New Study Contradicts Religious Bias


Well-known member
There are no personal attacks based on lies.
It is a lie that Christian Charity characteristically require "towing the Christian line" in order to receive aid.

And its a claim we can easily test.

A lie can be tested in two ways. If you make a claim and know it to be false, that's a lie. If you make a claim and don't know whether or not it is true, but make it anyway, that's a lie as well.

So lets take a smattering of prominent Christian charities and see if your claim is true:

Its coming up on Christmas and thousands, if not tens of thousands of churches will be participating in Operation Christmas Child sponsored by Samaritans purse.

Tell me what hoops a child has to do in order to receive a gift box from Samaritan's purse and how that qualifies as demanding that they "tow the Christian line (your words)?"

How about another one. World Vision is one of the world's largest world relief organizations. Their web page says that they serve children regardless of race, ethnicity, country or religion.

Your argument implies that they are lying.

Prove it.

How about Compassion International? That's another organization that my church works with on an annual basis.

They claim that they distribute aid with no strings attached. If you are claiming that they are lying the burden is on you to demonstrate how.

Please show us how these three organizations all require some form of ideological capitulation before distributing aid.

These are only three.

When you are done, explain how "Food for the Poor (a catholic organization)," "Lifewater" and "Food for the Hungry" all do what you accuse them of doing.

Go ahead.

Drag all these ministries, their hard working and underpaid staff, and those who sacrifice their time and portions of their own hard earned dollars through the mud by trying to disqualify their heartfelt attempts to make this world a better place in the name of Christ.

Or maybe the better choice at this point is for you to just repent for telling your filthy lies and apologize publicly. We would all respect you more if you did.
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"A recent study suggests kids raised in religious homes show fewer signs of altruism than their secular counterparts. What does this mean?"



Well-known member
It is a lie that Christian Charity characteristically require "towing the Christian line" in order to receive aid.
No, it isn't. Most religious Christians give to others with the intent of "saving them to Christ", not with the intent of just helping them for the sake of helping them. How stridently they seek/demand repentance varies, but the intent is pretty well universal.
And its a claim we can easily test.
All we have to do is ask them.
Tell me what hoops a child has to do in order to receive a gift box from Samaritan's purse and how that qualifies as demanding that they "tow the Christian line (your words)?"
From the religious Christian persecutive, this kind of "giving" is basically advertising and promotion. Like corporations "giving" away t-shirts with their corporate logos on them.

I'm sure lots of Christians, religious or otherwise, give freely and with the purpose of just helping others. But when we subtract all the religious Christian giving that is done for the purpose of proselytizing, and promotion, we will find that Christians aren't any more giving than anyone else. And in fact, they may even be less so because they tend to be so intensely judgmental of others.

You, of course, cannot accept ANY criticism of Christians or religious Christianity, and because your own identity is being defined by your religious ideology, you think my criticisms are direct attacks on you and yours. And you're responding in kind.

Which basically means that nothing I post will get through to you as anything other than a personal attack. And so I'm just wasting my time even bothering to explain. Because you can't cognate any explanation I could give. In your world-view, there can be none.


Well-known member
I wouldn't have given you the hot sauce, but this is essentially what happened in this thread and you weren't acting. You are that guy.
Really smart people are grateful for "that guy", because he forces them to see themselves as they really are, as opposed to who they THINK they are.

A lot of religious Christians aren't very smart. So they just slide through life imagining that they are more righteous than everyone else because they are "saved", or "born again", or "believe on Jesus", or because they pretend God wrote the Bible, or whatever other religious dogma they use to puff up and cling to their own egos. Until someone like me comes along and bumps into them, rubs them the wrong way, says things they don't like, knocks them out of their sleep-walk, for just a moment. And if they're smart, and paying attention, they will realize they're being given a great opportunity through this chance abrasive encounter. Because it's a chance to get a glimpse of themselves as they really are.

But most are not smart. So they will just blame and condemn the abrasive stranger, and get their vengeance as they are able. Because that's who they really are. And sadly, that's who they will remain.


New member
Hall of Fame
No, it isn't. Most religious Christians give to others with the intent of "saving them to Christ", not with the intent of just helping them for the sake of helping them.

Yep thats certainly my goal when i pull names off angel trees at christmas and purchase gifts for children of prisoners and other people in need whose names i dont know and have never spoken with.

Yes, i always make those unknown kids jump through a hoop merely by selecting them at random. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Yep thats certainly my goal when i pull names off angel trees at christmas and purchase gifts for children of prisoners and other people in need whose names i dont know and have never spoken with.

Yes, i always make those unknown kids jump through a hoop merely by selecting them at random. :rolleyes:
It's amazing to me how consistently you all take any criticism of Christendom as a personal attack! It's like each of you thinks you're the only Christian on the planet! Or that every other one is an exact replica of yourself.


