

New member
more lies the government is efficient
Obama Care website cost over 600 million with 3 years to implement ....and
Obama himself has had to usurp the law by asking for 6 week extension on individual enrollment period. ha.

ask yourself what would hapen if a private sector company did the same thing...think anyone would be fired?

This happens in the private sector ALL the time.


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
This happens in the private sector ALL the time.

:plain: I hate to admit it but Sitamun is right...In just the 8 years I have been in my present position I have been involved in and aware of 4 major computer programs which supposedly were "going to be great" and increase efficiency...bla..bla..bla. Only two materialized as functional and only one has been used for more than a year before turning out to be redundant with another system which was already in place.

Millions were spent...nothing accomplished. :nono:

Yes, Virginia..Major corporations do this sort of thing, but it is also true the Government is the undisputed champion of it though.
This does, however, make sense considering it happens to be the biggest "Company"

...And the Board of Directors pander to the "Stockholders" shamelessly...Oftentimes to the detriment of the company. :rolleyes:


New member
I'm not excusing the problems. They are real and need to be addressed. The sad thing is, it's more rare for things like this to function properly without having major issues. Try being a gamer. There are ALWAYS bugs, some much bigger than others. Many go without being fixed for years. This is the PRIVATE sector. It's the nature of the beast.


New member
Well said. The Teapublicans are the KKK in sheep's clothing.

The last remaining KKK in congress was a DEMOCRAT...

The longer you coddle the poor, the worse off they will be... food stamps and assistance has been increasing at an exponential rate for decades, yet the recipients are getting poorer and poorer.

Maybe handing out money with no strings attached isn't working like you think?

This is what our social policies have created.



New member
What's increasing is WORKING poor. You know those who's employers don't pay them a liveable wage.

Here is the article: http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2012/09/03/food-stamps-public-policy-and-the-working-poor/


New member
This happens in the private sector ALL the time.

I'll accept that premise, but does the private sector have the capability to force you to buy their product?......nope.
So even if private sector companies create boondoggles, do they manage to stay in business, do they instead see falling stock prices and project managers fired. You bet they do.
But what happens in the case of government flops, they merely tax and spend more money to fix the first mistake. Not a good or efficient business model.


New member
Private sector

Private sector

I'm not excusing the problems. They are real and need to be addressed. The sad thing is, it's more rare for things like this to function properly without having major issues. Try being a gamer. There are ALWAYS bugs, some much bigger than others. Many go without being fixed for years. This is the PRIVATE sector. It's the nature of the beast.

Indeed. The US hired a Canadian private firm to create the site (Bush wanted government IT privatized) so I guess they were the lowest bidder.


New member
Hall of Fame
Privatization (making government to be for-profit) is a Teapublican idea. Own up to it.

Why should i own up to something i didnt do? Youve been told repeatedly i am a member of no policital party, i think they are all corrupt.

Doesnt bammy take credit for GM that he forced americans to be part of? Isnt that making government for profit by joining in with a private corporation? He even fired the GM ceo.


New member
I'll accept that premise, but does the private sector have the capability to force you to buy their product?......nope.
So even if private sector companies create boondoggles, do they manage to stay in business, do they instead see falling stock prices and project managers fired. You bet they do.
But what happens in the case of government flops, they merely tax and spend more money to fix the first mistake. Not a good or efficient business model.

Health care is not a "free market". If you don't get health care you can't decide to spend your money on a new car instead. If you don't get health care you die.


New member
So you have no problem with people who work at least 40 hours a week needing government assistance to get by? Wow, corporations have you brainwashed.

what if there were a national sales tax, no income tax, so if you work you keep 100% of your income. Your money is taxed only once, your property is not taxed, your investments, savings are not taxed - would you consider this to be a fair system, or would you be too concerned about the rich getting richer....?


New member
Health care is not a "free market". If you don't get health care you can't decide to spend your money on a new car instead. If you don't get health care you die.

and if you think government run health care is going to be a better system you're in for a surprise.
What do you think is going to happen when tax revenues decrease, the government will cut back on treating people...the government will prioritize who gets treated based on that persons value to society...and guess what people will die.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
and if you think government run health care is going to be a better system you're in for a surprise.
What do you think is going to happen when tax revenues decrease, the government will cut back on treating people...the government will prioritize who gets treated based on that persons value to society...and guess what people will die.

why not just borrow more money
treat them all?


and if you think government run health care is going to be a better system you're in for a surprise.
What do you think is going to happen when tax revenues decrease, the government will cut back on treating people...the government will prioritize who gets treated based on that persons value to society...and guess what people will die.

Slope much?....:surf: