New Study Contradicts Religious Bias


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Christian charity in general. Christians don't want their charity mixed in with others, because they can't control it. So why do they want so much control? Because they want to control the people their supposedly trying to help.

Christians think controlling other people is helping them. And conversely, they think allowing people to decide for themselves what will help them, harms them.

Christians don't really "give" to others at all. They buy control over others, and call it "giving".

You mean, you want to control who their money goes to. Hint: you are perfectly able to give to whom you choose.


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I have never 'preached' at people at the foodbank. There is a devotion at the beginning but people that don't want to hear that come afterwards. They don't 'have' to stay and hear that.
Yep. The church I attend has a community meal every morning. There are no strings attached to that. Other churches in my city do the same. I know of many stories of random acts of kindness, as a different example. The claim that Christians never give unless strings are attached has no basis.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
There is a devotion at the beginning but people that don't want to hear that come afterwards. They don't 'have' to stay and hear that.

you force them to come afterwards? :noway:

like second class citizens? :noway:

like rosa parks at the back of the bus!?!?!?! :noway:

obviously you're buying control over them :dizzy:
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yep. The church I attend has a community meal every morning. There are no strings attached to that. Other churches in my city do the same. I know of many stories of random acts of kindness, as a different example. The claim that Christians never give unless strings are attached has no basis.

doesn't it make you wonder where purex gets the goofy notions he has?


Well-known member
Gossip is a sin. Trying to make your erroneous impressions vocal as if they are fact is a sin. You are flat-out, sinning against God and His church. The Salvation Army is an evangelical institution. The foodbank I work at is evangelical. The rescue mission is evangelical....

After that, if you think that sharing Christ with a person isn't what is best for people, you are no Christian and should change your moniker.
And there you have it. By your own admission, "giving" is a form of coercion for "evangelical" Christians. And aren't most Christians "evangelical"? Isn't that part of the religious Christian doctrine?

Yet in the same breath that you admit to it, you call me a "sinner" for saying it.

You're mind is a mess!


New member
And there you have it. By your own admission, "giving" is a form of coercion for "evangelical" Christians. And aren't most Christians "evangelical"? Isn't that part of the religious Christian doctrine?

Yet in the same breath that you admit to it, you call me a "sinner" for saying it.

You're mind is a mess!

Something is wrong in your perception apparatus. Giving is not coercion. One gives or one does not give.
I was taught to use a fork a knife and a spoon appropriately. That is socialization.
The Church teaches us to share as best we can. This is teaching us to be good neighbors.


Well-known member
Can you give any actual examples? Broad-brushing all of Christianity doesn't help. I won't say that what you're talking about doesn't exist, but I think there is much charity by Christians that isn't tied to confessions or obedience, etc.
Many Christian aid organizations demand that the recipients of their aid attend services, listen to sermons, say prayers, and put up with all sorts of coercive religious behaviors to get the aid. That's not "giving" to the poor, that's paying them to put up with religious proselytizing. Yet the Christians who do this proudly proclaim that they are "giving" more than anyone else. When they aren't really giving anything at all. When we eliminate these kinds of coercive aid, the claim that Christians give more than everyone else is false.


Well-known member
Something is wrong in your perception apparatus. Giving is not coercion. One gives or one does not give.
I was taught to use a fork a knife and a spoon appropriately. That is socialization.
The Church teaches us to share as best we can. This is teaching us to be good neighbors.
And some churches do give freely to anyone who needs it.

But many do not.


Well-known member
Many Christian aid organizations demand that the recipients of their aid attend services, listen to sermons, say prayers, and put up with all sorts of coercive religious behaviors to get the aid.
Name 10.

Or lets do this, I'll give you one Christian charitable organization and you can give me one secularist or atheist charitable organization and when I post one that requires someone to attend a sermon or say a prayer to get the aid, it doesn't count.

Even with that handicap, I can demonstrate that Christians out give humanists or secularist by an embarrassing margin.


Well-known member
And there you have it. By your own admission, "giving" is a form of coercion for "evangelical" Christians. And aren't most Christians "evangelical"? Isn't that part of the religious Christian doctrine?

Yet in the same breath that you admit to it, you call me a "sinner" for saying it.