Well-known member
It's amazing to me how consistently you all take any criticism of Christendom as a personal attack! It's like each of you thinks you're the only Christian on the planet! Or that every other one is an exact replica of yourself.
Romans 12:5 1 Corinthians 12:12 Until recently, though I disagreed with you often enough, I didn't count you not amongst us by any necessity, but your chosen stance against the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ that all people need, more than food, clothing, or shelter, has greatly distanced.


New member
Hall of Fame
No, it isn't. Most religious Christians give to others with the intent of "saving them to Christ", not with the intent of just helping them for the sake of helping them.

Yep thats certainly my goal when i pull names off angel trees at christmas and purchase gifts for children of prisoners and other people in need whose names i dont know and have never spoken with.

Yes, i always make those unknown kids jump through a hoop merely by selecting them at random. :rolleyes:

It's amazing to me how consistently you all take any criticism of Christendom as a personal attack! It's like each of you thinks you're the only Christian on the planet! Or that every other one is an exact replica of yourself.

Are you so moronic that you dont realize that you arent here talking to other Christians on the planet, but those of us here on tol when you bloviate your biased nonsense?

Since you are speaking with US, its correct to assume you are including US in your asinine rhetoric.


Well-known member
Romans 12:5 1 Corinthians 12:12 Until recently, though I disagreed with you often enough, I didn't count you not amongst us by any necessity, but your chosen stance against the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ that all people need, more than food, clothing, or shelter, has greatly distanced.
What they need is not yours or anyone's religious dogma. What they need is God's love and forgiveness, generosity and kindness, being expressed to them through those of us who claim to be Christians. Because that's what real Christians, do.

I'm sorry if you can't see past your religious dogma to the healing reality of Christ, in the world.


New member
Hall of Fame
What they need is not yours or anyone's religious dogma. What they need is God's love and forgiveness, generosity and kindness, being expressed to them through those of us who claim to be Christians.

Do tell how they know where it came from, when you wish to silence all speak of it?


Well-known member
Really smart people are grateful for "that guy", because he forces them to see themselves as they really are, as opposed to who they THINK they are.

A lot of religious Christians aren't very smart.
I tend toward the same pride. It is something I'm working on so won't compare. I'll swallow mine this time round, God willing.
So they just slide through life imagining that they are more righteous than everyone else because they are "saved", or "born again", or "believe on Jesus", or because
They ARE more righteous, but it isn't a righteousness of their own. Purex, you need the saving-transforming life of Jesus Christ.

they pretend God wrote the Bible
Your God doesn't interact with you much... ...this however is revealing as to where your liberalism lies. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

or whatever other religious dogma they use to puff up and cling to their own egos.
Er..."A lot of religious Christians aren't very smart."
Either forgive them or look to your self.

Until someone like me comes along and bumps into them, rubs them the wrong way, says things they don't like, knocks them out of their sleep-walk, for just a moment.
Right...because giving to the needs, all needs including the Good News that Jesus saves, means we are asleep and not really giving, not really sacrificing - just wasting efforts, time, and money.

And if they're smart, and paying attention, they will realize they're being given a great opportunity through this chance abrasive encounter.
A lot of religious Christians aren't very smart."
But most are not smart.
Just interested in the gifted class?
Because it's a chance to get a glimpse of themselves as they really are...
...through your eyes.
You do think highly of yourself, but it might be worth your time to see how others perceive you. I am at least a tiny bit intelligent. :think:

So they will just blame and condemn the abrasive stranger, and get their vengeance as they are able. Because that's who they really are. And sadly, that's who they will remain.
You liken words to vengeance? At least you admit you are abrasive, but are thinking that is a good thing? Isn't that a bit like using sandpaper on porcelain? It might do the job, but that doesn't mean it is right, and in fact, it ruins the good china. If it is grandma's china, you are in trouble (and it is).

You were/are a wreck waiting to happen and are especially wrong about loving actions, no strings attached. AND as I said, an incredible hypocrite, if you have neither given time nor money to help another living soul on a regular basis. You have NO idea what I do at a foodbank, what the rescue mission does, how people are helped in front of abortion clinics, or what the Salvation Army does for people. You have no idea who was the first responders in several of the last hurricanes (Southern Baptists, while the Red Cross was still organizing).

Your abrasive opinion didn't help at all. It just ruined the good china and treated it badly in another person's house.


Well-known member
A lot of religious Christians aren't very smart.
And there you have it folks, the trifecta of arrogance and bigotry.

