

New member
what happened to Congress' plan to DEfund O-care????

Did the R's decide not to do that... just so they wouldn't be the bad guys if the gov shut down????

where is that roll eyes smiley???!!!


New member
Dr. Vechio is not being honest. She correctly states that there are millions of people who do not have access to health care will continue to not have health care but fails to point out that this is solely because Teapublican governors have refused to participate in Obamacare. So, this is not a failure of Obamacare but of these wicked governors who work for corporations and want to undermine all things that benefit the poor. Obamacare is a wonderful thing but the mega-rich are funding the Teabaggers to spread lies. Fox "News" is one big disinformation machine.


New member
4 some reason i can't get that site


what's the latest...

are we getting closer to defunding it??

Absolutely not. The question is whether or not the Teapubs will defund the Federal Government by refusing to raise the debt ceiling, causing the US to default on the debt and ruin our credit rating causing the economy to sink. I think that they are stupid enough but perhaps they'll get the message that they will be "the stupid party" from then on. Voters won't forget in 2014 or 2016. Well, the majority won't. Some are "dyed Red" due to a genetic disorder.

It turns out that Obamacare was invented by two men at the Teapublican think tank "Heritage Foundation", adopted by Governor Romney for his State and voted for by 20 Republicans. That was all before *President Obama* presented it. Then it was something "straight from the pit of hell"!

The Teapubs are so despicably partisan and watching only for their own butts, the corporations and the very rich 1%.



New member
Absolutely not. The question is whether or not the Teapubs will defund the Federal Government by refusing to raise the debt ceiling, causing the US to default on the debt and ruin our credit rating causing the economy to sink.rl]

excuse me?

obama and co. did that a long time ago...


"The devil has substituted all kinds of sources of authority. For example, there is relativism. There was once a philosopher named Hegel. Hegel had this idea that everything is in flux. You have over here an idea; we'll call that a postulate or a thesis. Over here, he says is an antithesis. So, over here is the truth that says one thing. Over here is another thing--a postulate. Neither one of them may really be true but people believe this antithesis. And so there's a war between this thesis and this antithesis. These fight and these battle :box: and after a while there comes something called a synthesis--the two ideas come together. For example, let's say that the thesis is capitalism. :straight: Let's say that the antithesis is communism. :Commie: And let's say these get in a battle long enough and you come together with a synthesis which is what?--socialism.

What happens is this: once you have a thesis and an antithesis, then they come together in a synthesis--that's what Hegel said. Now, that synthesis becomes the new thesis. :Nineveh: And then somebody else gets another antithesis. And the new thesis and antithesis go to war and then you come up with a new synthesis.

Do you see what is happening? Everything is moving. There is no solid, fixed standard (Adrian Rogers, paraphrased notes)." Jn 8:36, Ps 119:160, Jn 14:6, Jn 10:10, Eccl 10:2


The Moses Principle by Adrian Rogers
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New member
If obama care is so wonderful, why arent congressmembers getting online and wanting it for themselves?

They already have health care provided by the tax payer. They (the Teapugs) just don't want the poor to have it.

Just like they legislated 40 times to raise their own pay since the minimum wage was set.

Just like they eat lavish meals with caviar and vodka all paid for by the tax payer but cut food stamps because "the poor are leeches".

The Teapugs are only looking out for themselves because they are Ayn Randians... "selfishness" is their religion.


New member
Hall of Fame
They already have health care provided by the tax payer. They (the Teapugs) just don't want the poor to have it.

All of congress and the senate is exempt. Last time i checked, there were far more democrats there than "teapartiers"

Just like they legislated 40 times to raise their own pay since the minimum wage was set.
Yes, spearheaded by dems.

So why arent the dems lining up for it, and why are the unions who wanted it so bad, crying about it now?


New member
...Yes, spearheaded by dems.

So why arent the dems lining up for it, and why are the unions who wanted it so bad, crying about it now?

I'm sure you are just claiming that the pay raises were spearheaded by democrats because who's gonna check 40 votes?

The reason dems aren't lining up for Obamacare is that it isn't available until October 1. You obviously aren't paying attention, just lazily and ignorantly opposing as you thing Christians are supposed to do.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm sure you are just claiming that the pay raises were spearheaded by democrats because who's gonna check 40 votes?

No, i actually checked. I want to know who not to vote for the next time.

The reason dems aren't lining up for Obamacare is that it isn't available until October 1. You obviously aren't paying attention, just lazily and ignorantly opposing as you thing Christians are supposed to do.

Clearly you do not read the news - they are exempt

September 16, 2013 4:00 AM
Congress’s Exemption from Obamacare

Do you ever check into anything you spout off so ignorantly about?