You're mind is a mess!
You lied. I told you I didn't preach, but NOBODY was required to show up for that morning devotion. What does that mean? It means, 10 minutes of the entire day serving, were started with a devotion and the rest of the day people were not forced into anything (except for some 'government' regulations -not that bad, but there you go)

FURTHERMORE, you are incredibly glib about my sacrificial time, talents, and money. It cost me real sweat, real money, real blood if I was hurt.

Why? Because I love people. You? What have you done, with or without the gospel message given. Hypocrite much? I'll gladly wear the Star of David and go to the concentration camp for being a Christian. I believe I love. I believe those who persecute us do not. I believe you deny Jesus before men, and He will deny you before His Father for it.

we adamantly believe that a person's need is Jesus, that we confess Him before men. Matthew 10:33 If you keep it up, you are not going to make it Purex.
Don't go to hell, Purex. You are calling sharing 'the greatest Love I know in my life' with someone evil. Matt. 12:31-32
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Well-known member
Purex, I am sorry I do not have food to go with this :(

Purex, I am sorry I do not have food to go with this :(

Here is the goodnews: The word gospel means “good news,” so the gospel of Christ is the good news of His coming to provide forgiveness of sins for all who will believe (Colossians 1:14; Romans 10:9). Since the beginning of time when the first man sinned, mankind has been under the condemnation of God (Romans 5:12). Because everyone breaks God’s perfect law by committing sin (Romans 3:23), everyone is guilty (Romans 5:18). The punishment for the crime of sin is physical death (Romans 6:23) and then an eternity spent in a place of eternal punishment (Revelation 20:15; Matthew 25:46). This eternal separation from God is also called the “second death” (Revelation 20:14–15).

The fact that all are guilty of sin and condemned to spend eternity in a place of torment is very bad news. But God, because of His love for the world, has made a way for man to be forgiven for their sins (John 3:16). He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to take the sins of man on Himself through death on a cross (1 Peter 2:24). In placing our sin on Christ, God ensured that all who will believe in the name of Jesus will be forgiven (Acts 10:43).

This is the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news that God provided the way for man to be freed from the penalty of sin (John 14:6: Romans 6:23). But not all people will be saved from hell; only those who place their faith in Jesus will go to heaven when they die (Acts 4:12).

The gospel of Jesus Christ is the best news anyone will ever hear, and what a person does with this news will determine where he or she spends eternity. God is calling you to choose life. Call on the name of the Lord and be saved (Romans 10:13)! -Gotquestions


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Many Christian aid organizations demand that the recipients of their aid attend services, listen to sermons, say prayers, and put up with all sorts of coercive religious behaviors to get the aid. That's not "giving" to the poor, that's paying them to put up with religious proselytizing. Yet the Christians who do this proudly proclaim that they are "giving" more than anyone else. When they aren't really giving anything at all. When we eliminate these kinds of coercive aid, the claim that Christians give more than everyone else is false.

My concern wasn't about who gives more or less. My concern was your claim that Christians don't give without strings attached. That's clearly false. And I don't think you can even say that when you eliminate that giving then Christians don't give more because I don't think you have any data on how much Christian charity comes with those 'strings' and how much doesn't.


Well-known member
Something is wrong in your perception apparatus.
PureX is a religious bigot.

He absolutely hates conservative Christianity and everything and everyone about it.

Rather than fairly represent the beliefs, doctrines and behaviors of conservative Christians, Purex would rather stand by the sidelines and take pot shots at those who are doing the real work.

Its easy to say, "yah, that doesn't count as real charity" when you and those like you aren't doing squat compared to the dreaded conservative Christians.


Well-known member
PureX is a religious bigot.

He absolutely hates conservative Christianity and everything and everyone about it.

Rather than fairly represent the beliefs, doctrines and behaviors of conservative Christians, Purex would rather stand by the sidelines and take pot shots at those who are doing the real work.

Its easy to say, "yah, that doesn't count as real charity" when you and those like you aren't doing squat compared to the dreaded conservative Christians.
I don't hate conservatives or Christians. The problem is that conservative Christians can't take ANY criticism at all without going berserk! They identify themselves with their ideologies, so that anytime anyone contradicts or disparages their ideology, they think they are being personally attacked, and they respond with personal attacks. Just as you are doing. Just as Bybee does. And many others here. You people can't tell the difference between arguing against an idea, and spitting in your face. Because you react pretty much exactly the same way to either one.