1. Point out all the negatives of the group you don't like and make sure to highlight them as often as possible.
2. Find ways to explain away the positives of the group so that they can be seen only in a negative light.
3. Call the group you don't like essentially stupid so that when you attack their core identity (or kill them all off) you can tell the world that you are really doing them a favor.

PureX said:
So they just slide through life imagining that they are more righteous than everyone else...
As apposed to yourself, who appears to slide through life thinking that you are smarter than everyone else.


PureX said:
...because they are "saved", or "born again", or "believe on Jesus", or because they pretend God wrote the Bible, or whatever other religious dogma they use to puff up and cling to their own egos.
Too many responses to count here.

With this one sentence you demonstrate that you have absolutely no idea what orthodox Christian doctrine of salvation actually means or says, no idea what it means to be "born again," no idea what the implications are about "believing on Jesus" no idea of the basics of the doctrine and concept of biblical innerancy and absolutely no idea what Christianty teaches about being egotistical.

You do, however, demonstrate by your bombastic and arrogant statements that you are blind to your own hypocrisy.

PureX said:
Until someone like me comes along and bumps into them, rubs them the wrong way, says things they don't like, knocks them out of their sleep-walk, for just a moment.
I see, so we should be grateful for encounters with enlightened ones like yourself, who possess far superior intellect than the average stupid Christian, right?

And we aren't to think that statements like this are examples of your own hypocritical egotism?


PureX said:
And if they're smart,
Which is unlikely given the assertion you make above:

PureX said:
A lot of religious Christians aren't very smart.

PureX said:
... and paying attention, they will realize they're being given a great opportunity through this chance abrasive encounter.
Because you are one of the enlightened ones right?

Should we all feel privileged to be stereotyped by someone with intellect as advanced as yours?


PureX said:
Because it's a chance to get a glimpse of themselves as they really are.

This is perhaps the biggest, most pompous statement you have made so far.


Step off.

The reason very few on TOL ask you their opinion on who "they really are" is because, very few on TOL actually care what you think about them.

PureX said:
But most are not smart....
And the bigotry continues....


Er, no. I do know He exists. As you are not an atheist, you at least concede that it is logically true. Be logically consistent....or not.

Then simply prove God's existence to the entirety of humanity -- beyond subjective whimsy....and settle the matter once and for all. :idunno:


Most of us will see this as taking liberty with texts.
As I have said before, it’s all interpretation. Like it or not, we do not have the original texts. The oldest manuscript we have at present is a tiny fragment of the Gospel John which has been dated to around 150 AD (CE).

What we have are copies of copies of copies. And different translations. And in today’s world, new Bible translations come out all the time.

If you cannot believe in a copy, you might not have anything to believe in.

As I said previously, I think the gospel certainly divides between those who are spiritual, and those who are not. I even think we are seeing it in thread, but I don't think exaggeration of the previous is needed to make that point.

Not possessing the ability to gaze at the human soul, read the intent of any believer or engage in mind-reading skills, your use of the term “divides” needs specific, legitimate standards.

Like I said, it’s all about interpretation.

Primogeniture is still prominent in many societies. Again, while I'm against overtly exaggerating Scripture statements overtly against the family, I agree with you that the gospel calls us to be in the world, but not of it. Sometimes or often, our devotion to Christ does come between earthly concern, but we are given ample feedback from scripture that shows it didn't always happen nor was often/always that extreme.

No first century Palestinian earthly father would celebrate the return of a pariah, whether from the family or not.

I understand the personal theology you are offering. I don’t think it coheres with the authentic “voice print” of Jesus.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Really smart people are grateful for "that guy", because he forces them to see themselves as they really are, as opposed to who they THINK they are.

A lot of religious Christians aren't very smart. So they just slide through life imagining that they are more righteous than everyone else because they are "saved", or "born again", or "believe on Jesus", or because they pretend God wrote the Bible, or whatever other religious dogma they use to puff up and cling to their own egos. Until someone like me comes along and bumps into them, rubs them the wrong way, says things they don't like, knocks them out of their sleep-walk, for just a moment. And if they're smart, and paying attention, they will realize they're being given a great opportunity through this chance abrasive encounter. Because it's a chance to get a glimpse of themselves as they really are.

But most are not smart. So they will just blame and condemn the abrasive stranger, and get their vengeance as they are able. Because that's who they really are. And sadly, that's who they will remain.

so you see yourself as serving a basically benevolent function, offering the opportunity to let your abrasive but benevolent genius illuminate the darker recesses of the minds of those who aren't nearly as smart as you?

how's that been working out?

you've been here what - 12 years?

has anybody ever responded to you by saying - gee purex, i never thought of it that way! thanks!

'cause if they have, i haven't seen it

looks more to me like you enjoy puffing yourself up and berating those you see as beneath you, at least in terms of enlightenment
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