No Longer A Christian

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Originally posted by granite1010

"The Catholic church is full of paganism. I detest paganism. Most Protestant churches are infected with false doctrine. I detest false doctrine. I am not your typical, run of the mill, 'Christian', granite. I am in Christ, not in 'Christianity.'"

So you've miraculously managed to get right what so many others get wrong. How very humble of you.
I suppose that you believe that the "church" can only be defined by those who wrote the history books, or have given honor to it's validity, is that correct?

I contend, that in fact, those who are the body of Christ have always been the ones persecuted, killed, excommunicated, etc., by those that hold positions in the RCC and all of the denoms that came out of her. The religious hierarchies, are not "Christian", no matter what label they attach to themselves.

On Fire

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Originally posted by wickwoman

That is a good example of its bloodiness. This is where I'm supposed to remember how wonderful God is for torturing Jesus for me, but it only makes me cringe and run away. It's a mixed message of sorts. "I love you." See, I tortured Jesus for you. It reminds me of the 80s movie Fatal Attraction when she boiled a pet rabbit to "show her love." Michael Douglas didn't seem to get it either.

Use more fairy dust. Click you heals together.


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Originally posted by Sozo

I suppose that you believe that the "church" can only be defined by those who wrote the history books, or have given honor to it's validity, is that correct?

I contend, that in fact, those who are the body of Christ have always been the ones persecuted, killed, excommunicated, etc., by those that hold positions in the RCC and all of the denoms that came out of her. The religious hierarchies, are not "Christian", no matter what label they attach to themselves.

I think the church is self-defined: professed believers in Christ. People try to exclude others from the club when they start going nuts and begin to pillage, oppress, burn, and terrorize. Don't blame you.

Sozo, you're essentially writing off all of Christendom except for independent gunslingers such as yourself. Because all of Christianity as we know it either is Roman or came from the Roman church. There aren't exceptions.


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Originally posted by granite1010

Sozo, you're essentially writing off all of Christendom except for independent gunslingers such as yourself. Because all of Christianity as we know it either is Roman or came from the Roman church. There aren't exceptions.
I am not going to do your homework for you, but that is the most ignorant thing you have ever said. How many people who claimed Christ were killed by the Roman church? And I am speaking of the church in Rome after Constantine got a hold of it. You have independently made the RCC the body of Christ, and you are a fool for doing so.


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Originally posted by Sozo

I am not going to do your homework for you, but that is the most ignorant thing you have ever said. How many people who claimed Christ were killed by the Roman church? And I am speaking of the church in Rome after Constantine got a hold of it. You have independently made the RCC the body of Christ, and you are a fool for doing so.

Rome killed thousands, maybe millions. I've never disputed that. Maybe you need to clarify this statement: "I contend, that in fact, those who are the body of Christ have always been the ones persecuted, killed, excommunicated, etc., by those that hold positions in the RCC and ALL OF THE DENOMS that came out of her."

I took this to mean you were referring to the Protestant denominations that came from Rome (which is everyone else, basically). If I misunderstood, fine, but as usual you over-react and need to take your pill.:D

I really don't care to get into a feces-throwing match about the "papal whore." The fact that Protestants and Catholics have been killing each other for centuries is just more proof that Christianity has always been a backbiting, infighting mess.


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Originally posted by granite1010

Rome killed thousands, maybe millions.
Yep, and so have Protestants.
I took this to mean you were referring to the Protestant denominations that came from Rome (which is everyone else, basically).
That is what I meant, but there hve been thousands, perhaps millions who have fought against their religious hierarchies, and suffered for it. There is no question that there are people who attend their congregations, but I also contend that they cannot stay under it's system and have any devotion to Christ.
The fact that Protestants and Catholics have been killing each other for centuries is just more proof that Christianity has always been a backbiting, infighting mess.
Once again, you are confusing Christianity with religion, and the very reason you chose to lose yours, which I applaud you for. So now I invite you to come to Him, and not religion.


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"Yep, and so have Protestants."

Hang on, since when do we agree? What have you done with Sozo???

"There is no question that there are people who attend their congregations, but I also contend that they cannot stay under it's system and have any devotion to Christ."

So what is your solution? Home church? Avoiding any kind of organized church altogether? Just curious.


Originally posted by Sozo
Once again, you are confusing Christianity with religion, and the very reason you chose to lose yours, which I applaud you for. So now I invite you to come to Him, and not religion.

Would you say that your personality demonstrates what happens when one "comes to Him" and not religion?


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Originally posted by granite1010

So what is your solution? Home church? Avoiding any kind of organized church altogether? Just curious.
I think that is an honest, and fair question. That is exactly what is not only happening a great deal today, but also what has taken place throughout history. Many are operating home churches, and I believe that if you had taken the time to seek one out in your area, you would of had an opportunity to discuss (in a small group setting) the objections you have with the religion you have recently left.


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Originally posted by smothers

Would you say that your personality demonstrates what happens when one "comes to Him" and not religion?
Yes, we take great exception to low-life scums referring to Christ as an effeminate homo, and constant mocking of His love for those He shed His blood for.


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Originally posted by Sozo

I think that is an honest, and fair question. That is exactly what is not only happening a great deal today, but also what has taken place throughout history. Many are operating home churches, and I believe that if you had taken the time to seek one out in your area, you would of had an opportunity to discuss (in a small group setting) the objections you have with the religion you have recently left.

Who says I didn't?

"The religion" is part of my problem, Sozo, but it's not all of it. I guess here's my concern with home churches: you have lone gunners shooting from the hip, often making it up as they go, with nobody to keep them in check. I've seen it before firsthand.


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Who says I didn't?

"The religion" is part of my problem, Sozo, but it's not all of it. I guess here's my concern with home churches: you have lone gunners shooting from the hip, often making it up as they go, with nobody to keep them in check. I've seen it before firsthand.
The truth is not found in YOUR personal experiences granite.


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"Show me in the Bible where tolerance is preached. "

John 8

1But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4and said to Jesus, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?" 6They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
7But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." 8Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"
11"No one, sir," she said.
"Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

All of us develop "truth" based on personal experience.
Actually, I have spent several years trying to strip away everything I came to believe through "personal experience", and to renew my mind through a "personal" relationship with Jesus.

Losing one's religion is a profitable endevour, if you seek truth from the One who is the Truth.


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Originally posted by Sozo

Actually, I have spent several years trying to strip away everything I came to believe through "personal experience", and to renew my mind through a "personal" relationship with Jesus.

Losing one's religion is a profitable endevour, if you seek truth from the One who is the Truth.

Exactly. So you are still relying on your own personal experience with Jesus (or whatever) to determine what and why you believe.


New member
Originally posted by granite1010

Exactly. So you are still relying on your own personal experience with Jesus (or whatever) to determine what and why you believe.
I suppose that's correct. And you have chosen men to be your god, and your source for truth.
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