combated and as with anything new, some education. This is to ensure its *success* in reaching the uninsured and helping them get insured. Sorry you think it should be "automatic"... that's not the way things work. There are a good many volunteers who want to help people, but you're free to gripe from the sidelines and be useless.

The fact that there is so much misinformation out there is the bill is 2k pages in length and then there was the Pelosi 'sign it so you can see what is in it' speech (which is probably the most stupid statement that any politician ever made... in all of history).

You Dems set yourself up for this.. you deserve it.

As far as single payer.. if its like the German system, I am all for it. If its like the Canadian or British system we should be very afraid.


New member
The fact that you believe that really bothers me... you have been duped.

Not to mention that the Canadian and UK health systems are having real issues right now.... the German one seems the best and has been around the longest and is still in good shape... not to mention it absorbed all of east Germany and still is in the black.

Whatever issues they may be having it is still costing them less than half of what we pay. We spend more than twice than any other country that has universal health care.


New member
Whatever issues they may be having it is still costing them less than half of what we pay. We spend more than twice than any other country that has universal health care.

And our representatives and senators are making bundles of money off of big pharma.. (more democrats than republicans actually, if you do your research).

So the entire single payer thing was just a smoke screen, if you look at it honestly.


New member
And our representatives and senators are making bundles of money off of big pharma.. (more democrats than republicans actually, if you do your research)...

Please don't make claims you can't back up as some people might believe an unfounded claim if they are so predisposed.


New member
Please don't make claims you can't back up as some people might believe an unfounded claim if they are so predisposed.


It looks like republicans pulled back in the lead when it comes to money from Big Pharma.. democrats led in 2012.

Its also interesting that 7 out of 10 of the richest congress persons are Democrats.. go figure.

And they have the audacity to call the republicans the party of the rich!!

Not to mention that Pelosi has had the largest rise in net worth when compared to everyone else.


New member

It looks like republicans pulled back in the lead when it comes to money from Big Pharma.. democrats led in 2012.

Its also interesting that 7 out of 10 of the richest congress persons are Democrats.. go figure.

And they have the audacity to call the republicans the party of the rich!!

Not to mention that Pelosi has had the largest rise in net worth when compared to everyone else.

It looks like each of the pharmaceutical companies funds both parties. Odd.

But yes, the GOP *is* the party of the Koch brothers, etc, with disdain for minorities and the concerns of the poor.


New member
But yes, the GOP *is* the party of the Koch brothers, etc, with disdain for minorities and the concerns of the poor.

I think its a different approach.. they both care.

The democrats just want to give away free stuff while the republicans tend to want to make people earn it.

You know, give the man a fish and he will eat for the day (democrats), teach the man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime (republicans).

The democrats realize that getting as many people as possible on the dole will ensure they keep getting re-elected (after all, who doesn't like free stuff.. and once you get free stuff.. you can never take it away).


New member
I think its a different approach.. they both care.

The democrats just want to give away free stuff while the republicans tend to want to make people earn it.

They both want to give away free stuff: the democrats to the poor, elderly, disabled and the repugs to the rich and corporations.


New member
They both want to give away free stuff: the democrats to the poor, elderly, disabled and the repugs to the rich and corporations.

I disagree.. it's the well to do that create the jobs that hire the poor people.

What needs to be done is remove the loopholes and reward the rich for investing back into the american infrastructure, etc.

There is the issue of the corporate tax rate, foreign income and the stock market that need to be dealt with.

But given that the vast majority of both parties make their income on the market.. the last one is a pipe dream.


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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

You know, I strongly disagreed with Carter and Clinton but I bore them no malice. But I truly hate Obama. I really do. I know that does not go well with my screen name and avatar, but that man is the lowest of the low, a pathological liar and a fraud. A man who is destroying the very country that gave him the highest gifts any country can offer. He's a pig. I just wish I could live to live long enough to visit his grave site so I could pee on it.