

Group demanding transplants for illegal aliens

Report: President personally negotiated Obamacare exemption for Congressional staffers

Obamacare Seeks Translators for Over 100 Languages

Reid: Obamacare just Step Toward Single-Payer

Obamacare Cost Caps Delayed Until 2015

Admin Has Missed Half of Legally Imposed Deadlines

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New member
Originally I thought Obama Care was just plain socialism you know socialized medicine, but now I see that Obama Care was designed to help Big Business ease the burden of Compensation packages for employees.
Now Big Business can drop medical health insurance plans because they would actually be more expensive under Obama Care, they can cut work hours down to part time so as not to be subject to Obama Care. Medical Health costs are a large part of what Big Business pays to its employees, Obama Care has now allowed them a way to cut this expense, reduce payroll, and have health care be transformed into a single payer system controlled by the Government.
Mr. Obama friend of Big Business.


New member
75 Percent Of Jobs Created This Year Were Part-Time Due To Weak Economy, Obamacare Concerns.

Thanks Mr.Obama.


New member
The Republican cowards how many times did they try and repeal ObamaCare...?
And now there is a bill that would actually put this disaster to rest,by de-funding it and the Republicans balk.
2 card Monty.


New member

Of course, today when life can be continued indefinitely if money is no object, there has to be death panels. Someone has to decide that a 100-year-old man shouldn't have a heart bypass. Now it's mostly the man and his loved ones who make that decision. Eventually it'll be the government that makes that decision.

It'll get more interesting when racial preferences kick in and an otherwise healthy 80-year-old white man is left to die while a 90-year-old black man gets the treatment the younger man needed, all because of skin color.


New member
Of course, today when life can be continued indefinitely if money is no object, there has to be death panels. Someone has to decide that a 100-year-old man shouldn't have a heart bypass. Now it's mostly the man and his loved ones who make that decision. Eventually it'll be the government that makes that decision.

It'll get more interesting when racial preferences kick in and an otherwise healthy 80-year-old white man is left to die while a 90-year-old black man gets the treatment the younger man needed, all because of skin color.
That's a bit OTT. There is a death panel in the US, but it decides who gets the hellfire missiles, not who gets the healthcare hahaha

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Here we are, with Obamacare about to kick in and penalties for not being insured being imposed; but people still don't really know what's going on. But talking about penalties, does anyone remember what Senator Obama said when running for President in 2008? The remark is shortly after the one minute mark.

Barack Obama on Health Care Differences with Clinton

He did exactly what he accused Hilary of wanting to do; and all the estimates I've seen say cost of insurance may skyrocket in some states.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I see yet another employer is cancelling its insurance for part time employees. This time it's Trader Joe's. Report: Trader Joe's to drop health coverage for part-time workers - The Hill's Healthwatch

Ironically, Obamacare is also creating probems among unionized labor. About a week ago, the Longshoremen broke off their relationship with the AFL-CIO. Obamacare casualty: Longshoremen cut ties with AFL-CIO, citing health plan - Washington Times

Will the flood of problems created by this bill and its onerous regulations never stop?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I see yet another employer is cancelling its insurance for part time employees. This time it's Trader Joe's. Report: Trader Joe's to drop health coverage for part-time workers - The Hill's Healthwatch

Ironically, Obamacare is also creating probems among unionized labor. About a week ago, the Longshoremen broke off their relationship with the AFL-CIO. Obamacare casualty: Longshoremen cut ties with AFL-CIO, citing health plan - Washington Times

Will the flood of problems created by this bill and its onerous regulations never stop?

I see the AFL-CIO is in an uproar over it, demanding certain things be changed or repeal it all. Their real concern though is how Obamacare would take their middleman role out of play. They would no longer be able to say they were providing service to their members by negotiating health care benefits.

Hard liners in the House is now threatening a budgetary crisis if Obamacare is not repealed. Boehner is trying to allow them an empty vote to repeal it while allowing a Senate continuing resolution to pass to keep the the government funded.

Obama is vulnerable now. The Syria debacle has undermined him. Once a President loses credibility, it's like blood in the water to sharks. Carney continues to talk big, "We will not accept anything that delays or defunds Obamacare." But talking big stops working after people see through you and see how you can be manipulated.

I say Boehner needs to go. He should check the polls and not be so afraid to defy Obama. RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Obama's Health Care Law Harry Reid can be made to cave in too. I'm quite sure Reid wouldn't want to look as if he was the fellow responsible for a government shut down. Reid called Republicans anarchists and said he's "really frightened" by the prospect of a government shut down! From the Hill:

Earlier in the day, Reid declared that the lower chamber had been taken over by anarchists after an energy efficiency bill stalled on the Senate floor.

“We’re diverted totally from what this bill is about. Why? Because the anarchists have taken over,” he said. “They’ve taken over the House and now they’ve taken over the Senate.

Reid on Thursday delivered a blunt message to Boehner that he will not delay the 2010 Affordable Care Act in exchange for keeping the government open past the end of the month.

Reid also made clear he will not grant Republicans any concessions in order to pass legislation to raise the debt limit.

Reid told reporters that he will strip out any language defunding or delaying the new healthcare law included in House-passed legislation funding government beyond Sept. 30.

Read more: Reid 'really frightened' over potential for government shutdown - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill | TheHill.com

Who can take such talk seriously? What a circus.

McConnell should go too. He wants to delay funding for a year. That means another argument in another year -- with nothing fixed. Just more fighting next year. They don't seem interested in fixing things. The Republican leaders seem interested in keeping partisan bickering alive hoping to win elections by it. I'm tired of them. Just do it. Defund it and then next year we won't be having another fight about it. Time for a coup or two. Maybe get Rand Paul as Senate leader and Paul Ryan as Speaker.