"The devil has substituted all kinds of sources of authority. For example, there is relativism. There was once a philosopher named Hegel. Hegel had this idea that everything is in flux. You have over here an idea; we'll call that a postulate or a thesis. Over here, he says is an antithesis. So, over here is the truth that says one thing. Over here is another thing--a postulate. Neither one of them may really be true but people believe this antithesis. And so there's a war between this thesis and this antithesis. These fight and these battle :box: and after a while there comes something called a synthesis--the two ideas come together. For example, let's say that the thesis is capitalism. :straight: Let's say that the antithesis is communism. :Commie: And let's say these get in a battle long enough and you come together with a synthesis which is what?--socialism.
What happens is this: once you have a thesis and an antithesis, then they come together in a synthesis--that's what Hegel said. Now, that synthesis becomes the new thesis. :Nineveh: And then somebody else gets another antithesis. And the new thesis and antithesis go to war and then you come up with a new synthesis.
Do you see what is happening? Everything is moving. There is no solid, fixed standard (Adrian Rogers, paraphrased notes)." Jn 8:36, Ps 119:160, Jn 14:6, Jn 10:10, Eccl 10:2
The Moses Principle by Adrian Rogers