And what's more puzzling is the idea that you can never possibly be wrong about anything. You can never be ignorant, or ego-centric, or bigoted, or selfish, and so anyone who ever dares to assert that you and yours might be, MUST by a lying hater. Thus, you people never face your own crap! Ever. And so it just festers and gets uglier and more absurd by the year.

Grow up! You're no better than any of the people you so LOVE to judge and condemn.


New member
I don't hate conservatives or Christians. The problem is that conservative Christians can't take ANY criticism at all without going berserk! They identify themselves with their ideologies, so that anytime anyone contradicts or disparages their ideology, they think they are being personally attacked, and they respond with personal attacks. Just as you are doing. Just as Bybee does. And many others here. You people can't tell the difference between arguing against an idea, and spitting in your face. Because you react pretty much exactly the same way to either one.

And what's more puzzling is the idea that you can never possibly be wrong about anything. You can never be ignorant, or ego-centric, or bigoted, or selfish, and so anyone who ever dares to assert that you and yours might be, MUST by a lying hater. Thus, you people never face your own crap! Ever. And so it just festers and gets uglier and more absurd by the year.

Grow up! You're no better than any of the people you so LOVE to judge and condemn.

The one judging and condemning here is you.


New member
Hall of Fame
Many Christian aid organizations demand that the recipients of their aid attend services, listen to sermons, say prayers, and put up with all sorts of coercive religious behaviors to get the aid. That's not "giving" to the poor, that's paying them to put up with religious proselytizing. Yet the Christians who do this proudly proclaim that they are "giving" more than anyone else. When they aren't really giving anything at all. When we eliminate these kinds of coercive aid, the claim that Christians give more than everyone else is false.

Right, like "demanding" and "coercing" them to have to put up with that horrid christian music and message while they eat their free dinner.

Yeah they didn't really feed them anything at all - or house them - better if they just close the doors and let them starve or sleep on the street.



Well-known member
You people can't tell the difference between arguing against an idea, and spitting in your face.
Perpetuating a lie IS spitting in our collective faces. Why do you think the four or seven of us are offended? Lies offend. Please pay attention. I want you to know why you are having this conversation with us...
Because you react pretty much exactly the same way to either one.
:nono: I, and they react this way because I told you that we give a devotional early in the morning at the foodbank and only those who want to hear it come that early. The rest just get food and we serve them, hopefully, through our actions, causing them to see Christ in us.

And what's more puzzling is the idea that you can never possibly be wrong about anything.
About me working (HARD) at a foodbank not being worth much because we 'force' our agenda on other people? Yeah, I'm not going to say I'm wrong here :nono: You are offensive and spitting in my proverbial face. I work my rear off when I'm there, just because I love Jesus and the people He made. You? You spat and spit on it. Thanks :plain:

You can never be ignorant, or ego-centric, or bigoted, or selfish, and so anyone who ever dares to assert that you and yours might be, MUST by a lying hater.
Yes. Indeed you must be, or you'd be correct that I was "ignorantly" helping ladies take heavy foodbaskets to their car and "ego-centrically" working for hours with no thanks from any of them and was "bigoted" when the atheist was getting food and asking me which bread was good today and was "selfishly" giving the kids in line a cookie :plain:

Thus, you people never face your own crap!
See? There you go spitting in my face and calling my 'ignorant, ego-centric, bigoted, selfish' service to people I don't even know, crap.
Right, we are being rebuked by a liberal, for trying NOT to be 'ignorant, ego-centric, bigoted, and selfish.' I REALLY hope you are volunteering somewhere and giving money. Of course not in the name of Christ, but doing something or you are an INCREDIBLE hypocrite.

And so it just festers and gets uglier and more absurd by the year.
Especially if you are an incredible hypocrite, not doing a thing to help any orphan or widow, in Jesus name or without...

Grow up! You're no better than any of the people you so LOVE to judge and condemn.
Unless you are an incredible two-faced hypocrite? Not doing anything for anybody and yet denouncing those who actually do, regardless if they do it in Jesus' name or not at all???