No Longer A Christian

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Originally posted by Sozo

Maybe you're right...


If Jesus arranged for his suicide by this manner, it wouldn't be very efficient. It would be better if she had the jews 'er I mean Romans place the nail in the wrist rather than through the hand. When Jesus was placed upright her weight would draw the hand downwards thus freeiong the upper region. She would be hanging on the cross from her feet upside down. Not exactly the white anglo saxen protestant Passion pictures one sees at the Vatican eh?

So why is it again you call me a virus?


I don't understand. What are you talking about. If you look at the origional picture that Sozo posted, one clearly sees the nail puncturing Jesus' hand, NOT his wrist. As I am sure you know, the Romans and the Egyptians placed the nail in the wrist during the crucifixtion torture.


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Originally posted by smothers

I don't understand. What are you talking about. If you look at the origional picture that Sozo posted, one clearly sees the nail puncturing Jesus' hand, NOT his wrist. As I am sure you know, the Romans and the Egyptians placed the nail in the wrist during the crucifixtion torture.

Smothers: I believe it was the gender you used that irked Turbo.

Mr. Coffee

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Originally posted by wickwoman
That is a good example of its bloodiness. This is where I'm supposed to remember how wonderful God is for torturing Jesus for me, but it only makes me cringe and run away. It's a mixed message of sorts. "I love you." See, I tortured Jesus for you. It reminds me of the 80s movie Fatal Attraction when she boiled a pet rabbit to "show her love." Michael Douglas didn't seem to get it either.
First: God, being good, is opposed to sin. This hardly requires an explanation--every non-sociopath, every functional rational moral agent, every genuinely caring person understands the category of morally appropriate anger and horror as a lived experience. You find cruelty repugnant. Case in point.

Second, what we do is who we are. And we are sinners, and God is opposed to us as such. His wrath is the morally pure and morally necessary expression of his nature as goodness itself.

At the cross, 'He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him' (2 Cor. 5.21). God's forgiving love affirms justice and saves us from it.

The innocent Son of God put himself beneath divine justice on behalf of those who put themselves above the Law of God; and he submitted to human justice to let us be ourselves, and to forgive us, right where we are.


New member
Originally posted by smothers

Are you doing okay? You are showing the classic signs of depression that manifests itself in males your age.

Recognizing the fact that you are a twit is a sign of depression?

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone who knew you personally hasn't already killed themselves.


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I don't think Sozo's suffering from depression. Latent sadism, maybe...

Well, strike that. Maybe not so latent.


Originally posted by Sozo

Recognizing the fact that you are a twit is a sign of depression?

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if anyone who knew you personally hasn't already killed themselves.

Actually my wife suffers from ultra-rapid cycle bipolar II disorder. The first time she attempted suicide was five years ago. I was helping someone put together a crib. I came back to find my parents in the driveway. The ambulance left five minutes before I got there. My daughter was spending the evening with friends, but my son (then three months) was left unsupervised while my wife went into a drug-induced stupor.

Over the last five years she has been in and out of a mental hospital. The last time she attempted suicide was in the hospital parking lot. So with little to no notice I sometimes become a single father for weeks on end.

So before you mouth off with your fake tough guy act, you may want to consider the effect your words may have on other people. Through the school of hard-knocks and my volunteer work with the National Association for the Mentally Ill, I can recognize depression in others fairly easily.

If it makes you feel good, you can attack me personally, I really don't care. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt in my assumption that in real life you don't behave in such a juvenile manner. In the future, you may want to consider how your words reflect the religion you hold.



New member
Originally posted by smothers

Actually my wife suffers from ultra-rapid cycle bipolar II disorder. The first time she attempted suicide was five years ago. I was helping someone put together a crib. I came back to find my parents in the driveway. The ambulance left five minutes before I got there. My daughter was spending the evening with friends, but my son (then three months) was left unsupervised while my wife went into a drug-induced stupor.

Over the last five years she has been in and out of a mental hospital. The last time she attempted suicide was in the hospital parking lot. So with little to no notice I sometimes become a single father for weeks on end.

So before you mouth off with your fake tough guy act, you may want to consider the effect your words may have on other people. Through the school of hard-knocks and my volunteer work with the National Association for the Mentally Ill, I can recognize depression in others fairly easily.

If it makes you feel good, you can attack me personally, I really don't care. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt in my assumption that in real life you don't behave in such a juvenile manner. In the future, you may want to consider how your words reflect the religion you hold.


I feel sorry for your wife. Maybe she will come to her senses, and realize that it is YOU who may be sending her to an early grave.


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The name "Allah" was the name of a moon God in some religion, back when Mohammed decided that it was the name of God. Whether or not that is now the Arabic word for God doesn't change that Muslims worship a false God. I used to believe it was just the Arabic word for "God", too. I was wrong, and so are you.




The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by granite1010

"I don't care about the history of those who want to call themselves by Christ's name. I care about Christ."

You're not the first Christian I've encountered who doesn't like to hear about the history of his faith, but, there it is. You've got a bloody faith, Lighthouse. Christianity has blood on its hands everywhere it's gone. Was ever single soldier, missionary, and bearer of the Word of God misguided? Mistaken? Not "really" a Christian? In that case you have hundreds of years of fakes running around, spreading the kingdom.
You just don't get it. I know about the history of heresy in the name of the Christian God. And I have no problem hearing about it. What I have a problem with is ignoramuses who don't know the difference between hypocritical heretics and people whose faith is truly in Christ. The Catholic church is full of paganism. I detest paganism. Most Protestant churches are infected with false doctrine. I detest false doctrine. I am not your typical, run of the mill, "Christian", granite. I am in Christ, not in "Christianity."

"The fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness and self control."

It's supposed to be, anyway. Unfortunately American fundamentalism is anything but loving, joyful, or peaceful. The norm seems to be paranoia, intolerance, and vitriol.
Show me in the Bible where tolerance is preached. I know it's not of the fruit of the Spirit. I will not be tolerant of heresy. I will not be tolerant of flase doctrine. I will not be tolerant of false gods, and false belief systems. God will not tolerate lies and wickedness, and neither will I, for I am His.

"And I don't want to see you wlak away from Christ just because of the idiocy of people who are long dead."

Fact is, I don't want you necessarily clinging to the long dead, either.
Christ is very much alive. And you will never prove otherwise.


The Dark Knight
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We all know that the Vatican has it wrong. What else is new?:freak: Crucifixion's were with the nails placed through the wrists. The word for hand in ancient greek included the wrist. The RCC didn't get this, and so has perpetuated the image of the nail in the middle of the palm. The fact that they still can't admit they were wrong is very telling.


New member
Dear Smothers:

I'm sorry to hear about your wife. Also sorry that Sozo is so cruel and rude. He started off rude with you and, once his course is set, no amount of reality about your situation could make him change his mind. That would be admitting he made a mistake and he couldn't possibly do that.


New member
Originally posted by wickwoman

Dear Smothers:

I'm sorry to hear about your wife. Also sorry that Sozo is so cruel and rude. He started off rude with you and, once his course is set, no amount of reality about your situation could make him change his mind. That would be admitting he made a mistake and he couldn't possibly do that.

I made no mistake... his wife, and anyone who knows him, would be better off without him. He serves no purpose.


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"The Catholic church is full of paganism. I detest paganism. Most Protestant churches are infected with false doctrine. I detest false doctrine. I am not your typical, run of the mill, 'Christian', granite. I am in Christ, not in 'Christianity.'"

So you've miraculously managed to get right what so many others get wrong. How very humble of you.
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